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== Linux ==
== Linux ==
Moved to [[Configuration Common Linux]].
=== Install script ===
* Initial install script to install common applications
<source lang=bash>
sudo apt-get install git etckeeper

== Common Issues ==
sudo vi /etc/etckeeper/etckeeper.conf # Select git, avoid daily commit, avoid auto-commit
See [[Common Issues]].
sudo etckeeper init
sudo etckeeper commit "1st commit"
sudo vi .gitignore # Ignore resolv.c* (and cups/subscriptions.* before Ubuntu Precise)
sudo git rm --cached resolv.c*
sudo git rm --cached cups/subscriptions.* # No longer needed on Ubuntu Precise and after
sudo git add .gitignore
sudo etckeeper commit "ignore resolv.c*, cups/subscriptions.*"

== Windows ==
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list # Enable / add all relevant repositories (partner...)
To be completed
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install opera # or sudo dpkg -i opera...
sudo apt-get install libnss-mdns avahi-daemon mdns-scan synapse gitk git-gui git-doc \
mc autossh ssh vim-gnome exuberant-ctags cscope ruby keepassx

* Install [[CHM]] work-around.
# Restore my profile
* Set '''region locale''' to ''English (United States)'', and set date format to <code>yyyy-MM-dd</code> (some excel sheets depend on locale settings).
sudo vi /etc/hosts # Add host 'griffin'
ssh griffin -C "cat /etc/hosts" # recover any needed host ip address
sudo vi /etc/hosts # ... and write them
sudo etckeeper commit "update /etc/hosts file"
git clone git@apple-pi:git/home.git
mv home/.git .
rm -rf home
git reset --hard
git st
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
chmod 600 .ssh/*
chmod 644 .ssh/
mkdir tmp
git co opera -- .opera && git reset
git co mc -- .mc/ini && git reset
* Install the common repositories ([[Opera|Opera]], Synapse, [[Ubuntu#Ubuntu Tweak|Ubuntu Tweak]], [[XBMC#Install|XBMC]])
<source lang=bash>
# Opera
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:synapse-core/ppa # Synapse - older ubuntu release
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/next # Ubuntu Tweak
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nathan-renniewaldock/xbmc-stable # XBMC
:These repositories are obsolote or discontinued:
:*[[Linux Software#Gnome Terminator|Gnome Terminator]] (not needed anymore for ''Ubuntu Precise'' and above)
:*[[Ubuntu#Medibuntu|Medibuntu]] (replaced by Videolan)

== Wine ==
* Install common applications
<source lang=bash>
# Common Applications
sudo apt-get install rpcbind # Use 'portmap' before oneiric ocelot
sudo apt-get install terminator smbclient smbfs nfs-kernel-server nfs-common \
autofs apt-file p7zip-full p7zip-rar dlocate thunderbird \
chromium-browser meld colordiff ttf-mscorefonts-installer \
qiv gthumb gnupg-agent renameutils wine mplayer \
mplayer-doc mplayer-fonts flashplugin-installer \
gnome-mplayer gecko-mediaplayer gimp gdmap gparted \
ubuntu-tweak \
app-install-data-medibuntu xbmc xsel \
compizconfig-settings-manager moreutils tmux \
# Discontinued: ubuntu-restricted-extras
sudo apt-file update
sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/
# Optional essentials
sudo apt-get install nmap
# Optional applications
sudo apt-get install gnugo qgo uligo cgoban quarry pgpgpg powertop
# Optional - Fix blue video in flash (see below for details)
sudo mkdir /etc/adobe
echo -e "EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=1\nOverrideGPUValidation=true" | sudo tee /etc/adobe/mms.cfg > /dev/null
* Apply common settings (see below)
* Applications not from repositories:
** Panda glGo 1.4.1 (does not work on ''Oneiric 64-bit'')
* Install latest updates:
<source lang=bash>
sudo apt-get upgrade

=== Configuration ===
; Ubuntu 12.04
<source lang=bash>
sudo vi /etc/default/apport # Disable apport by setting "enabled=0"

* Configure CD-ROM reader for audio cd extraction (see [[Wine]]).
=== Common repositories ===
:First insert a ''data'' CD, then run <code>winecfg</code>. In the popup, go to the ''drives'' tab, and click ''auto-detect''.
See install script above

