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* [http://media-mcw.cursecdn.com/1/12/MinecraftPotionsClean.png Minecraft Potions Poster]<br/>All the potions in one poster
* [http://media-mcw.cursecdn.com/1/12/MinecraftPotionsClean.png Minecraft Potions Poster]<br/>All the potions in one poster

=== Factions ===
* [http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/970503- Ultimate Guide to Factions]

Revision as of 09:10, 30 July 2013

My page dedicated to minecraft.


Minecraft Client

  • http://www.minecrafthasrunoutofmemory.com/13-ways-to-make-minecraft-run-faster/
    • Install Optifine
    • Allocate more memory
      however there is conflicting recommendations there. Probably garbage collector introduce big latency if lots of memory is allocated, whereas smaller memory will trigger the gc more often but with less work. There is an option however to trigger the gc incrementally (-Xinggc)
    • Run in windowed mode
      Sometimes MC freezes in fullscreen, but runs fine in window mode, even maximized!!!
    • Run 64-bit java / Change java provider
  • http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/343030-minecraft-speedoptimization-guide-v-24-1-updated-on-mar-14-2013/
    • Play on "fast" and "tiny" graphics, turn off clouds, and use Advanced OpenGL
    • Don't Use texture packs bigger than 16x, which is the default resolution
    • Give minecraft more/less memory (384MB for vanilla, 512 when using lots of mods, 2048MB when 100 mods, lots of creatures, etc)
    • Update LWJGL! (LightWeight Java Game Library)

Minecraft Server

java -d64 -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui

CraftBukkit Plugins

A small plugin to clear the server log from in-game, w/o need to restart the server (/logclear)
This plugin allows for preventing / controling explosion.
# Enable TNT explosion as follows (note that tnt chain are allowed by default)
/acs tnt yield 80              # 80% of exploded blocks will be available back
/acb tnt damage player true    # TNT will damage players...
/acb tnt damage mob true       # ... and mobs
/acb tnt explodeblocks true    # TNT will explode neighbouring blocks
# To protect a zone against TNT (even via TNT cannon)
/rg flag spawn tnt deny
  • DynMap
  • AntiBotUltra
    • Edit plugins/AntiBotUltra/config.yml to change the white list message (use § for colors)
  • AntiCheat
    Problem with these statistical tool is that they only detect after damage is done (all diamonds have been removed), and that they require administration effort.
    Nice analysis of pro and con of other anti-X-ray tools (statistical, obfuscator), and how to detect xraying users.

Create PlotMe world

/mv create plotworld normal -g PlotMe           # Must use 'plotworld', or see PlotMe/config.yml
/mangaddp Default creativegates.use             # In the PlotMe world, or user can't use creative gates anymore
/mangaddp Default plotme.use                    # Give user access to plotme commands
/mangaddp Default plotme.limit.1                # Limit to 1 plot / user
/plotme weanywhere                              # To use worldedit anywhere (protection against grief)
/mvm set monsters false                         # To prevent mobs spawning
/mvm set animals false                          # To prevent animals spawning

Edit file plugins/Multiverse-Core/config.yml:

  prefixchat: 'false'

Permissions in Multiverse

/manuadd histerical Default plotworld           # Change group of a user in a given world

Essentials kits

To enable kits via signs, give to user the following permissions:


To enable kits via /kit command, give the following permissions to the users:



  • Clear server log
Use LogManager: /logclear
  • Clear core-protect db.
On the console, /co purge t:7d (only data older than 24h can be purged from the console)
In game, /co purge t:30d (only data older than 30 days can be purged from in-game)

CraftBukkit Troubleshoot

Essentials / permissions debug

To debug permission issues easily, set plugins/Essentials/config.yml:

