Griffin - Ubuntu: Difference between revisions

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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
This is the configuration page for the '''Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat''' partition on '''[[Configuration Griffin|Griffin]]'''.
This is the configuration page for the '''[[Ubuntu]]''' partition on '''[[Configuration Griffin|Griffin]]'''.

== Configuration Files ==
== Configuration Files ==
Line 6: Line 6:

== Repositories ==
== Repositories ==
In addition to repositories in the common configuration:
* Added Opera (automatically added when installing Opera)
* Added [[Midnight Commander#Official repository|Midnight Commander official repository]]
* Added [[Ubuntu#Ubuntu Tweak|Ubuntu Tweak]]
* Added [[Ubuntu#Medibuntu|Medibuntu]]
* Added [[XBMC#Install|XBMC]]
* Added [[Amule#iplist|IPList]]
* Added [[Amule#iplist|IPList]]
* <s>Added [[Git#Install|gitg]]</s>
* Added [ texlive-backports ppa] (backports of latest TeX Live from Ubuntu 12.10, see [])
<source lang=bash>
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:texlive-backports/ppa
* Added [ LibreOffice 4.0.x PPA] (LibreOffice 4.0.x series stable backports ppa, see [])
<source lang=bash>
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-4-0
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libreoffice-gnome

== Installed Applications ==
== Installed Applications ==
=== Common Applications ===
See [[Configuration Common#Linux|Common configuration for Linux]].
Not installed yet:
Undex Wine:

=== Essentials ===
Under Linux:

{| class="install_simple_log"
{| class="install_log"
|'''Google Chrome''' (<tt>chromium-browser</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''VirtualBox 3.2.4''' (<tt>virtualbox-3.2</tt>)||<small>[2010-05-26]</small> [[#VirtualBox|Local settings]]. <font color="red">Updated to 3.2.4!</font> &mdash; See [[VirtualBox]]
|'''TrueCrypt'''||<small>[2012-04-29]</small> v7.0a, with AES-NI instructions!
|[2011-01-15]||'''SSH Tunnel script''' (<tt></tt>, <tt>libssl-dev</tt>)||Thierry Walrant's Perl script <tt></tt>
* Preferences &rarr; '''uncheck''' ''Preserve modification timestamp of file containers'' (such that they are included in rsync backup without need for <code>--checksum</code>)
|'''Privoxy''' (<tt>privoxy</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Synergy Plus 1.3.4''' (<tt>synergy-plus</tt>)||<small>[2010-06-09]</small> <font color="red">Updated to Synergy-plus 1.3.4!</font><br/> [[X#Synergy|Reference page]]. Added <tt>/usr/bin/synergyc</tt> to <tt>/etc/suoders</tt><br/>Added quick alias to <tt>~/.bashrc</tt>
|'''LAMP''' (<tt>apache2 php5 mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql</tt>)||See [[#LAMP|local config]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''Foxit Reader''' (<tt>qiv</tt>)||Extracted <tt>tar.gz</tt> in <tt>/usr/local/bin</tt><br/>Icons in <tt>/usr/share/pixmaps/foxitreader.png</tt>.<br/>Desktop file in <tt>/usr/share/applications/</tt> + edited mime type in <tt>~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list</tt> to associate with <tt>application/pdf</tt>files
|'''PHPMyAdmin''' (<tt>phpmyadmin</tt>)||Install for ''apache2'' + configure database with <tt>dbconfig-common</tt>. See [[#LAMP|local config]] apache2 only,
|[2011-01-15]||'''Google Earth''' (<tt>googleearth googleearth-data</tt>)||Requires [[Ubuntu#Medibuntu|'''Medibuntu''' repository]]
|'''Courier IMAP''' (<tt>courier-imap courier-doc courier-imap-ssl</tt>)
|[2011-01-15]||'''Nautilus Audio Converter''' (<tt>wavpack mppenc libmpcdec3 faac flac vorbis-tools faad lame nautilus-script-audio-convert</tt>)||Enable script <tt>ConvertAudioFile</tt> (Menu ''Preference'' &rarr; ''Nautilus Script<u>s</u> Manager''). See [ Ubuntu Geek - Simplest way to convert audio file(s) on Ubuntu Linux]
|* Install (reference [[IMAP#Courier IMAP on Ubuntu|here]]):
* Create directories for web-based administration
* SSL Certificate: <tt>/etc/courier/pop3d.pem</tt>, <tt>/etc/courier/imapd.pem</tt>
* Postfix configuration: '''local only'''
|'''Courier-POP3''' (<tt>courier-pop courier-pop-ssl</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Sage 4.2.1'''||Recovered from [[Configuration NXP Dell Latitude D620 - AndLinux|AndLinux]]. Restored old workspaces from <tt>~beq06659/.sage</tt> and <tt>/root/.sage</tt>. See [[Sage]]
|'''Courier-MTA''' (<tt>courier-mta courier-mta-ssl</tt>)
|[2011-01-15]||'''tnef''' (<tt>tnef,ytnef</tt>)||Parsing <tt>winmail.dat</tt> attachment
|so that mails are sent to Courier mailboxes.
* Set alias for ''postmaster'', edit <tt>/etc/courier/aliases/system</tt>:
postmaster: baddreams
|'''Evolution plugins''' (<tt>evolution-plugins-experimental</tt>)||For opening <tt>Winmail.dat</tt> attachment in ''Evolution''
|[2011-01-15]||'''Recoll desktop search''' (<tt>recoll</tt>)||See also [[Linux Software#Recoll|Recoll page]].
|[2011-01-15]||'''X File Explorer''' (<tt>xfe</tt>)||
|'''Evolution RSS''' (<tt>evolution-rss</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''4Pane''' (<tt>4pane</tt>)||See [[Linux Software#4Pane]]
|'''GNU C/C++ compiler''' (<tt>g++</tt>)||
|'''C/C++ documentation''' (<tt>manpages-posix-dev stl-manual</tt>)||Make SGI doc available at http://localhost/sgi :<source lang="bash">ln -s /usr/share/doc/stl-manual/html /var/www/sgi</source>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Javadoc'''||Installed on http://nxl67002ux/. ''JDK 1.4.2'' in <tt>/data/www/javase/1.4.2/docs</tt>; ''JDK 6u21'' in <tt>/data/www/javase/6/docs</tt>