=== Common Applications ===
=== Applications ===

{| class="install_simple_log"
{| class="install_simple_log"
|'''Opera''' (<tt>opera</tt>)||See [[Opera]] to fix apt key issues
|'''Exact Audio Copy 1.0 b3''' (<tt>eac-1.0beta3.exe</tt>)||
* Needs a [[Wine#Exact Audio Copy|workaround]] to install:
|'''Synapse''' (<tt>synapse</tt>)||Using {{kb|Alt-{{kbkey|Space}}}} as shortcut (requires to disable {{kb|Alt}} for HUD, and {{kb|Alt-Space}} for Windows Menu in Compiz)
<source lang=bash>
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:synapse-core/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install synapse
|'''Git''' (<tt>git gitk git-gui git-doc gitweb git-svn</tt>)||<small>[2011-12-15]</small> {{red|Updated to 1.7.8}} [ Installed from sources]
|'''etckeeper''' (<tt>etckeeper</tt>)||Configured to use ''git'' as SCM, ''AVOID_DAILY_AUTOCOMMITS'', ''AVOID_COMMIT_BEFORE_INSTALL''
|'''mDNS''' (<tt>libnss-mdns avahi-daemon mdns-scan</tt>)||After install, do:
<source lang=bash>
Machine should broadcast its ip address on ''griffin.local'' to all avahi clients. For some strange reason, avahi may append a <tt>-2</tt> suffix to broadcast name. To avoid that, edit <tt>/etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf</tt> and set '''host-name''' variable:
<source lang=text>
|'''Midnight Commander''' (<tt>mc</tt>)||See [[Midnight Commander|reference page]]. Use '''vi''' as standard viewer/editor. Installed version from mc official repository to fix file highlighting issue.
|'''AutoSSH''' (<tt>autossh</tt>)||
|'''SSH''' (<tt>ssh</tt>)||[[#SSH|Local settings]]
|'''Vim''' (<tt>vim vim-gnome exuberant-ctags</tt>)||including '''GVim''' to enable support of X clipboard
|'''Vim/Cscope''' (<tt>cscope</tt>)||
|'''Ruby''' (<tt>ruby</tt>)||... for Vim plug-in <tt>snipMate.vim</tt>
|'''Gnome Terminator''' (<tt>terminator</tt>)||See [[Linux Software#Gnome Terminator|Gnome Terminator]]
|'''Samba''' (<tt>smbclient smbfs</tt>)||
|'''NFS Server''' (<tt>nfs-kernel-server nfs-common rpcbind</tt>)||See [[NFS]] for more details; Created entries in <tt>/etc/exports</tt>. ''rpcbind'' replaces ''portmap'' since Oneiric.
|'''AutoFS''' (<tt>autofs</tt>)||
* Mount '''mnemosyne''' shares as '''NFS autofs''' (see []) and as '''SMB autofs'''
:Enabled/created the following automounters in <tt>/etc/auto.master</tt>:
/net /etc/
/smb/mnemosyne /etc/auto.smb.mnemosyne
* Create configuration file '''<tt>/etc/auto.smb.mnemosyne</tt>'''
* Create SMB credential files '''<tt>/etc/auto.smb.mnemosyne.*</tt>''' (see <code>man mount.cifs</code>)
* <s>Created path for mount points:</s>
<s><source lang="bash">
sudo mkdir /net
sudo mkdir -p /smb/mnemosyne
# ls /net/mnemosyne
# sudo mkdir -p /mnt/mnemosyne
# for i in /net/mnemosyne/volume1/*; do sudo ln -s $i /mnt/mnemosyne/$(basename $i); done
* Or recover settings from an already configured host:
<source lang="bash">
<source lang="bash">
cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Exact\ Audio\ Copy/
scp griffin:tmp/autofs.tgz . # Configure autofs
regsvr32 sql*
sudo tar -xvzf autofs.tgz
sudo cp etc/* /etc
* FreedB name set to ''ABBA - Number Ones \ 03 Dancing Queen - ABBA''
* FLAC &mdash; set compression to <tt>-8</tt>
|'''KeePassX''' (<tt>keepassx</tt>)||
* Set kbd layout to fix autotype bug ([]). Create <tt>~/.xprofile</tt> []:
<source lang=bash>

