Nxl67002 - AndLinux - Files: Difference between revisions
(Added config-home, config-nxp, config-tunnel, proxy.conf) |
(36 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown) | |||
Line 1: | Line 1: | ||
__TOC__ |
== settings.txt == |
Download [{{#file: settings.txt}} this file]. |
These are the configuration files on '''[[Configuration NXP Dell Latitude D620 - AndLinux]]'''. |
<pre> |
== Windows Host files == |
=== settings.txt === |
{{hiddenSourceFile|./andlinux/|settings.txt|<pre class="settings.txt"> |
mem=384 |
mem=384 |
root=/dev/cobd0 |
root=/dev/cobd0 |
Line 7: | Line 12: | ||
cobd0=Drives\base.vdi |
cobd0=Drives\base.vdi |
cobd1=Drives\swap.vdi |
cobd1=Drives\swap.vdi |
cobd2=Drives\data.reiserfs.10G.dvi |
cofs31=. |
cofs31=. |
eth0=slirp |
eth0=slirp |
Line 13: | Line 19: | ||
cofs1=D:\ |
cofs1=D:\ |
</pre> |
</pre> |
}} |
== |
=== hosts === |
{{hiddenSourceFile|c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\|hosts|<pre class="hosts"> |
Download [{{#file: config-nxp}} this file]. |
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp. |
<pre> |
# |
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. |
# |
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each |
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should |
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. |
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one |
# space. |
# |
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual |
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol. |
# |
# For example: |
# |
# rhino.acme.com # source server |
# x.acme.com # x client host |
||| localhost |
||| andlinux |
</pre> |
}} |
== AndLinux files == |
<small>Generated with script '''/home/beq06659/bin/generate_wiki_config_file_page.sh''' on host '''andLinux'''</small> |
=== Directory /etc === |
'''fstab''' |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/etc/|fstab|<source lang=text class="fstab"> |
# /etc/fstab: static file system information. |
# |
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> |
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 |
/dev/cobd0 / ext3 defaults 1 1 |
/dev/cobd1 none swap sw 0 0 |
/dev/cobd2 /mnt/data reiserfs noatime,notail 0 0 |
31 /mnt/and cofs defaults 0 0 |
0 /mnt/winc cofs defaults,gid=samba,dmask=0775,fmask=0775 0 0 |
1 /mnt/wind cofs defaults,gid=samba,dmask=0775,fmask=0775 0 0 |
</source> |
}} }} |
=== Directory /etc/privoxy === |
'''set-network-config''' - This file must be '''chmod 755'''. Also the following line must be added to <tt>/etc/sudoers</tt>: |
:<code> ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /etc/privoxy/set-network-config </code> |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/etc/privoxy/|set-network-config|<source lang=bash class="set-network-config"> |
#! /bin/bash |
# Exit if no network name given or if no corresponding configuration file |
[ -n "$1" ] || exit 1 |
TARGET_FILE="config-$1" |
[ -a "/etc/privoxy/$TARGET_FILE" ] || exit 1 |
ln -sf "$TARGET_FILE" /etc/privoxy/config |
/etc/init.d/privoxy restart |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''config-home.patch''' |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/etc/privoxy/|config-home.patch|<source lang=diff class="config-home.patch"> |
--- config.original 2009-11-15 00:50:28.000000000 +0100 |
+++ config-home 2009-11-17 00:01:48.000000000 +0100 |
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ |
# listen-address |
# |
# |
-listen-address |
+listen-address :8118 |
# |
# |
# 4.2. toggle |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''config-nxp.patch''' |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/etc/privoxy/|config-nxp.patch|<source lang=diff class="config-nxp.patch"> |
--- config-home 2009-11-17 00:01:48.000000000 +0100 |
+++ config-nxp 2009-11-15 02:34:20.000000000 +0100 |
@@ -1250,6 +1250,13 @@ |
# that look like this: |
# |
# forward localhost/ . |
+# nxp only: |
+forward-socks5 / localhost:1080 . |
+forward 192.168.*.*/ . |
+forward 10.*.*.*/ . |
+forward 127.*.*.*/ . |
+forward 172.19.*.*/ . |
+forward 134.27.*.* . |
# |
# |
# |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''config-nxp_auth''' - symlinked to <tt>config-nxp</tt> |
'''config-nxp_direct.patch''' |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/etc/privoxy/|config-nxp_direct.patch|<source lang=diff class="config-nxp_direct.patch"> |
--- config-nxp 2009-11-15 02:34:20.000000000 +0100 |
+++ config-nxp_direct 2009-11-16 16:14:23.000000000 +0100 |
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ |
# |
# forward localhost/ . |
# nxp only: |
-forward-socks5 / localhost:1080 . |
+forward / emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 |
forward 192.168.*.*/ . |
forward 10.*.*.*/ . |
forward 127.*.*.*/ . |
</source> |
}} }} |
=== Directory /usr/local/bin === |
'''be''' - This script would ideally require to add the following line to <tt>/etc/sudoers</tt>: |
:<code>ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/loadkeys</code> |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/usr/local/bin/|be|<source lang=bash class="be"> |
#!/bin/bash |
sudo loadkeys /usr/share/keymaps/i386/azerty/be2-latin1.kmap.gz |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''ssh-agent-refresh.sh''' |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/usr/local/bin/|ssh-agent-refresh.sh|<source lang=bash class="ssh-agent-refresh.sh"> |
#!/bin/bash |