{| class="install_log"
|'''GNU libc documentation''' (<tt>glibc-doc</tt>)||
!colspan="2" align="left"|Common Essential:
|[2011-01-15]||'''Gnome DO''' (<tt>gnome-do</tt>)||
|'''Eclipse''' (<tt>eclipse</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Opera''' (<tt>opera</tt>)||<small>[2011-01-15]</small> {{red|v 11.00.1156}}
|'''Psi''' (<tt>psi</tt>)||See [[#Psi|local config]]
|'''LaTeX''' (<tt>texlive texlive-xetex latex2hml</tt>)||Including XeTeX package<br/>Upgraded to TeX Live 2012 (from ''texlive-backports'' ppa)
|[2011-01-15]||'''Google Chrome''' (<tt>chromium-browser</tt>)||
|'''TeX Extra packages''' (<tt>texlive-plain-extra texlive-science texlive-latex-extra</tt>)||Soul package requires CTAN color package - see []<br/><small>[2011-01-14]</small> Added texlive-science.<br/>Upgraded to TeX Live 2012 (from ''texlive-backports'' ppa) &mdash; requires package ''texlive-latex-extra''
|[2011-01-15]||'''Midnight Commander''' (<tt>mc</tt>)||See [[Linux_Commands#mc_.28Midnight_Commander.29|reference page]]. Use '''vi''' as standard viewer/editor. Installed version from mc official repository to fix file highlighting issue.
|'''pdftk''' (<tt>pdftk</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Vim''' (<tt>vim, exuberant-ctags, vim-gnome</tt>)||including '''GVim''' to enable support of X clipboard
|[2011-01-15]||'''Ruby''' (<tt>ruby</tt>)||... for Vim plug-in <tt>snipMate.vim</tt>
|'''KDirStat''' (<tt>kdirstat</tt>)||
|'''PCSC Tools''' (<tt>pcsc-tools</tt>)||For <tt>[ ATR_analysis]</tt>.
|[2011-01-15]||'''Vim/Cscope''' (<tt>cscope</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Samba''' (<tt>smbclient smbfs</tt>)||
|'''ACL''' (<tt>acl</tt>)||
|'''[[X#Synergy|Synergy]]''' (<tt>synergy</tt>)||<font color="red">v1.4.10!</font> See [[#Synergy|local settings]].
|[2011-01-16]||'''NFS Server''' (<tt>nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap</tt>)||See [[NFS]] for more details; Created entries in <tt>/etc/exports</tt>.
|'''Acrobat Reader''' (<tt>acroread</tt>)||Edit mime type in <tt>~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list</tt>:<source lang="bash">
|[2011-01-15]||'''AutoFS''' (<tt>autofs</tt>)||See [[#Network|local config]]
[Added Associations]
Add to <tt>~/.mailcap</tt>:
<source lang="bash">
application/pdf; acroread '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.pdf
application/x-pdf; acroread '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.pdf
application/x-bzpdf; acroread '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.pdf.bz2
application/x-gzpdf; acroread '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.pdf.gz