setxkbmap be
|'''apt-file''' (<tt>apt-file</tt>)||
|'''p7zip''' (<tt>p7zip-full p7zip-rar</tt>)||
|'''dlocate''' (<tt>dlocate</tt>)||
|'''Thunderbird''' (<tt>thunderbird</tt>)||
|'''Google Chrome''' (<tt>chromium-browser</tt>)||
|'''Meld''' (<tt>meld</tt>)||Diff tool
|'''Color Diff''' (<tt>colordiff</tt>)||
|'''MS Truetype core fonts''' (<tt>ttf-msttcorefonts-installer</tt>)||
|'''Qiv''' (<tt>qiv</tt>)||
|'''gThumb''' (<tt>gthumb</tt>)||
|'''GPG Agent''' (<tt>gnupg-agent</tt>)||Added <code>use-agent</code> at end of <tt>~/.gnupg/gpg.conf</tt>
|'''Rename utils''' (<tt>renameutils</tt>)||
|'''Wine''' (<tt>wine</tt>)||See [[Configuration NXP Dell Latitude_E6500 - Wine|Wine page]]
|'''MPlayer''' (<tt>mplayer mplayer-doc mplayer-fonts</tt>)||
|'''Flash Plugin 10''' (<tt>flashplugin-installer</tt>)||
* Enable Ubuntu partner repository if needed(<tt>deb lucid partner</tt>).
* In case of error <code>failure to download extra data files flashplugin-installer</code>, try
<source lang=bash>
sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-installer
(Old recipe:
<source lang="bash">sudo aptitude autoremove "flashplugin-*"
sudo aptitude install flashplugin-installer
* '''{{red|broken}}'''&mdash; This is too unstable, see next solution &mdash; On Ubuntu 12.04 with NVidia card, there is a bug ''[ Flash video appears blue]''. That link recommends to update ''libvdpau1'', but in my case it was already at the latest version. Instead the following did the trick (from [ bug 968647]):
<source lang=bash>
sudo mkdir /etc/adobe
echo -e "EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=1\nOverrideGPUValidation=true" | sudo tee /etc/adobe/mms.cfg > /dev/null
* Another solution is to disable ''hardware acceleration'', by going into flash player settings. If the settings window is not clickable, first disable unity 3D (for instance with <code>metacity --replace&</code>)
|'''Quicktime plugin''' (<tt>gnome-mplayer gecko-mediaplayer</tt>)||To play Quicktime content in ''Opera'', ''Firefox''
|'''Gimp''' (<tt>gimp</tt>)||
|'''Graphical Disk Map''' (<tt>gdmap</tt>)||
|'''gparted''' (<tt>gparted</tt>)||
|'''Ubuntu restricted extras''' (<tt>ubuntu-restricted-extras</tt>)||shall install automatically '''libdvdread4'''
|'''libdvdcss2'''||Installed via <code>sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/</code> (see also [])
|'''Ubuntu tweak''' (<tt>ubuntu-tweak</tt>)||see [[Ubuntu#Ubuntu Tweak|Ubuntu Tweak]]
|'''Medibuntu application center''' (<tt>app-install-data-medibuntu</tt>)||This install medibuntu apps in Ubuntu Application Center
|'''XBMC''' (<tt>xbmc</tt>)||see [[XBMC#Install|XBMC]]
|'''XSel''' (<tt>xsel</tt>)||
|'''Compiz config settings manager''' (<tt>compizconfig-settings-manager</tt>)||
|'''moreutils'''||For ''chronic'', ''sponge''
|'''tmux''' (<tt>tmux</tt>)||Alternative to ''screen'', but with support for multiple panes like ''terminator''
|'''CPU indicator''' (<tt>indicator-multiload</tt>)||Selected ''CPU'', ''Memory'', ''Network''

'''Optional Applications:'''

{| class="install_simple_log"
|'''GNU Go''' (<tt>gnugo</tt>)||
|Various '''Go''' games (<tt>qgo uligo cgoban</tt>)||
|'''Quarry''' (<tt>quarry</tt>)||Board games Go, Amazons, and Reversi
|'''PGP''' (<tt>pgpgpg</tt>)
|'''PowerTop''' (<tt>powertop</tt>)||

'''Applications not from repositories:'''

{| class="install_simple_log"
|'''Panda glGo 1.4.1'''||See [[Linux Software#Panda glGo|local page]] &mdash; does not work on ''Oneiric 64-bit''

'''Optional Essentials''':

{| class="install_simple_log"
|'''nmap''' (<tt>nmap</tt>)||For use with my git ''prj'' script

=== Common Settings ===
==== Network ====
* '''Samba / NFS client''': Via ''autofs''

* [[Ubuntu#Assign Ctrl-Alt-Del to Shutdown dialog|Use '''Ctrl-Alt-Delete''' for shutdown dialog]].

<source lang=bash>
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -m -u 1100 marie
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -m -u 1200 isma
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -m -u 1300 emma
sudo passwd marie
sudo passwd isma
sudo passwd emma

* Custom keyboard mapping '''be''':
<source lang=bash>
# From my profile
sudo cp ~/etc/be /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/be

==== Miscellaneous ====
* Disable '''apport'''. Set <code>enabled=0</code> in <tt>/etc/default/apport</tt>

* Edit '''AppArmor tunables'''. If home directories are not located at ''/home'' (e.g. ''/data/home''), edit apparmor tunables. See [[Linux_Software#Evince|here for details]].

==== Workaround ====
* Install custom ''udisks'' package, version ''1.0.4-5ubuntu2.1fuu1'', to fix unreadable DVD-RW. See [[Linux_Admin#Udisks|udisks]], or [ bug 635499]).
sudo dpkg -i udisks_1.0.4-5ubuntu2.1fuu1_amd64.deb

== Windows ==
To be completed

Latest revision as of 08:13, 17 April 2019


To be completed


Moved to Configuration Common Linux.

Common Issues

See Common Issues.


To be completed

  • Install CHM work-around.
  • Set region locale to English (United States), and set date format to yyyy-MM-dd (some excel sheets depend on locale settings).



  • Configure CD-ROM reader for audio cd extraction (see Wine).
First insert a data CD, then run winecfg. In the popup, go to the drives tab, and click auto-detect.


Exact Audio Copy 1.0 b3 (eac-1.0beta3.exe)
cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Exact\ Audio\ Copy/
regsvr32 sql*
  • FreedB name set to ABBA - Number Ones \ 03 Dancing Queen - ABBA
  • FLAC — set compression to -8