# |
# This script will detect any running ssh-agent and restore the environment |
# variable that would normally be created with the command |
# |
# % ssh-agent -s |
# |
# By default, this script looks for an existing ssh-agent process already running with |
# same UID as the current shell. If none is found, a new ssh-agent process is launched. |
# If the SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not specified, the script will try to find back the correct |
# socket name. For this it looks for a socket named /tmp/ssh-*/agent.*, with same UID |
# as current script. |
# |
# If the environment variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK is set, ssh-agent will use that socket name |
# instead of generating a new one (on first invocation). |
# |
# Example of use: |
# ssh-agent-refresh.sh |
# if ( ssh-add -L | grep -q $USER ); then ssh-add -t 3600; fi |
# |
# Example with predefined SSH_AUTH_SOCK |
# export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/.ssh-agent-$USER |
# ssh-agent-refresh.sh |
# if ( ssh-add -L | grep -q $USER ); then ssh-add -t 3600; fi |
# |
# Example of output of ssh-agent -s: |
# |
# SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-VAjpOtefMI/agent.2112; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK; |
# SSH_AGENT_PID=2568; export SSH_AGENT_PID; |
# echo Agent pid 2568; |
# Shell must be a login shell - for USER variable |
if [ -z "$USER" ]; then |
echo "ERROR! Environment variable USER not defined - you probably don't run a login shell" |
exit 4 |
fi |
# First see check that at most one instance of ssh-agent is running. |
SSH_AGENT_COUNT=`ps -u $USER | grep -c "[/ ]${SSH_AGENT_PROCESS_NAME}\$"` |
if [ $SSH_AGENT_COUNT -gt 1 ]; then |
echo "ERROR! Several ssh-agent processes are running">/dev/stderr |
exit 3 |
fi |
# Third launch a new ssh-agent if none is running. We use variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK if defined |
if [ $SSH_AGENT_COUNT -eq 0 ]; then |
# Remove old /tmp/ssh-* directory if no ssh-agent process is running |
rm -rf /tmp/ssh-* |
if [ $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ]; then |
ssh-agent -a "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" -s |
else |
ssh-agent -s |
fi |
exit 1 |
fi |
# Fourth, find back ssh-agent-pid We use the blob below because pidof doesn't filter based on process UID |
SSH_AGENT_PID=`ps -u $USER | grep "[/ ]$SSH_AGENT_PROCESS_NAME$" | sed -r 's/^ *([0-9]*) .*$/\1/'` |
# Finally find the socket that the running ssh-agent is attached to. We reuse variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK if it is defined. |
if [ ! $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ]; then |
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=`find /tmp -type s -user $USER -path "/tmp/ssh-*/agent.*"` |
else |
if [ -x "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then |
echo "ssh-agent process found (pid $SSH_AGENT_PID), but given socket does not exist ($SSH_AUTH_SOCK)!">/dev/stderr |
exit 2 |
fi |
fi |
echo "echo Agent pid $SSH_AGENT_PID;" |
exit 0 |
</source> |
}} }} |
=== Directory /home/beq06659 === |
'''.bashrc''' - Everything before <tt>#### CUSTOMIZATION</tt> is the original file. |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/|.bashrc|<source lang=bash class=".bashrc"> |
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells. |
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc) |
# for examples |
# If not running interactively, don't do anything |
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return |
# don't put duplicate lines in the history. See bash(1) for more options |
# don't overwrite GNU Midnight Commander's setting of `ignorespace'. |
# ... or force ignoredups and ignorespace |
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth |
# append to the history file, don't overwrite it |
shopt -s histappend |
# for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1) |
# check the window size after each command and, if necessary, |
# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS. |
shopt -s checkwinsize |
# make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1) |
[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)" |
# set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below) |
if [ -z "$debian_chroot" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then |
debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot) |
fi |
# set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we "want" color) |
case "$TERM" in |
xterm-color) color_prompt=yes;; |
esac |
# uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned |
# off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window |
# should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt |
#force_color_prompt=yes |
if [ -n "$force_color_prompt" ]; then |
if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then |
# We have color support; assume it's compliant with Ecma-48 |
# (ISO/IEC-6429). (Lack of such support is extremely rare, and such |
# a case would tend to support setf rather than setaf.) |
color_prompt=yes |
else |
color_prompt= |
fi |
fi |
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then |
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ ' |
else |
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ ' |
fi |
unset color_prompt force_color_prompt |
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir |
case "$TERM" in |
xterm*|rxvt*) |
PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1" |
;; |
*) |
;; |
esac |
# Alias definitions. |
# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like |
# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly. |
# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package. |
#if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then |
# . ~/.bash_aliases |
#fi |
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases |
if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then |
eval "`dircolors -b`" |
alias ls='ls --color=auto' |
#alias dir='dir --color=auto' |
#alias vdir='vdir --color=auto' |
#alias grep='grep --color=auto' |
#alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto' |
#alias egrep='egrep --color=auto' |
fi |
# some more ls aliases |
#alias ll='ls -l' |
#alias la='ls -A' |
#alias l='ls -CF' |
# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable |
# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile |
# sources /etc/bash.bashrc). |
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then |
. /etc/bash_completion |
fi |
################################################################################ |
##### CUSTOMIZATION ############################################################ |
################################################################################ |
######################## |
# Read colors from .dircolors.cfg |
if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors -a -a ~/.dircolors.cfg ]; then |
eval `dircolors -b ~/.dircolors.cfg` |
alias ls='ls -F --color=auto --group-directories-first' |
else |
alias ls='ls -F --group-directories-first' |
fi |
alias df='df -h' |
alias du='du -h' |
alias grep='grep --color' # show matched string in colour |
alias egrep='egrep --color' # show matched string in colour |
alias fgrep='fgrep --color' # show matched string in colour |
alias l='ls -l' # long list |
alias la='ls -A' # all but . and .. |
alias ll='ls -Al' |
alias lla="ls -al" |
alias ls-l='ls -l' |
alias dua="du -sh * .*" |
alias dfh="df -h" |
alias dir='ls --format=vertical' |
alias vdir='ls --format=long' |
function sorttag() |
{ |
TAGS="$*" |
echo $TAGS | sed "s/ /\n/g" | sort | (for i in `cat`; do MYVAR="$MYVAR $i"; done; echo $MYVAR) >/dev/clipboard |
cat /dev/clipboard |
} |
alias st=sorttag |
#### SSH |
######################## |
alias ssha="ssh andlinux" |
alias sshn="ssh -t noekeon" |
alias sshg="ssh gryphon" |
alias sftpn="sftp daemenj@ftp.noekeon.org" |
# function scpg - Copy file from/to gryphon |
# USAGE: scpg src-local-file-path @/dest-remote-file-path |
# scpg @/src-remote-file-path dest-local-file-path |
function scpg() { |
SRC=`echo $1|sed 's!@!gryphon:/home/baddreams!'`; |
DST=`echo $2|sed 's!@!gryphon:/home/baddreams!'`; |
scp "$SRC" "$DST"; |
} |
# function scpa - Copy file from/to andlinux |
# USAGE: scpa src-local-file-path @/dest-remote-file-path |
# scpa @/src-remote-file-path dest-local-file-path |
function scpa() { |
SRC=`echo $1|sed 's!@!andlinux:/home/beq06659!'`; |
DST=`echo $2|sed 's!@!andlinux:/home/beq06659!'`; |
scp "$SRC" "$DST"; |
} |
# function scpn - Copy file from/to remote noekeon.org priorweb |
# USAGE: scpn src-local-file-path @/dest-remote-file-path |
# scpn @/src-remote-file-path dest-local-file-path |
function scpn() { |
SRC=`echo $1|sed 's!@!daemenj@noekeon:/opt/www/daemenj/web/private!'`; |
DST=`echo $2|sed 's!@!daemenj@noekeon:/opt/www/daemenj/web/private!'`; |
scp "$SRC" "$DST"; |
} |
# function scpnup - Copy file from/to remote Miki Wiki's upload directory |
# USAGE: scpn src-local-file-path @/dest-remote-file-path |
# scpn @/src-remote-file-path dest-local-file-path |
function scpnup() { |
SRC=`echo $1|sed 's!@!daemenj@noekeon:/opt/www/daemenj/web/kiwi.noekeon.org/miki/upload!'`; |
DST=`echo $2|sed 's!@!daemenj@noekeon:/opt/www/daemenj/web/kiwi.noekeon.org/miki/upload!'`; |
scp "$SRC" "$DST"; |
} |
#### NETWORK |
######################## |
# NXP network settings |
#proxy is a synonym but less portable because likely only valid in NXP Leuven |
#alias nxp="export http_proxy=http://proxy:8080/; export ftp_proxy=http://proxy:8080/" |
alias nxp="cp ~/.ssh/config-nxp ~/.ssh/config; export http_proxy=http://emea.nics.nxp.com:8080/; export ftp_proxy=\$http_proxy" |
# HOME network settings |
alias home="cp ~/.ssh/config-home ~/.ssh/config" |
# TUNNEL network settings |
alias tunnel="cp ~/.ssh/config-tunnel ~/.ssh/config" |
######################## |
# Set a default prompt of: user@host and current_directory |
PS1='\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[0m\e[35m\]\u@\h \[\e[0m\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ ' |
export PS1 |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''.dircolors.cfg''' |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/|.dircolors.cfg|<source lang=text class=".dircolors.cfg"> |
# Configuration file for dircolors, a utility to help you set the |
# LS_COLORS environment variable used by GNU ls with the --color option. |
# Copyright (C) 1996, 1999-2008 |
# Free Software Foundation, Inc. |
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, |
# are permitted provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. |
# The keywords COLOR, OPTIONS, and EIGHTBIT (honored by the |
# slackware version of dircolors) are recognized but ignored. |
# Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable |
TERM Eterm |
TERM ansi |
TERM color-xterm |
TERM con132x25 |
TERM con132x30 |
TERM con132x43 |
TERM con132x60 |
TERM con80x25 |
TERM con80x28 |
TERM con80x30 |
TERM con80x43 |
TERM con80x50 |
TERM con80x60 |
TERM cons25 |
TERM console |
TERM cygwin |
TERM dtterm |
TERM eterm-color |
TERM gnome |
TERM gnome-256color |
TERM konsole |
TERM kterm |
TERM linux |
TERM linux-c |
TERM mach-color |
TERM mlterm |
TERM putty |
TERM rxvt |
TERM rxvt-cygwin |
TERM rxvt-cygwin-native |
TERM rxvt-unicode |
TERM screen |
TERM screen-256color |
TERM screen-bce |
TERM screen-w |
TERM screen.linux |
TERM vt100 |
TERM xterm |
TERM xterm-16color |
TERM xterm-256color |
TERM xterm-88color |
TERM xterm-color |
TERM xterm-debian |
# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init |
# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes: |
# Attribute codes: |
# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed |
# Text color codes: |
# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white |
# Background color codes: |
# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white |
NORMAL 00 # global default, although everything should be something. |
FILE 00 # normal file |
DIR 01;34 # directory |
LINK 36 # symbolic link. (If you set this to 'target' instead of a |
# numerical value, the color is as for the file pointed to.) |
FIFO 40;33 # pipe |
SOCK 35 # socket |
DOOR 35 # door |
BLK 40;33;01 # block device driver |
CHR 40;33;01 # character device driver |