=== Local Applications ===

{| class="install_simple_log"
|'''MBR''' (<tt>mbr</tt>)||To create VirtualBox rawdisk
|[2011-01-18]||'''TrueCrypt'''||<small>[2011-01-18]</small> v7.0a, with AES-NI instructions!
|[2011-01-15]||'''KeePassX''' (<tt>keepassx</tt>)||
|'''Racoon''' (<tt>racoon</tt>)||For RSA key generation, see [[Crypto]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''Privoxy''' (<tt>privoxy</tt>)||
|'''HTTrack''' (<tt>httrack</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''apt-file''' (<tt>apt-file</tt>)||
|'''NTL''' (<tt>libntl-dev libntl-5.4.2</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''LAMP''' (<tt>apache2 php5 mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql</tt>)||See [[#LAMP|local config]]
|'''GMP''' (<tt>libgmp3-dev libgmp3c2 gmp-ecm</tt>)||
|'''MDF to ISO Converter''' (<tt>mdf2iso</tt>)||CD image conversion utility
|[2011-01-15]||'''PHPMyAdmin''' (<tt>phpmyadmin</tt>)||Install for ''apache2'' + configure database with <tt>dbconfig-common</tt>. See [[#LAMP|local config]] apache2 only,
|[2011-01-15]||'''SSH''' (<tt>ssh</tt>)||[[#SSH|Local settings]]
|'''K3b''' (<tt>k3b</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''AutoSSH''' (<tt>autossh</tt>)||
|'''aMule''' (<tt>amule</tt>)||
|'''fdupes''' (<tt>fdupes</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Courier IMAP''' (<tt>courier-imap courier-doc courier-imap-ssl</tt>)||[[IMAP#Courier IMAP on Ubuntu|Install instructions]] and [[#Courier IMAP|local settings]]
|'''PuddleTag''' (<tt>puddletag python-qt4 python-pyparsing python-mutagen python-configobj python-musicbrainz2</tt>)||<small>[2010-12-23]</small> {{red|v 0.9.11}} See [[Linux Software#PuddleTag|local page]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''Courier-POP3''' (<tt>courier-pop courier-pop-ssl</tt>)||
|'''FTP Server''' (<tt>proftpd-basic</tt>)||Followed instructions [ here]<br/>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Courier-MTA''' (<tt>courier-mta courier-mta-ssl</tt>)||so that mails are sent to Courier mailboxes
* Selected run from ''inetd'' during install, but configured to run ''standalone'' so that it must be started manually with.
<source lang="bash">sudo /etc/init.d/proftd start</source>
* Added <tt>/bin/false</tt> to <tt>/etc/shells</tt>
* Created user ''userftp'', with shell <tt>/bin/false</tt> to prevent login. Directory <tt>/home/userftp/incoming</tt> (mode 777)
* Login with user ''userftp'' + user passwd
|Some '''git browsers''' (<tt>qgit gitg source-highlight</tt>)||<small>[2011-02-21]</small> {{red|gitg updated to 0.0.8! }}
|[2011-01-15]||'''Evolution plugins''' (<tt>evolution-plugins-experimental</tt>)||For opening <tt>Winmail.dat</tt> attachment in ''Evolution''
|'''Nautilus Audio Converter''' (<tt>wavpack mppenc libmpcdec6 faac flac vorbis-tools faad lame libid3-3.8.3-dev nautilus-script-audio-convert</tt>)||Enable script <tt>ConvertAudioFile</tt> (Menu ''Preference'' &rarr; ''Nautilus Script<u>s</u> Manager''). See [[Linux audio]].
|[2011-01-15]||'''Evolution RSS''' (<tt>evolution-rss</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Thunderbird''' (<tt>thunderbird</tt>)||
|'''Canorus''' (<tt>canorus</tt>)||Music score editor. Sounds does not work.
|[2011-01-15]||'''GNU C/C++ compiler''' (<tt>g++</tt>)||
|'''Frescobaldi''' (<tt>frescobaldi</tt>)||Music score editor.
|'''MuseScore''' (<tt>musescore</tt>)||Another music score editor. Play sound out of the box.
|[2011-01-15]||'''C/C++ documentation''' (<tt>manpages-posix-dev stl-manual</tt>)||Make SGI doc available at http://localhost/sgi :<source lang="bash">ln -s /usr/share/doc/stl-manual/html /var/www/sgi</source>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Oracle/Sun Java JDK 1.6''' (<tt>sun-java6-jdk</tt>)||
|'''Calibre''' (<tt>calibre</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Eclipse 3.5.2 Galileo''' (<tt>eclipse</tt>)||
|'''Perl Audio Converter''' (<tt>pacpl</tt>)||
|'''VirtualBox''' (<tt>virtualbox</tt>)||<small>[2011-06-01]</small> [[#VirtualBox|Local settings]]. <font color="red">Updated to 4.0.14!</font> &mdash; See [[VirtualBox]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''Meld''' (<tt>meld</tt>)||Diff tool
|[2011-01-15]||'''Color Diff''' (<tt>colordiff</tt>)||
|'''dwww''' (<tt>dwww</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''p7zip''' (<tt>p7zip-full p7zip-rar</tt>)||
|'''Word Diff''' (<tt>wdiff</tt>)||
|'''Transmission''' (<tt>transmission</tt>)||Disabled ''DHT'', ''PEX''. Seed until ratio = 2.0. Enable privacy filter.
|[2011-01-15]||'''dlocate''' (<tt>dlocate</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''XSel''' (<tt>xsel</tt>)||
|'''dos2unix''' (<tt>dos2unix</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Psi''' (<tt>psi</tt>)||See [[#Psi|local config]]
|'''hexedit''' (<tt>hexedit</tt>)||
|'''violin tuner''' (<tt>fmit, gtkguitune, lingot</tt>)||<tt>gtkguitune</tt> does not seem to work though...
|[2011-01-15]||'''MS Truetype core fonts''' (<tt>ttf-msttcorefonts-installer</tt>)||
|'''[[Linux Commands#ack|Ack]]''' (<tt>ack-grep</tt>)||A better grep... <source lang=bash>sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ack-grep /usr/local/bin/ack</source>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Compiz config settings manager''' (<tt>compizconfig-settings-manager</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Ubuntu restricted extras''' (<tt>ubuntu-restricted-extras</tt>)||shall install automatically '''libdvdread4'''
|'''uncrustify'''||{{red|v0.59}}, compiled from source, copied to <tt>/usr/local/bin</tt>
|[2011-01-18]||'''libdvdcss2'''||Installed via <code>sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/</code> (see also [])
|'''openJDK 6 32-bit'''||Installed via ''APT'', in <tt>/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386</tt>:
|[2011-01-15]||'''CUPS PDF''' (<tt>cups-pdf</tt>)||Allow CUPS to access ~/PDF:<source lang="bash" enclose="prevalid">sudo aa-complain cupsd</source>
<source lang=bash>
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk:i386 \
libice-dev libsm-dev libxt-dev
# Adding 'libice-dev libsm-dev libxt-dev'
# ... to avoid these packages to be removed
Otherwise it can also be copied from e.g. Ubuntu Lucid 32-bit distribution (used to copy <tt>/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk</tt> to <tt>/usr/'''lib32'''/jvm/java-6-openjdk</tt>)
|[2011-01-15]||'''Qiv''' (<tt>qiv</tt>)||
|'''openJDK 7''' (<tt>openjdk-7-jdk openjdk-7-jre</tt>)||Selected alternatives with:
<source lang=bash>
sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
# TODO: Add others (like ant, javah, etc?)
|'''Oracle JDK 7''' (<tt>oracle-java7-installer</tt>)||See [[Linux Software#Oracle / Sun Java]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''gThumb''' (<tt>gthumb</tt>)||
|'''uncrustify'''||{{red|v0.59}}, compiled from source, copied to <tt>/usr/local/bin</tt>
|[2011-01-15]||'''GPG Agent''' (<tt>gnupg-agent</tt>)||Added <code>use-agent</code> at end of <tt>~/.gnupg/gpg.conf</tt>
|'''ia32 libraries''' (<tt>ia32-libs libc6-dev:i386 gcc-multilib</tt>)||'''TODO''': Seems we should install <tt>ia32-libs-multiarch</tt> though...<br/>Installing this package removed some package, so reinstall them back with:
|[2011-01-15]||'''Rename utils''' (<tt>renameutils</tt>)||
<source lang=bash>
sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ dkms \
|[2011-01-15]||'''LaTeX''' (<tt>texlive texlive-xetex latex2hml</tt>)||Including XeTeX package
nvidia-current virtualbox-dkms
|[2011-01-15]||'''TeX Extra packages''' (<tt>texlive-plain-extra texlive-science</tt>)||Soul package requires CTAN color package - see []<br/><small>[2011-01-14]</small> Added texlive-science.
Compiling with <tt>gcc -m32</tt> still does not work though (missing 32-bit <tt>libgcc.a</tt>). Installing package <tt>gcc-4.6:i386</tt> force removal of many 64-bit packages. Instead we go for solution given [ here]:
<source lang=bash>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Wine''' (<tt>wine</tt>)||See [[Configuration NXP Dell Latitude_E6500 - Wine|Wine page]]
sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib
|[2011-01-15]||'''Gnome Terminator''' (<tt>terminator</tt>)||See [[Linux Software#Gnome Terminator|Gnome Terminator]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''Flash Plugin 10''' (<tt>flashplugin-installer</tt>)||First need to enable Ubuntu partner repository (<tt>deb lucid partner</tt>). Next <source lang="bash">sudo aptitude autoremove "flashplugin-*"
sudo aptitude install flashplugin-installer
|[2011-01-18]||'''MPlayer''' (<tt>mplayer mplayer-doc mplayer-fonts</tt>)||
|'''make documentation''' (<tt>make-doc</tt>)||
|'''screen''' (<tt>screen</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Quicktime plugin''' (<tt>gnome-mplayer,gecko-mediaplayer</tt>)||To play Quicktime content in ''Opera'', ''Firefox''
|[2011-01-15]||'''pdftk''' (<tt>pdftk</tt>)||
|'''amarok''' (<tt>amarok</tt>)||
|'''dropbox''' ({{deb|dropbox python-gpgme}})||''python-gpgme'' needed for dropbox daemon download authentication
|[2011-01-15]||'''Gimp''' (<tt>gimp</tt>)||
|'''Canon scangear''' ({{deb|scangearmp-common scangearmp-mg5300series}})'''||Driver for Canon MG5350 Scanner. Downloaded from [ Canon website]. See also [ here].
|[2011-01-15]||'''Graphical Disk Map''' (<tt>gdmap</tt>)||