# More output to the console.
debug: true

Cannot start the server

  • I had issue due to jline, which was parsing my /root/.inputrc file!!!
$ java -jar craftbukkit.jar help
229 recipes
27 achievements
Jul 10, 2013 3:00:24 AM net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.MinecraftServer main
SEVERE: Failed to start the minecraft server
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.Operation.DYNAMIC_COMPLETE_HISTORY
	at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Enum.java:236)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.Operation.valueOf(Operation.java:24)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.ConsoleKeys.loadKeys(ConsoleKeys.java:245)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.ConsoleKeys.loadKeys(ConsoleKeys.java:71)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.ConsoleKeys.<init>(ConsoleKeys.java:43)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.ConsoleReader.<init>(ConsoleReader.java:146)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.ConsoleReader.<init>(ConsoleReader.java:126)
	at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.MinecraftServer.<init>(MinecraftServer.java:106)
	at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.DedicatedServer.<init>(DedicatedServer.java:34)
	at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.MinecraftServer.main(MinecraftServer.java:653)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main.main(Main.java:152)

The solution was simply to remove the binding to dynamic-complete-history in the .inputrc file.

Mods (Single Player)



Check the link above for helpful tips
Check this link for advice to avoid being detected on multiplayer servers
Check this link for advice on how to avoid being detected on multiplayer servers
Press r for Simply Hax Flying, i for Simply Hax Vision.
Not great. Flying is detectable, and vision is mere clipping vision.

See anti-cheat pluggin on Bukkit for counter-weapons ;-)


Color on Signs

See [3].


PvP Tips

Faction bases and TNT

Some techniques and counter-techniques to protect faction bases on PvP server:

  • Regular base can be attacked via regular TNT cannon
  • Usual counter-technique is to use a water wall around the base
  • Hybrid cannon can be used to destroy water wall, although only at the base of the wall.
  • If water wall is at the border of the faction claimed chunk, one can use pistons instead to push blocks in the water. Eg. Push 1 glass block, 1 TNT block on top, and yet another block on top to protect from falling water.
  • Use redstone block to trigger a TNT from a distance. Use a piston to push up to
  • If TNT & sand is falling while overlapping, and TNT explodes while still being overlapped, will the engine consider the TNT be in a water block or in the overlapping sand block?
  • Falling sand is not longer a regular block, but an entity handled by the physical engine.
  • Falling sand that hits a slab or similar will break.
  • Foresee an intrusion detection mechanism that will trigger a chest transport system. Like moving the content of the chest to another location. Eg: explode the chest, collect result deep down, use hoppers to move items around, then TNT everything afterwards.
  • Make walls in 1/2 obsidian, 1/2 water source. Each time an obsidian is broken (takes 7 TNT on CraftyServ), this will reveal a water source, adding to the water wall around obsidian.
  • Ideally protect a single chunk, and claim the 8 chunks around (so that distance is at least 16 blocks, cannot be reached via Piston). Maybe 4 chunk around (n,s,e,w) is enough, but would need carefull thinking ;-)

Secret bases

  • Build a transparent base very high in the sky, touching the y=255 limit.
    • Base should be transparent (glass block) so that it does not cast a shadow on the floor.
    • Ideally do it above ocean so that we can leave the base easily. It also makes the shadow (if any) harder to spot.
    • If the base is really high, it should not be visible in normal render distance setting (limited to 128 blocks max). This is then better than building the base underground, since it is still visible if player has an x-ray texture pack or mod. However in far (max 256 blocks) the base becomes visibles when staying long enough in the chunk or neightbourhood
  • Better solution, is to make the base out of chests only. Set all chest at y=255, and one at y=254. Sit on top of the latter, and set your home there.
  • This works because chests are no longer rendered when away of ~64 blocks! This makes a really invisible base ;-) (see [4], this is not a bug but works as intended)
  • Chest do not appear either on the rei's minimap at such height, so the base will not appear even on uniform landscape.

Hiding things

  • Use paintings + door behind (or signs) to hide secret entrance
  • Hide chest behind lava
  • Click + jump
  • Sign when clicked reacts like a button? --> hide behind lava
  • Using hoe on dirt triggers a redstone signal (at least with a torch under it - see [5])

  • Note: wood staircase can look like wood blocks, and seemingly block chest, when actually do not since they are non opaque blocks.

Game Tips


Brewing / Potions