ORPHAN 40;31;01 # symlink to nonexistent file, or non-stat'able file |
SETUID 37;41 # file that is setuid (u+s) |
SETGID 30;43 # file that is setgid (g+s) |
STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE 30;42 # dir that is sticky and other-writable (+t,o+w) |
OTHER_WRITABLE 34;42 # dir that is other-writable (o+w) and not sticky |
STICKY 37;44 # dir with the sticky bit set (+t) and not other-writable |
# This is for files with execute permission: |
EXEC 32;04 |
# List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls |
# to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string. |
# (and any comments you want to add after a '#') |
# If you use DOS-style suffixes, you may want to uncomment the following: |
#.cmd 01;32 # executables (bright green) |
#.exe 01;32 |
#.com 01;32 |
#.btm 01;32 |
#.bat 01;32 |
# Or if you want to colorize scripts even if they do not have the |
# executable bit actually set. |
#.sh 01;32 |
#.csh 01;32 |
# archives or compressed (bright red) |
.tar 01;31 |
.tgz 01;31 |
.svgz 01;31 |
.arj 01;31 |
.taz 01;31 |
.lzh 01;31 |
.lzma 01;31 |
.zip 01;31 |
.z 01;31 |
.Z 01;31 |
.dz 01;31 |
.gz 01;31 |
.bz2 01;31 |
.bz 01;31 |
.tbz2 01;31 |
.tz 01;31 |
.deb 01;31 |
.rpm 01;31 |
.jar 01;31 |
.rar 01;31 |
.ace 01;31 |
.zoo 01;31 |
.cpio 01;31 |
.7z 01;31 |
.rz 01;31 |
# image formats |
.jpg 35 |
.jpeg 35 |
.gif 35 |
.bmp 35 |
.pbm 35 |
.pgm 35 |
.ppm 35 |
.tga 35 |
.xbm 35 |
.xpm 35 |
.tif 35 |
.tiff 35 |
.png 35 |
.svg 35 |
.mng 35 |
.pcx 35 |
.mov 35 |
.mpg 35 |
.mpeg 35 |
.m2v 35 |
.mkv 35 |
.ogm 35 |
.mp4 35 |
.m4v 35 |
.mp4v 35 |
.vob 35 |
.qt 35 |
.nuv 35 |
.wmv 35 |
.asf 35 |
.rm 35 |
.rmvb 35 |
.flc 35 |
.avi 35 |
.fli 35 |
.gl 35 |
.dl 35 |
.xcf 35 |
.xwd 35 |
.yuv 35 |
# audio formats |
.aac 00;36 |
.au 00;36 |
.flac 00;36 |
.mid 00;36 |
.midi 00;36 |
.mka 00;36 |
.mp3 00;36 |
.mpc 00;36 |
.ogg 00;36 |
.ra 00;36 |
.wav 00;36 |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''.inputrc''' |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/|.inputrc|<source lang=bash class=".inputrc"> |
# |
# |
# Allow 8-bit input/output (for Cygwin) |
set meta-flag on |
set convert-meta off |
set input-meta on |
set output-meta on |
$if Bash |
# Don't ring bell on completion |
#set bell-style none |
# or, don't beep at me - show me |
#set bell-style visible |
# |
# If set to on, words which have more than one possible completion without |
# any possible partial completion cause the matches to be listed immediately |
# instead of ringing the bell. |
# |
set show-all-if-unmodified on |
# |
# If set to on, words which have more than one possible completion cause the |
# matches to be listed immediately instead of ringing the bell. |
# |
set show-all-if-ambiguous on |
# Expand homedir name |
#set expand-tilde on |
# Append "/" to all dirnames |
#set mark-directories on |
#set mark-symlinked-directories on |
# Match all files |
#set match-hidden-files on |
# 'Magic Space' |
# Insert a space character then performs |
# a history expansion in the line |
Space: magic-space |
$endif |
"\eOA":history-search-backward #Up arrow |
"\e[A":history-search-backward #Up arrow |
"\eOB":history-search-forward #Down arrow |
"\e[B":history-search-forward #Down arrow |
"\C- ":dynamic-complete-history #Ctrl-space |
"\e ":dynamic-complete-history #Esc-space |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''.profile''' |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/|.profile|<source lang=bash class=".profile"> |
# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells. |
# This file is not read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login |
# exists. |
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples. |
# the files are located in the bash-doc package. |
# the default umask is set in /etc/profile; for setting the umask |
# for ssh logins, install and configure the libpam-umask package. |
#umask 022 |
# if running bash |
if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then |
# include .bashrc if it exists |
if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then |
. "$HOME/.bashrc" |
fi |
fi |
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists |
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then |
PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" |
fi |
# SSH settings |
############## |
eval `ssh-agent-refresh.sh` >/dev/null |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''.vimrc''' |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/|.vimrc|<source lang=text class=".vimrc"> |
syntax enable |
set bg=light |
set number |
set bs=2 |
nnoremap j h |
nnoremap k j |
nnoremap l k |
nnoremap m l |
nnoremap h m |
vnoremap j h |
vnoremap k j |
vnoremap l k |
vnoremap m l |
vnoremap h m |
set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab |
set autoindent |
"set smartindent |
"set cindent |
"set cinkeys=0{,0},:,0#,!,!^F |
inoremap <expr> <C-L> pumvisible() \|\| &omnifunc == '' ? |
\ "\<lt>C-n>" : |
\ "\<lt>C-x>\<lt>C-o><c-r>=pumvisible() ?" . |
\ "\"\\<lt>c-n>\\<lt>c-p>\\<lt>c-n>\" :" . |
\ "\" \\<lt>bs>\\<lt>C-n>\"\<CR>" |
"Press Ctrl-Space instead of ESC (because Shift-Space only work in GUI). |
"See http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Avoid_the_escape_key |
"- nnoremap causes Ctrl-Space to cancel any prefix keys |
nnoremap <nul> <Esc> |
"- vnoremap causes Ctrl-Space to cancel any selection (gV is required to prevent automatic reselection) |
vnoremap <nul> <Esc>gV |
"- onoremap causes Ctrl-Space to cancel any operator pending commands (like y) |
onoremap <nul> <Esc> |
"- inoremap causes Ctrl-Space to exit insert mode and `^ restore cursor position (cursor does not move left) |
inoremap <nul> <Esc>`^ |
" function! CleverTab() |
" if pumvisible() |
" return "\<C-N>" |
" endif |
" let line=strpart( getline('.'), 0, col('.')-1 ) |
" if !(line =~ '^.*[a-zA-Z0-1_]$') "completion only if last char is a word char |