|[2011-01-15]||'''KDirStat''' (<tt>kdirstat</tt>)||
=== Not yet installed ===

|[2011-01-15]||'''PCSC Tools''' (<tt>pcsc-tools</tt>)||For <tt>[ ATR_analysis]</tt>.
{| class="install_simple_log"
|[2011-01-15]||'''gparted''' (<tt>gparted</tt>)||
|[2011-01-16]||'''Macbuntu 10.10 theme'''||See [[Gnome#Macbuntu|Macbuntu page]]. Check log + uninstall script in <tt>~/.macbuntu</tt>. no wobbly windows, no hot corners. Don't launch ''docky'' at startup.
!colspan="2" align="left"|Local applications:
|[2011-01-15]||'''MBR''' (<tt>mbr</tt>)||To create VirtualBox rawdisk
|'''CUPS PDF''' (<tt>cups-pdf</tt>)||Allow CUPS to access ~/PDF:<source lang="bash" enclose="prevalid">sudo aa-complain cupsd</source>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Racoon''' (<tt>racoon</tt>)||For RSA key generation, see [[Crypto]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''HTTrack''' (<tt>httrack</tt>)||
|'''Oracle/Sun Java JDK 1.6''' (<tt>sun-java6-jdk</tt>)||
|'''Macbuntu 10.10 theme'''||See [[Gnome#Macbuntu|Macbuntu page]]. Check log + uninstall script in <tt>~/.macbuntu</tt>. no wobbly windows, no hot corners. Don't launch ''docky'' at startup.
|[2011-01-15]||'''NTL''' (<tt>libntl-dev, libntl-5.4.2</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''GMP''' (<tt>libgmp3-dev,libgmp3c2,gmp-ecm</tt>)||
|'''iplist''' (<tt>iplist</tt>)||Not found
|[2011-01-15]||'''GNU Go''' (<tt>gnugo</tt>)||
|'''IMAPSync''' (<tt>imapsync</tt>)||
|'''Sage 4.7.1'''||See [[Sage]]
|[2011-01-15]||Various '''Go''' games (<tt>qgo uligo</tt>)||
|'''SSH Tunnel script''' (<tt></tt>, <tt>libssl-dev</tt>)||Thierry Walrant's Perl script <tt></tt>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Quarry''' (<tt>quarry</tt>)||Board games Go, Amazons, and Reversi
|'''Foxit Reader''' (<tt>qiv</tt>)||Extracted <tt>tar.gz</tt> in <tt>/usr/local/bin</tt><br/>Icons in <tt>/usr/share/pixmaps/foxitreader.png</tt>.<br/>Desktop file in <tt>/usr/share/applications/</tt> + edited mime type in <tt>~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list</tt> to associate with <tt>application/pdf</tt>files
|[2011-01-15]||'''MDF to ISO Converter''' (<tt>mdf2iso</tt>)||CD image conversion utility
|[2011-01-18]||'''XBMC''' (<tt>xbmc xbmc-standalone</tt>)||See [[XBMC|local page]]
|'''Google Earth''' (<tt>googleearth googleearth-data</tt>)||Requires [[Ubuntu#Medibuntu|'''Medibuntu''' repository]]
|[2011-01-18]||'''K3b''' (<tt>k3b</tt>)||
|'''tnef''' (<tt>tnef,ytnef</tt>)||Parsing <tt>winmail.dat</tt> attachment
|'''Recoll desktop search''' (<tt>recoll</tt>)||See also [[Linux Software#Recoll|Recoll page]].
|[2011-01-18]||'''iplist''' (<tt>iplist</tt>)||
|[2011-01-18]||'''aMule''' (<tt>amule</tt>)||
|'''X File Explorer''' (<tt>xfe</tt>)||
|[2011-01-18]||'''fdupes''' (<tt>fdupes</tt>)||
|'''4Pane''' (<tt>4pane</tt>)||See [[Linux Software#4Pane]]
|'''LIRC''' (<tt>LIRC</tt>)||
|[2011-01-18]||'''Grub2 Splash Image''' (<tt>ubuntu-splash-image</tt>)||(from <tt>[ lucid-splash-image.deb]</tt>) installed with <code>sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture lucid-splash-image.deb</code>
|'''LineAKD''' (<tt>LineAKD</tt>)||
|[2011-01-18]||'''PuddleTag''' (<tt>puddletag python-qt4 python-pyparsing python-mutagen python-configobj python-musicbrainz2</tt>)||<small>[2010-12-23]</small> {{red|v 0.9.11}} See [[Linux Software#PuddleTag|local page]]
|'''KeyTouch''' (<tt>KeyTouch</tt>)||
|[2011-01-18]||'''Panda glGo 1.4.1'''||See [[Linux Software#Panda glGo|local page]]
|'''Grub2 Splash Image''' (<tt>ubuntu-splash-image</tt>)||(from <tt>[ lucid-splash-image.deb]</tt>) installed with <code>sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture lucid-splash-image.deb</code>
|[2011-01-20]||'''PGP''' (<tt>pgpgpg</tt>)
|[2011-01-21]||'''IMAPSync''' (<tt>imapsync</tt>)||

