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$attr = array("border"=>"myborder", "mode"=>"mymode"); // associative array
$attr = array("border"=>"myborder", "mode"=>"mymode"); // associative array

/* strings */
'abc' . 'def' // concatenation
"abc $var def" // variable reference in strings
$s=str_replace("\n","",$s); // Replace a substring in a string
$s=str_replace(array("\r","\n","\t"," "),"",$s; // ... idem, with several substrings (also support several "replace" strings)

/* constant */
/* constant */

Revision as of 04:20, 2 January 2016




/* arrays */
$attr = array();          // an empty array
$attr = array("border"=>"myborder", "mode"=>"mymode");   // associative array

/* strings */
'abc' . 'def'                                     // concatenation
"abc $var def"                                    // variable reference in strings
$s=str_replace("\n","",$s);                       // Replace a substring in a string
$s=str_replace(array("\r","\n","\t"," "),"",$s;   // ... idem, with several substrings (also support several "replace" strings)

/* constant */
NULL;              // The null reference