" return "\<Tab>" |
" elseif exists('&omnifunc') && &omnifunc != '' |
" return "\<C-X>\<C-O>" |
" else |
" return "\<C-N>" |
" endif |
" endfunction |
" inoremap <expr> <Tab> CleverTab() |
</source> |
}} }} |
=== Directory /home/beq06659/.ssh === |
'''config-home''' |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/.ssh/|config-home|<source lang=text class="config-home"> |
# ~/.ssh/config-home |
# ~/.ssh/config-home |
Host ftp.noekeon.org noekeon |
Host ftp.noekeon.org noekeon |
User daemenj |
HostName ftp.noekeon.org |
ProxyCommand none |
Host |
Host andlinux |
User beq06659 |
HostName andlinux |
ProxyCommand none |
Host |
Host gryphon |
User baddreams |
HostName gryphon |
ProxyCommand none |
Host leviathan |
User mich |
HostName leviathan |
ProxyCommand none |
Host * |
Host * |
ProxyCommand none |
ServerAliveInterval 15 |
ServerAliveInterval 15 |
</pre> |
</source> |
== ~/.ssh/config-nxp == |
}} }} |
Download [{{#file: config-nxp}} this file]. |
'''config-nxp''' |
<pre> |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/.ssh/|config-nxp|<source lang=text class="config-nxp"> |
# ~/.ssh/config-nxp |
# ~/.ssh/config-nxp |
Host ftp.noekeon.org noekeon |
Host ftp.noekeon.org noekeon |
User daemenj |
HostName ftp.noekeon.org |
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q -f - - %h %p |
#TEST-To prevent disconnect if network down... |
TCPKeepAlive no |
# ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -f - - %h %p |
Proxycommand /bin/bash -c 'exec 3<>/dev/tcp/emea.nics.nxp.com/8080;echo -n -e "CONNECT %h:%p HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" >&3; read -n 39 <&3; echo -n -e "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1\r\n" >&3; head -c 50 <&3; read -n 21; exec /usr/local/bin/multitee 0:3 3:1' |
# Proxycommand /bin/bash -c 'exec 3<>/dev/tcp/emea.nics.nxp.com/8080;echo -n -e "CONNECT %h:%p HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" >&3; read -n 39 <&3; cat ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt >&3; head -c 50 <&3; read -n $(stat -c %%s ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt); exec /usr/local/bin/socat - FD:3' |
Host noekeonsshtunnel |
User daemenj |
HostName ftp.noekeon.org |
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q -f - - %h %p |
Host andlinux |
Host andlinux |
User beq06659 |
HostName andlinux |
ProxyCommand none |
Host gryphon |
Host gryphon |
User baddreams |
HostName gryphon |
ProxyCommand none |
Host leviathan |
User mich |
HostName leviathan |
ProxyCommand none |
Host * |
Host * |
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q - - %h %p |
ServerAliveInterval 15 |
Proxycommand /bin/bash -c 'exec 3<>/dev/tcp/emea.nics.nxp.com/8080;echo -n -e "CONNECT %h:%p HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" >&3; read -n 39 <&3; echo -n -e "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1\r\n" >&3; head -c 50 <&3; read -n 21; exec /usr/local/bin/socat - FD:3' |
ServerAliveInterval 15 |
</pre> |
</source> |
== ~/.ssh/config-tunnel == |
}} }} |
Download [{{#file: config-nxp}} this file]. |
'''config-nxp_auth''' - symlinked to <tt>config-nxp</tt> |
<pre> |
# ~/.ssh/config-tunnel |
'''config-nxp_direct''' - symlinked to <tt>config-nxp</tt> |
Host ftp.noekeon.org noekeon |
User daemenj |
HostName ftp.noekeon.org |
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q -f - - %h %p |
'''proxy.conf-default''' |
Host noekeonsshtunnel |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/.ssh/|proxy.conf-default|<source lang=text class="proxy.conf-default"> |
User daemenj |
# SSH Tunnel configuration file. |
HostName ftp.noekeon.org |
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q -f - - %h %p |
# Section: OPTIONS |
Host andlinux |
[option-section] |
User beq06659 |
debug=0 |
HostName andlinux |
dry=0 |
ProxyCommand none |
icmp=0 |
sshping=1 |
timeout=1 |
# Section: PROXY |
Host gryphon gryphon |
[proxy2-section] |
User baddreams |
HostName gryphon |
#=== Philips gateway & proxy ======== |
Host * |
130.145.67/24 proxy.adc-itcl.ce.philips.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt |
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q - - %h %p |
ServerAliveInterval 15 |
#=== NXP Proxy - on DELL/WinXP ====================== |
</pre> |
#proxy is a synonym - but not portable because it might only work at Leuven... |
134.27.180/22 emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt |
#=== NXP Proxy - Caen - on DELL/WinXP ====================== |
134.27.248/21 emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt -u=beq06659 -p=oiuOIUoiuOIUoiu9 |
#=== NXP Proxy - on DELL/AndLinux ====================== |
#proxy is a synonym - but not portable because it might only work at Leuven... |
||| emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''proxy.conf-home''' - symlinked to <tt>proxy.conf-default</tt> |
'''proxy.conf-nxp''' - symlinked to <tt>proxy.conf-default</tt> |
'''proxy.conf-nxp_auth''' |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/.ssh/|proxy.conf-nxp_auth|<source lang=text class="proxy.conf-nxp_auth"> |
Download [{{#file: proxy.conf}} this file]. |
<pre> |
# SSH Tunnel configuration file. |
# SSH Tunnel configuration file. |
Line 121: | Line 870: | ||
#=== NXP Proxy - on DELL/WinXP ====================== |
#=== NXP Proxy - on DELL/WinXP ====================== |
#proxy is a synonym - but not portable because it might only work at Leuven... |
#proxy is a synonym - but not portable because it might only work at Leuven... |
#134.27.180/22 proxy:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt |
134.27.180/22 emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt |
134.27.180/22 emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt |
#=== NXP Proxy - Caen - on DELL/WinXP ====================== |
134.27.248/21 emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt -u=beq06659 -p=**************** |