=== Uninstalled ===

{| class="install_simple_log"
Un-installed applications (by uninstall date):
{| class="install_log"
|[2011-01-21]||'''Ophcrack, John the ripper''' (<tt>ophcrack john</tt>)||To crack win7 password. Uninstalled because not needed anymore
|'''Ophcrack, John the ripper''' (<tt>ophcrack john</tt>)||{{gray|To crack win7 password.}} ''Uninstalled because not needed anymore''

To install:
To install:
Line 225: Line 249:

== Simple Settings ==
== Simple Settings ==
* [<tt>2011-01-16</tt>] - Enabled proprietary '''video device driver NVIDIA'''.
* [<tt>2011-01-16</tt>] &mdash; Enabled proprietary '''video device driver NVIDIA'''.
* [<tt>2011-02-13</tt>] &mdash; <tt>gdm</tt> &mdash; Do not show face browser with know users in login window (see [[Gnome#GDM|Gnome page]]).
* [<tt>2011-11-13</tt>] &mdash; Add user '''www''' for synchronization of <tt>/data/www</tt> folder (''localhost'' page):
<source lang="bash">
sudo useradd -g www-data -G users -u 999 -s /bin/bash -m www
sudo passwd www
su - www
ssh-keygen # Or copy .ssh/ copy from other www users
scp .ssh/ .ssh/authorized_keys
* [<tt>2012-04-29</tt>] &mdash; Copy ''Macbuntu'' fonts (Apple Garamond, Lucida Console...) to <tt>/usr/share/fonts/mac</tt>.
* '''SUDO''' - keep environment variable '''http_proxy''', '''https_proxy''' (to keep proxy settings for apt-get etc)
* '''SUDO''' - keep environment variable '''GREP_OPTIONS''' (keep grep options)
* '''SUDO''' - keep environment variable '''DISPLAY''', '''XAUTHORITY''' (avoid doing <code>xhost local:root</code> before launching X pgm)
* '''SUDO''' - keep environment variable '''HOME''' (e.g. to keep git aliases and settings when using etckeeper)
<source lang=bash>
Defaults env_reset
Defaults env_keep += "http_proxy https_proxy GREP_OPTIONS DISPLAY XAUTHORITY HOME"
* '''Printer''' &mdash; add '''Canon''' network printer (select ''IPP network printer via DNS-SD'' for protocol)
** Set ''Color Model'' to '''CMYK'''
* '''apport''' &mdash; disable ''apport'', which produces these annoying popup <tt>System program problem detected</tt>. Edit <tt>/etc/default/apport</tt> (see []), and set:
* Force locale time to <code>en_US.UTF-8</code>. Add to {{file|~/.profile}}:
export LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8"

== Detailed System Settings ==
== Detailed System Settings ==
Line 241: Line 289:
* Software to install: '''Ubuntu Desktop'''
* Software to install: '''Ubuntu Desktop'''
* Partition: see [[Configuration Griffin#Partition|main page]]
* Partition: see [[Configuration Griffin#Partition|main page]]

=== 2nd install ===
* 2nd install on [<tt>2012-04-28</tt>]
* Distribution: '''Ubuntu 12.04 amd64'''
* Installation method: '''[[Ubuntu#Net boot install from Internet using GRUB|Net boot install from Internet using GRUB]]'''
* Language: '''English'''
* Location: '''Europe, Belgium Time'''
* Computer name: '''griffin'''
* Keyboard layout: '''BE'''
* Name: '''baddreams'''
* Login name: '''baddreams'''
* Update: '''No automatic update'''
* Software to install: '''Ubuntu Desktop'''
* Partition: see [[Configuration Griffin#Partition|main page]] (except that <tt>/home</tt> was temp. mounted to <tt>/homeold</tt>)

=== File System ===
=== File System ===
Line 249: Line 311:

=== Preferences ===
=== Preferences ===
* To be completed
<li>'''Fonts''' (via <tt>ubuntu-tweak</tt>):</li>
{| class=wikitable
|Default Font||Ubuntu||9
|Desktop Font||Sans||9
|Monospace font||Lucida Console Semi-Condensed||10
|Document font||Sans||10
|Window title bar font||Ubuntu Bold||10
* Hinting: '''Basic'''
* Antialiasing: '''Subpixel antialising (LCD screens only)
* [[Ubuntu#Assign Ctrl-Alt-Del to Shutdown dialog|Assign Ctrl-Alt-Del to Shutdown dialog]]

=== Users ===
=== Users ===
* NAS Users
To be completed
<source lang="bash">
# For interface with NAS (note: users are disabled)
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -u 1027 -g 100 nasbackup
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -u 1028 -g 100 nasphotos
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -u 1029 -g 100 nasmovies
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -u 1030 -g 100 nasvideos
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -u 1031 -g 100 nasmusics
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -u 1032 -g 100 nasarchives
* Add user '''baddreams''' to group '''users''' (for write access to mnemosyne)
<source lang="bash">
sudo gpasswd -a baddreams users
* Disable ''guest'' account in ''lightdm''. Edit <tt>/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf</tt>, and add:
<source lang=text>

== Detailed Application Settings ==
== Detailed Application Settings ==
=== [[IMAP#Courier_IMAP|Courier IMAP]] ===
* Install (reference [[IMAP#Courier IMAP on Ubuntu|here]]):
** Create directories for web-based administration
** SSL Certificate: <tt>/etc/courier/pop3d.pem</tt>, <tt>/etc/courier/imapd.pem</tt>
** Postfix configuration: '''local only'''

=== Firefox ===
=== Firefox ===
* Theme: '''macfox3 1.1.4'''
* Theme: '''macfox3 1.1.4'''
Line 290: Line 383:
* '''Modify Account...''' &rarr; '''Automatically reconnect if disconnected'''
* '''Modify Account...''' &rarr; '''Automatically reconnect if disconnected'''
* '''Modify Account...''' &rarr; '''Proxy''' &rarr; '''localhost:8118'''
* '''Modify Account...''' &rarr; '''Proxy''' &rarr; '''localhost:8118'''

=== [[X#Synergy|Synergy]] ===
* Configuration file <tt>[[{{PAGENAME}} - Files#/etc/synergy.conf|/etc/synergy.conf]]</tt>
* Install '''xsel''' (to circumvent Firefox copy/paste Chinese bug)
* Edited ''gdm'' startup scripts to launch server automatically
* Added quick alias to <tt>~/.bashrc</tt>

=== [[Gnome#Gnome_Terminal|Terminal]] ===
=== [[Gnome#Gnome_Terminal|Terminal]] ===
Line 301: Line 400:

== To Do ==
== To Do ==
=== Issues ===
See [[Common Issues]].

=== To Do ===
<li> '''{{red|Issue}}''' &mdash; No '''Configuration Editor''' link in the menu. Must be added by hand?</li>
<li> '''{{red|To Do}}''' &mdash; '''NFS Server''', Remove temporary rules from <tt>/etc/exports</tt></li>
<li> '''{{red|To Do}}''' &mdash; '''NFS Server''', Remove temporary rules from <tt>/etc/exports</tt></li>
<li> '''{{red|To Do}}''' &mdash; Get apt-get log for 1st install.</li>
<li> '''{{red|To Do}}''' &mdash; Get apt-get log for 1st install.</li>
<li> '''{{red|Issue}}''' &mdash; Known issues documented in '''Maverick''' [ release manifest]:</li>
<li> '''{{red|To Do}}''' &mdash; Look [ here] for possible fix on ''EliteBook'' laptops.</li>
<li> '''{{red|To Do}}''' &mdash; Look at [ byobu] (see [ this] also).</li>
<li> '''{{red|To Do}}''' — Install better temperature management from Intel, see []</li>
<li>Connected DisplayPort monitors may prevent booting. ([ 655795])</li>
<li> '''{{red|To Do}}''' &mdash; To-Do list after upgrade to ''trusty'':
<li>802.11n support for the iwlagn driver has been temporarily disabled. Intel is actively working to get this properly fixed up in the firmware. This workaround should be reverted once updated firmware is available. ([ 630748]). See also [], [] (kernel), [ Intel WiFi driver for linux].</li>
* Fonts (in opera at least) are strange
cfr file <tt>/etc/modprobe.d/intel-5300-iwlagn-disable11n.conf</tt>
* Recover etc settings (at least for: ufw, autofs, mc, mailcap)
<source lang="bash">
sudo modprobe -r iwlagn
sudo modprobe iwlagn 11n_disable=1
We can see that the card doesn't support 11n anymore in kernel log:
<source lang="bash">
dmesg | grep -i iwl
# ...
# [13780.264116] iwlagn 0000:44:00.0: Tunable channels: 13 802.11bg, 24 802.11a channels
# ...
<li> '''{{red|Issue}}''' &mdash; [arrandale] Integrated intel graphics GMA HD doesn't work ([ 590504]). See also []</li>
This relates to kernel message at boot:
<source lang="bash">
dmesg | grep i915
# ... intel ips 0000:00:1f.6: failed to get i915 symbols, graphics turbo disabled

Done & Fixed:
* {{green|Fixed}} — Issue description<br/>Fix description
* {{green|Done}} — Description

Latest revision as of 16:15, 8 January 2016


This is the configuration page for the Ubuntu partition on Griffin.

Configuration Files

All configuration files can be found here.


In addition to repositories in the common configuration:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:texlive-backports/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-4-0
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libreoffice-gnome

Installed Applications

Common Applications

See Common configuration for Linux.