#=== NXP Proxy - on DELL/AndLinux ====================== |
#=== NXP Proxy - on DELL/AndLinux ====================== |
#proxy is a synonym - but not portable because it might only work at Leuven... |
#proxy is a synonym - but not portable because it might only work at Leuven... |
|| emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt -u=beq06659 -p=**************** |
||| emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt |
</ |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''config-home-nxp_direct''' - symlinked to <tt>config-default</tt> |
=== Directory /home/beq06659/bin === |
'''backup_main''' - This file must be '''chmod 700'''. |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/bin/|backup_main|<source lang=bash class="backup_main"> |
#! /bin/bash |
# This script will create a backup of the miki wiki database on noekeon.org |
# Helper functions |
# |
# These functions assume that the following env. variables are defined: |
# |
if [ -n "$1" ]; then |
else |
echo "Usage: $0 backup-definition-file" |
echo |
echo "Format of backup-definition-file: one or more entry as follows, separated by empty lines." |
echo |
echo " BACKUPPREFIX=prefix_of_all_backup_files_for_this_entry" |
echo " BACKUPID=some_id_used_to_generate_backup_file_name" |
echo " BACKUPEXT=sql.gz" |
echo " BACKUPCMD=\"... some command generating the backup data to standard output ... \"" |
exit 1 |
fi |
if [ "$2" == "--force" ]; then |
fi |
function makeweekly() |
{ |
echo "Creating backup file '${FNAMENEW}'..." |
NEXTWEEKLY=$((THISWEEK+1)) # This will overflow but 201001 > 200954 so it's ok |
} |
function makemonthly() |
{ |
echo "Creating backup file '${FNAMENEW}'..." |
NEXTMONTHLY=$((THISMONTH+1)) # This will overflow but 201001 > 200913 so it's ok |
} |
function makeyearly() |
{ |
echo "Creating backup file '${FNAMENEW}'..." |
} |
function rmoldest() |
{ |
local SUFFIX=$1 |
local NBR=$2 |
#Count files |
file_count=$(ls ${BACKUPDIR}/*${SUFFIX}| wc -l) |
#Delete files while we have more than $NBR |
while [ $file_count -gt $NBR ] |
do |
#Delete alphabetically oldest file (ls sort by name is default) |
rm $(ls ${BACKUPDIR}/*${SUFFIX} | head -n 1) |
#Count files again |
file_count=$(ls ${BACKUPDIR}/*${SUFFIX}| wc -l) |
done |
} |
function create-backups() |
{ |
# Some environment variables |
BACKUPDIR=~/backup |
THISDAY=$(date '+%Y%j') |
THISWEEK=$(date '+%Y%V') |
THISMONTH=$(date '+%Y%m') |
THISYEAR=$(date '+%Y') |
#======================================================== |
# Read resource file |
#======================================================== |
if [ -a $BACKUPRC ] |
then |
# ! HOMEDIR must be chmod 755 at most, and $BACKUPRC chmod 644 at most |
else |
# Resource file doesn't exist, let's use default value |
NEXTDAILY=$THISDAY # Next daily is this day by default |
NEXTWEEKLY=$THISWEEK # Next weekly is this week by default |
NEXTMONTHLY=$THISMONTH # Next monthly is this month by default |
NEXTYEARLY=$THISYEAR # Next yearly is this year by default |
fi |
#We exit immediately if script was already run today... |
[ $THISDAY -ge $NEXTDAILY -o -n "$FORCE_DAILY" ] || return 0 |
#======================================================== |
# DAILY backup |
#======================================================== |
echo "Creating backup for:" |
# Some environment variables |
#First we need to restore the ssh-agent context, if any |
eval $(/usr/local/bin/ssh-agent-refresh.sh) > /dev/null |
#Create backup parent directory |
mkdir -p $BACKUPDIR |
#We create the daily backup file |
echo "Creating the daily backup file '$FNAMEDAILY'..." |
if ! [ $? -eq 0 -a -s "$FNAMEDAILY" ]; then |
echo "... Backup failed! Exiting..." |
return 1 |
fi |
NEXTDAILY=$((THISDAY+1)) # This will overflow but 2010001 > 2009367 so it's ok |
#======================================================== |
#======================================================== |
#Now, depending on current date, we'll create weekly, monthly or yearly backups... |
[ $THISWEEK -ge $NEXTWEEKLY ] && makeweekly |
[ $THISMONTH -ge $NEXTMONTHLY ] && makemonthly |
[ $THISYEAR -ge $NEXTYEARLY ] && makeyearly |
#Now let's delete the oldest backups |
rmoldest "-${BACKUPID}.daily.${BACKUPEXT}" "3" |
rmoldest "-${BACKUPID}.weekly.${BACKUPEXT}" "3" |
rmoldest "-${BACKUPID}.monthly.${BACKUPEXT}" "3" |
rmoldest "-${BACKUPID}.yearly.${BACKUPEXT}" "3" |
#Finally we update our resource file |
umask 022 |
} |
#Creates the backup for each entry in the backup definition file |
while read -u 3 LINE; do |
if [ -z "$LINE" ]; then |
else |
eval $LINE |
[ -n "$BACKUPPREFIX" ] && [ -n "$BACKUPID" ] && [ -n "$BACKUPEXT" ] && [ -n "$BACKUPCMD" ] && create-backups |
fi |
done 3< $BACKUP_DEF_FILE |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''generate_wiki_config_file_page.sh''' - This file must be '''chmod 700'''. |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/bin/|generate_wiki_config_file_page.sh|<source lang=bash class="generate_wiki_config_file_page.sh"> |
#! /bin/bash |
function wikify_directory() |
{ |
echo "=== Directory $DIRECTORY ===" |
} |
function wikify_config_stdin() |
{ |
local FILE="$1" |
local TAGTYPE=source |
local LANG="$2" |
local DESCRIPTION="$3" |
if [ -n "$DESCRIPTION" ]; then |
echo -e "'''$FILE''' - $DESCRIPTION" |
else |
echo "'''$FILE'''" |
fi |
if [ -n "$LANG" ]; then |
echo "{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|$DIRECTORY/|$FILE|<$TAGTYPE lang="$LANG" class=\"$FILE\">" |
else |
echo "{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|$DIRECTORY/|$FILE|<$TAGTYPE class=\"$FILE\">" |
fi |
cat |
echo "</$TAGTYPE>" |
echo "}} }}" |
} |
function wikify_config_file() |
{ |
cat $DIRECTORY/"$1" | wikify_config_stdin "$1" "$2" "$3" |
} |
echo "== AndLinux files ==" |
#echo "<small>Last generated on '''$(date)''' with script '''$0''' on host '''$HOSTNAME'''</small>" |
echo "<small>Generated with script '''$0''' on host '''$HOSTNAME'''</small>" |