Google Chrome (chromium-browser)
TrueCrypt [2012-04-29] v7.0a, with AES-NI instructions!
  • Preferences → uncheck Preserve modification timestamp of file containers (such that they are included in rsync backup without need for --checksum)
Privoxy (privoxy)
LAMP (apache2 php5 mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql) See local config
PHPMyAdmin (phpmyadmin) Install for apache2 + configure database with dbconfig-common. See local config apache2 only,
Courier IMAP (courier-imap courier-doc courier-imap-ssl) * Install (reference here):
  • Create directories for web-based administration
  • SSL Certificate: /etc/courier/pop3d.pem, /etc/courier/imapd.pem
  • Postfix configuration: local only
Courier-POP3 (courier-pop courier-pop-ssl)
Courier-MTA (courier-mta courier-mta-ssl) so that mails are sent to Courier mailboxes.
  • Set alias for postmaster, edit /etc/courier/aliases/system:
postmaster: baddreams
Evolution plugins (evolution-plugins-experimental) For opening Winmail.dat attachment in Evolution
Evolution RSS (evolution-rss)
GNU C/C++ compiler (g++)
C/C++ documentation (manpages-posix-dev stl-manual) Make SGI doc available at http://localhost/sgi :
ln -s /usr/share/doc/stl-manual/html /var/www/sgi
GNU libc documentation (glibc-doc)
Eclipse (eclipse)
Psi (psi) See local config
LaTeX (texlive texlive-xetex latex2hml) Including XeTeX package
Upgraded to TeX Live 2012 (from texlive-backports ppa)
TeX Extra packages (texlive-plain-extra texlive-science texlive-latex-extra) Soul package requires CTAN color package - see [3]
[2011-01-14] Added texlive-science.
Upgraded to TeX Live 2012 (from texlive-backports ppa) — requires package texlive-latex-extra
pdftk (pdftk)
KDirStat (kdirstat)
PCSC Tools (pcsc-tools) For ATR_analysis.
ACL (acl)
Synergy (synergy) v1.4.10! See local settings.
Acrobat Reader (acroread) Edit mime type in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list:
[Added Associations]

Add to ~/.mailcap:

application/pdf; acroread '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.pdf
application/x-pdf; acroread '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.pdf
application/x-bzpdf; acroread '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.pdf.bz2
application/x-gzpdf; acroread '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.pdf.gz

Local Applications

MBR (mbr) To create VirtualBox rawdisk
Racoon (racoon) For RSA key generation, see Crypto
HTTrack (httrack)
NTL (libntl-dev libntl-5.4.2)
GMP (libgmp3-dev libgmp3c2 gmp-ecm)
MDF to ISO Converter (mdf2iso) CD image conversion utility
K3b (k3b)
aMule (amule)
fdupes (fdupes)
PuddleTag (puddletag python-qt4 python-pyparsing python-mutagen python-configobj python-musicbrainz2) [2010-12-23] v 0.9.11 See local page
FTP Server (proftpd-basic) Followed instructions here
  • Selected run from inetd during install, but configured to run standalone so that it must be started manually with.
sudo /etc/init.d/proftd start
  • Added /bin/false to /etc/shells
  • Created user userftp, with shell /bin/false to prevent login. Directory /home/userftp/incoming (mode 777)
  • Login with user userftp + user passwd
Some git browsers (qgit gitg source-highlight) [2011-02-21] gitg updated to 0.0.8!
Nautilus Audio Converter (wavpack mppenc libmpcdec6 faac flac vorbis-tools faad lame libid3-3.8.3-dev nautilus-script-audio-convert) Enable script ConvertAudioFile (Menu PreferenceNautilus Scripts Manager). See Linux audio.
Canorus (canorus) Music score editor. Sounds does not work.
Frescobaldi (frescobaldi) Music score editor.
MuseScore (musescore) Another music score editor. Play sound out of the box.
Calibre (calibre)
Perl Audio Converter (pacpl)
VirtualBox (virtualbox) [2011-06-01] Local settings. Updated to 4.0.14! — See VirtualBox
dwww (dwww)
Word Diff (wdiff)
Transmission (transmission) Disabled DHT, PEX. Seed until ratio = 2.0. Enable privacy filter.
dos2unix (dos2unix)
hexedit (hexedit)
violin tuner (fmit, gtkguitune, lingot) gtkguitune does not seem to work though...
Ack (ack-grep) A better grep...
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ack-grep /usr/local/bin/ack
uncrustify v0.59, compiled from source, copied to /usr/local/bin
openJDK 6 32-bit Installed via APT, in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk:i386 \
     libice-dev libsm-dev libxt-dev
# Adding 'libice-dev libsm-dev libxt-dev' 
# ... to avoid these packages to be removed

Otherwise it can also be copied from e.g. Ubuntu Lucid 32-bit distribution (used to copy /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk to /usr/lib32/jvm/java-6-openjdk)

openJDK 7 (openjdk-7-jdk openjdk-7-jre) Selected alternatives with:
sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
# TODO: Add others (like ant, javah, etc?)
Oracle JDK 7 (oracle-java7-installer) See Linux Software#Oracle / Sun Java
uncrustify v0.59, compiled from source, copied to /usr/local/bin
ia32 libraries (ia32-libs libc6-dev:i386 gcc-multilib) TODO: Seems we should install ia32-libs-multiarch though...
Installing this package removed some package, so reinstall them back with:
sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ dkms \
     nvidia-current virtualbox-dkms

Compiling with gcc -m32 still does not work though (missing 32-bit libgcc.a). Installing package gcc-4.6:i386 force removal of many 64-bit packages. Instead we go for solution given here:

sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib
make documentation (make-doc)
screen (screen)
amarok (amarok)
dropbox (dropbox python-gpgme) python-gpgme needed for dropbox daemon download authentication
Canon scangear (scangearmp-common scangearmp-mg5300series) Driver for Canon MG5350 Scanner. Downloaded from Canon website. See also here.

Not yet installed

CUPS PDF (cups-pdf) Allow CUPS to access ~/PDF:
sudo aa-complain cupsd
Oracle/Sun Java JDK 1.6 (sun-java6-jdk)
Macbuntu 10.10 theme See Macbuntu page. Check log + uninstall script in ~/.macbuntu. no wobbly windows, no hot corners. Don't launch docky at startup.
iplist (iplist) Not found
IMAPSync (imapsync)
Sage 4.7.1 See Sage
SSH Tunnel script (, libssl-dev) Thierry Walrant's Perl script
Foxit Reader (qiv) Extracted tar.gz in /usr/local/bin
Icons in /usr/share/pixmaps/foxitreader.png.
Desktop file in /usr/share/applications/ + edited mime type in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list to associate with application/pdffiles
Google Earth (googleearth googleearth-data) Requires Medibuntu repository
tnef (tnef,ytnef) Parsing winmail.dat attachment
Recoll desktop search (recoll) See also Recoll page.
X File Explorer (xfe)
4Pane (4pane) See Linux Software#4Pane
LineAKD (LineAKD)
KeyTouch (KeyTouch)
Grub2 Splash Image (ubuntu-splash-image) (from lucid-splash-image.deb) installed with sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture lucid-splash-image.deb


Ophcrack, John the ripper (ophcrack john) To crack win7 password. Uninstalled because not needed anymore

To install:

  • Click Edit and see html comments.