echo |
wikify_directory /etc |
wikify_config_file fstab text |
wikify_directory /etc/privoxy |
wikify_config_file set-network-config bash "This file must be '''chmod 755'''. Also the following line must be added to <tt>/etc/sudoers</tt>: |
:<code> ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /etc/privoxy/set-network-config </code>" |
diff -u config.original config-home | wikify_config_stdin config-home.patch diff |
diff -u config-home config-nxp | wikify_config_stdin config-nxp.patch diff |
echo "'''config-nxp_auth''' - symlinked to <tt>config-nxp</tt>" |
echo |
diff -u config-nxp config-nxp_direct | wikify_config_stdin config-nxp_direct.patch diff |
wikify_directory /usr/local/bin |
wikify_config_file be bash "This script would ideally require to add the following line to <tt>/etc/sudoers</tt>: |
:<code>ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/loadkeys</code>" |
wikify_config_file ssh-agent-refresh.sh bash |
wikify_directory ~ |
wikify_config_file .bashrc bash "Everything before <tt>#### CUSTOMIZATION</tt> is the original file." |
wikify_config_file .dircolors.cfg text |
wikify_config_file .inputrc bash |
wikify_config_file .profile bash |
wikify_config_file .vimrc text |
wikify_directory ~/.ssh |
wikify_config_file config-home text |
wikify_config_file config-nxp text |
echo "'''config-nxp_auth''' - symlinked to <tt>config-nxp</tt>" |
echo |
echo "'''config-nxp_direct''' - symlinked to <tt>config-nxp</tt>" |
echo |
wikify_config_file proxy.conf-default text |
echo "'''proxy.conf-home''' - symlinked to <tt>proxy.conf-default</tt>" |
echo |
echo "'''proxy.conf-nxp''' - symlinked to <tt>proxy.conf-default</tt>" |
echo |
wikify_config_file proxy.conf-nxp_auth text |
echo "'''config-home-nxp_direct''' - symlinked to <tt>config-default</tt>" |
echo |
wikify_directory ~/bin |
wikify_config_file backup_main bash "This file must be '''chmod 700'''." |
wikify_config_file generate_wiki_config_file_page.sh bash "This file must be '''chmod 700'''." |
wikify_config_file restore_wiki.sh bash "This file must be '''chmod 700'''." |
wikify_config_file set-network.sh bash "This file must be '''chmod 700'''." |
wikify_config_file sshproxy bash "This file must be '''chmod 700'''." |
wikify_config_file startup.sh bash "This file must be '''chmod 700'''." |
wikify_directory ~/etc |
wikify_config_file backup_definition text |
wikify_config_file crontab bash "Install this file with |
:<code>crontab -u beq06659 ~/etc/crontab</code>" |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''restore_wiki.sh''' - This file must be '''chmod 700'''. |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/bin/|restore_wiki.sh|<source lang=bash class="restore_wiki.sh"> |
#! /bin/bash |
function restore_wiki() |
{ |
# |
# Restore the wiki backup locally - miki |
# |
HTML_ROOT=/data/www |
SQL_BACKUP=$(ls ~/backup/*-www.noekeon.org_$WIKI_DIR.daily.sql.gz | tail -n 1) |
TAR_BACKUP=$(ls ~/backup/*-www.noekeon.org_$WIKI_DIR.daily.tar.gz | tail -n 1) |
[ -a "$SQL_BACKUP" ] || return 1 |
[ -a "$TAR_BACKUP" ] || return 1 |
echo "Restoring TAR backup $TAR_BACKUP..." |
echo |
sudo rm -r "$HTML_ROOT/$WIKI_DIR" |
cd "$HTML_ROOT" |
sudo tar -xvzf "$TAR_BACKUP" >/dev/null |
sudo chown $USER "$HTML_ROOT/$WIKI_DIR" |
sed -i -r 's/(wgDBserver.*").*(")/\1localhost\2/' $WIKI_SETTINGS_FNAME |
wgDBname=$(<"$WIKI_SETTINGS_FNAME" perl -lne 'print for /wgDBname.*"(.*)"/') |
wgDBuser=$(<"$WIKI_SETTINGS_FNAME" perl -lne 'print for /wgDBuser.*"(.*)"/') |
wgDBpassword=$(<"$WIKI_SETTINGS_FNAME" perl -lne 'print for /wgDBpassword.*"(.*)"/') |
echo "Restoring SQL backup $SQL_BACKUP..." |
echo |
gunzip < "$SQL_BACKUP" | mysql -u "$wgDBuser" -p"$wgDBpassword" "$wgDBname" |
sudo chown -R www-data "$WIKI_DIR" |
sudo chgrp -R www-data "$WIKI_DIR" |
} |
restore_wiki miki |
restore_wiki crypto |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''set-network.sh''' - This file must be '''chmod 700'''. |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/bin/|set-network.sh|<source lang=bash class="set-network.sh"> |
#! /bin/bash |
# Exit if no network name given or if no corresponding configuration file |
[ -n "$NETWORK" ] || exit 1 |
# Some logging... |
echo -e "\t[$HOSTNAME] Running $(basename $0) '$NETWORK'..." 1>&2 |
# Checked all needed files are present... |
SSH_CONFIG_FILE=~/".ssh/config-$NETWORK" |
if ! [ -a $SSH_CONFIG_FILE -a -a /etc/privoxy/config-$NETWORK ]; then |
echo "ERROR! I don't know how to reconfigure network '$NETWORK'" 1>&2 |
exit 255 |
fi |
#First we need to restore the ssh-agent context, if any |
eval $(/usr/local/bin/ssh-agent-refresh.sh) > /dev/null |
# Now let's reconfigure as needed... |
if [ $NETWORK = "nxp_auth" ]; then |
echo -e "\t!!! UPDATE PASSWORD AT ~/.ssh/proxy.conf AND RE-RUN THIS COMMAND !!!" |
fi |
~/bin/sshproxy stop |
sleep 1 |
ln -sf $SSH_CONFIG_FILE ~/.ssh/config |
sudo /etc/privoxy/set-network-config "$NETWORK" |
~/bin/sshproxy start |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''sshproxy''' - This file must be '''chmod 700'''. |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/bin/|sshproxy|<source lang=bash class="sshproxy"> |
#! /bin/sh |
# |
# sshproxy Setup ssh port forwarding (imap) and SOCKS 5 proxy |
# ssh connection is made persistent thanks to autossh |
# |
# Author: Michaël Peeters |
# |
# Prerequisite: ssh-agent must be running in background (autossh won't ask for password) |
# |
# chkconfig: 235 70 40 |
# description: sshproxy startup script. |
SUBSYS=sshproxy |
TARGET=/usr/bin/autossh |
BINDADDRESS= # external connection allowed; only connection from localhost allowed |
# Source function library. |
#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions |
# Some macros to make the below more readable |
#PID_FILE=/var/run/$SUBSYS.pid |
#LOCK_FILE=/var/lock/subsys/$SUBSYS |
echo_success() |
{ |
echo "\t\t[OK ]" |
} |
echo_failure() |
{ |
echo "\t\t[FAILED]" |