Simple Settings

  • [2011-01-16] — Enabled proprietary video device driver NVIDIA.
  • [2011-02-13] — gdm — Do not show face browser with know users in login window (see Gnome page).
  • [2011-11-13] — Add user www for synchronization of /data/www folder (localhost page):
sudo useradd -g www-data -G users -u 999 -s /bin/bash -m www
sudo passwd www
su - www
ssh-keygen                                         # Or copy .ssh/ copy from other www users
scp .ssh/ .ssh/authorized_keys
  • [2012-04-29] — Copy Macbuntu fonts (Apple Garamond, Lucida Console...) to /usr/share/fonts/mac.
  • SUDO - keep environment variable http_proxy, https_proxy (to keep proxy settings for apt-get etc)
  • SUDO - keep environment variable GREP_OPTIONS (keep grep options)
  • SUDO - keep environment variable DISPLAY, XAUTHORITY (avoid doing xhost local:root before launching X pgm)
  • SUDO - keep environment variable HOME (e.g. to keep git aliases and settings when using etckeeper)
Defaults        env_reset
Defaults        env_keep += "http_proxy https_proxy GREP_OPTIONS DISPLAY XAUTHORITY HOME"
  • Printer — add Canon network printer (select IPP network printer via DNS-SD for protocol)
    • Set Color Model to CMYK
  • apport — disable apport, which produces these annoying popup System program problem detected. Edit /etc/default/apport (see [4]), and set:
  • Force locale time to en_US.UTF-8. Add to ~/.profile:
export LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8"

Detailed System Settings

1st install

  • 1st install on [2011-01-15]
  • Distribution: Ubuntu 10.10 amd64
  • Installation method: Net boot install from Internet using GRUB
  • Language: English
  • Location: Europe, Belgium Time
  • Computer name: griffin
  • Keyboard layout: BE
  • Name: baddreams
  • Login name: baddreams
  • Update: Install security updates automatically
  • Software to install: Ubuntu Desktop
  • Partition: see main page

2nd install

  • 2nd install on [2012-04-28]
  • Distribution: Ubuntu 12.04 amd64
  • Installation method: Net boot install from Internet using GRUB
  • Language: English
  • Location: Europe, Belgium Time
  • Computer name: griffin
  • Keyboard layout: BE
  • Name: baddreams
  • Login name: baddreams
  • Update: No automatic update
  • Software to install: Ubuntu Desktop
  • Partition: see main page (except that /home was temp. mounted to /homeold)

File System

  • To be completed


  • To be completed


  • Fonts (via ubuntu-tweak):
  • Category Font Size
    Default Font Ubuntu 9
    Desktop Font Sans 9
    Monospace font Lucida Console Semi-Condensed 10
    Document font Sans 10
    Window title bar font Ubuntu Bold 10
    • Hinting: Basic
    • Antialiasing: Subpixel antialising (LCD screens only)
  • Keyboard


  • NAS Users
# For interface with NAS (note: users are disabled)
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -u 1027 -g 100 nasbackup
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -u 1028 -g 100 nasphotos
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -u 1029 -g 100 nasmovies
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -u 1030 -g 100 nasvideos
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -u 1031 -g 100 nasmusics
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -u 1032 -g 100 nasarchives
  • Add user baddreams to group users (for write access to mnemosyne)
sudo gpasswd -a baddreams users
  • Disable guest account in lightdm. Edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf, and add:

Detailed Application Settings


  • Theme: macfox3 1.1.4
  • Extensions:
    • AutoPager
    • Cycle Input Focus 1.0.0
    • Delicious Bookmarks 2.1.072
    • Fast Dial 2.23b1
    • FireGestures 1.5.7
    • Live HTTP headers 0.16
    • User Agent Switcher 0.7.2

Gnome DO

  • Autostart, Quiet mode, notification icon, Glass theme
  • Launch key: <alt>+space (! disable first Gnome global shortcut for Activate the window menu)


  • Default view: List View
  • Display, date format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
  • List View: zoom 33%
  • Icon View, Compact View: zoorm 50%
  • Preview: all set to Never, and only for files smaller than 500kB (to prevent thumbnailing PDFs...)


(recovered from previous settings on Gryphon at ~/.psi)

  • Gnome: Added Psi as startup program (Psi, /usr/bin/psi, Communicate over the jabber network).
  • OptionsEventsEnable popup notifications (all notifications)
  • Modify Account... → Changed resource to work-ux
  • Modify Account...Automatically reconnect if disconnected
  • Modify Account...Proxylocalhost:8118


  • Configuration file /etc/synergy.conf
  • Install xsel (to circumvent Firefox copy/paste Chinese bug)
  • Edited gdm startup scripts to launch server automatically
  • Added quick alias to ~/.bashrc



  • Added ~/.bash_completion from [5] (modified to also take alias v=gvim)


See Configuration Griffin - Wine.

To Do


See Common Issues.

To Do

  • To DoNFS Server, Remove temporary rules from /etc/exports
  • To Do — Get apt-get log for 1st install.
  • To Do — Look here for possible fix on EliteBook laptops.
  • To Do — Look at byobu (see this also).
  • To Do — Install better temperature management from Intel, see [6]
  • To Do — To-Do list after upgrade to trusty:
    • Fonts (in opera at least) are strange
    • Recover etc settings (at least for: ufw, autofs, mc, mailcap)