} |
start() |
{ |
echo -n "Starting $SUBSYS:" |
if [ -f $LOCK_FILE ]; then |
else |
export AUTOSSH_POLL=300 |
/usr/bin/autossh -M 0 -f -N -n -q -L ${BINDADDRESS}:9025:smtp.priorweb.be:25 -L ${BINDADDRESS}:9143:mail.priorweb.be:143 -L ${BINDADDRESS}:9026:mail.altranweb.be:25 -L ${BINDADDRESS}:9144:mail.altranweb.be:143 -D ${BINDADDRESS}:1080 noekeon |
fi |
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then |
touch $LOCK_FILE |
echo_success |
else |
echo_failure |
fi |
} |
stop() |
{ |
# don't delete lock file while pid file not deleted |
# don't delete pidfile while process is running |
echo -n "Stopping $SUBSYS:" |
status |
case "$RETVAL" in |
0) |
( kill -TERM $pid || kill -KILL $pid ) >/dev/null |
;; |
1) RETVAL=0;; |
2) RETVAL=0;; |
*) ;; |
esac |
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then |
rm -f $LOCK_FILE |
rm -f $PID_FILE |
echo_success |
else |
echo_failure |
fi |
} |
status() |
{ |
# no lockfile --> (3) Not started. |
# lockfile present, no pidfile --> (2) Started, but terminated |
# lockfile & pidfile present, no process --> (1) Started, but killed |
# lockfile, pidfile & process present --> (0) Started. |
# -- note this is opposite order compared to status function, but support multiple autossh running concurrently |
unset pid |
read pid 2>/dev/null < $PID_FILE |
if [ ! -f $LOCK_FILE ]; then |
# /var/lock/subsys/$SUBSYS doesn't exist |
elif [ "$pid" = "" ] ; then |
# lock file exists, but file "/var/run/*.pid" doesn't exist |
elif ( ! ps -p $pid | grep -q $pid ) ; then |
# Both files exist but process is not running anymore... |
else |
# Everything is fine |
fi |
} |
reload() |
{ |
read pid 2>/dev/null < $PID_FILE |
kill -HUP $pid |
} |
# See how we were called. |
case "$1" in |
start) |
start |
;; |
stop) |
stop |
;; |
status) |
status |
case "$RETVAL" in |
0) |
echo -n "$SUBSYS (pid $pid) is running" |
if ( ps -fu $USER | grep -q " $pid .*/ssh " ) ; then echo " and connection is alive..."; else echo " but connection is dead..."; fi |
;; |
1) |
echo "$SUBSYS dead but pid file exists" |
;; |
2) |
echo "$SUBSYS dead but subsys locked..." |
;; |
3) |
echo "$SUBSYS is stopped" |
;; |
esac |
;; |
reload) |
reload |
;; |
restart) |
stop |
start |
;; |
*) |
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|reload|restart}" |
esac |
exit $RETVAL |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''startup.sh''' - This file must be '''chmod 700'''. |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/bin/|startup.sh|<source lang=bash class="startup.sh"> |
#! /bin/bash |
# Start ssh-agent and add key |
############################## |
eval `ssh-agent-refresh.sh` >/dev/null |
if ( ! ( ssh-add -L | grep -q $USER ) ); then ssh-add; fi |
# Start ssh-proxy - USELESS - ALWAYS FOLLOWED BY A CALL TO ~/bin/network-* which restarts sshproxy anyway |
############################## |
#~/bin/sshproxy stop >/dev/null |
#~/bin/sshproxy start |
</source> |
}} }} |
=== Directory /home/beq06659/etc === |
'''backup_definition''' |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/etc/|backup_definition|<source lang=text class="backup_definition"> |
BACKUPID=www.noekeon.org_miki |
BACKUPEXT=sql.gz |
BACKUPCMD="ssh noekeon '~daemenj/private/backup_wiki ~daemenj/kiwi.noekeon.org/miki/LocalSettings.php'" |
BACKUPID=www.noekeon.org_miki |
BACKUPEXT=tar.gz |
BACKUPCMD="ssh noekeon 'cd ~daemenj/kiwi.noekeon.org; /usr/bin/nice -n 19 tar -cz miki/'" |
BACKUPID=www.noekeon.org_crypto |
BACKUPEXT=sql.gz |
BACKUPCMD="ssh noekeon '~daemenj/private/backup_wiki ~daemenj/kiwi.noekeon.org/crypto/LocalSettings.php'" |
BACKUPID=www.noekeon.org_crypto |
BACKUPEXT=tar.gz |
BACKUPCMD="ssh noekeon 'cd ~daemenj/kiwi.noekeon.org; /usr/bin/nice -n 19 tar -cz crypto/'" |
</source> |
}} }} |
'''crontab''' - Install this file with |
:<code>crontab -u beq06659 ~/etc/crontab</code> |
{{pl2|{{hiddenSourceFile|/home/beq06659/etc/|crontab|<source lang=bash class="crontab"> |
# Crontab for user beq06659 |
# |
# Install this crontab with |
# |
# crontab -u beq06659 crontab |
# |
# Use /bin/bash to run commands, instead of the default /bin/sh |
SHELL=/bin/bash |
# Define variable USER because we need it in our job scripts |
USER=beq06659 |
# Mail any output to 'beq06659', no matter whose crontab this is |
MAILTO=beq06659 |
# |
# |
# m h dom mon dow command (dow=0|7 is sunday) |
37 * * * * ~beq06659/bin/backup_main ~beq06659/etc/backup_definition |
</source> |
}} }} |
Latest revision as of 11:21, 26 April 2013
These are the configuration files on Configuration NXP Dell Latitude D620 - AndLinux.
Windows Host files
AndLinux files
Generated with script /home/beq06659/bin/generate_wiki_config_file_page.sh on host andLinux
Directory /etc
Directory /etc/privoxy
set-network-config - This file must be chmod 755. Also the following line must be added to /etc/sudoers:
ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /etc/privoxy/set-network-config
config-nxp_auth - symlinked to config-nxp
Directory /usr/local/bin
be - This script would ideally require to add the following line to /etc/sudoers:
ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/loadkeys
Directory /home/beq06659
.bashrc - Everything before #### CUSTOMIZATION is the original file.
Directory /home/beq06659/.ssh
config-nxp_auth - symlinked to config-nxp
config-nxp_direct - symlinked to config-nxp
proxy.conf-home - symlinked to proxy.conf-default
proxy.conf-nxp - symlinked to proxy.conf-default
config-home-nxp_direct - symlinked to config-default
Directory /home/beq06659/bin
backup_main - This file must be chmod 700.
generate_wiki_config_file_page.sh - This file must be chmod 700.
restore_wiki.sh - This file must be chmod 700.
set-network.sh - This file must be chmod 700.
sshproxy - This file must be chmod 700.
startup.sh - This file must be chmod 700.
Directory /home/beq06659/etc
crontab - Install this file with
crontab -u beq06659 ~/etc/crontab