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read tome
read tome
remember Friddlefrod's Hydratic Extrusion from tome
remember Friddlefrod's Hydratic Extrusion from tome

mindspace # Enable mindspace plugin (to compute free space in mind)
help mindspace
help nickname # 'nickname' is useful to shorten spell name
cast <spell> ... # See 'help cast'

commands # Get a list of guild commands (like 'remember' and 'forget')

# General
# General

Revision as of 18:31, 1 May 2018


Configure MUSHClient

Set word wrap
  • Press Alt+5, then check option Wrap output at column number, enter 165.
Set row count
  • options terminal rows=100, to avoid annoying paging of text.

Getting started

  • Played a bit the online client.
  • Now playing with MUSHclient on Wine.

From Pumpkin Town

Help files are still available, even after leaving Pumpkin town:

help getting started

Some commands.

read sign
help here             # Get help. In newbie area, in any room in general but shops in particular
f                     # Next page, or send an empty line
help essentials       # List of basic commands
tutorial              # In newbie area
help score
help skills
help stats

# Newbie channel (open for 18h)
newbie hello!

# Frequently used commands
quit                  # To log out. Don't just close the client.
look cot              # Look a particular item
say Hello.            # Heard in a room.
sayto gabriella My name is Sheemay
whisper Yes.          # Private, but others can see that something's going on.
tell ...              # Totally private

# Movements
n, s, w, e, se...     # Short for 'north', 'south', 'west'...
enter silly-looking door  # Enter given exit

# Commands learned from the bench
glance                # A shorter version of look
options output map lookcity = off      # Turn off automatic map
options output map lookcity = top      # Turn it back on
options output map                     # More options

# Commands from sign
godmother help        # When lost

# Commands learned from newbie channel
temp                  # Get information on clothes re. temperature
unhold <item>         # Unhold an item (that I equiped)
get <item>            # Get some item (found on the floor for instance)
put <item> in <container>

# In Pumpkin town
look guide
look map              # ASCII representation
read map              # Written description
list topics on map
locate <place> on map
locate <topic> on map

## Pumpkin - soul command
smile at johnny
look soul            # Get all soul command
help hug
help soul commands

## Pumpkin - colour
options colour
options colour soul = cyan
options colour soul = bold blue b_red    # Blue on red background
colours list

## Pumpkin - shop

## Pumpkin guide
open guide             # To open the guide
read guide             # Read the page we are on
turn page of guide     # Turn to the next page

## Pumpkin talker
help talker

## Pumpkin - Help combat
consider pumpkin
skills fighting
health wounded all
health pumpkin
hskills             # See recent increase in skills
tactics             # View combat tactics

## Pumpkin - Nurse Vicki
tear shirt          # To create bandages
say tell me more about wizards
say How do I use tea?
say How does bandaging works?
say If I want to be a priest, what is the easiest method?

## Pumpkin - Morgue
get all from corpse
equip               # Equip all relevant objects in inventory

## Pumpkin - street (search)
search              # Find small objects in the street
search tree

## Pumpkin - garden (quest)
search bush
rustle bush         # To get berries
give gooseberry to womble
help creator card

## Pumpkin - torch
light torch
extinguish torch

## Pumpkin - bulletin board
read bulletin board
read 1
post <title>         # Create a new bulletin

## Pumpkin - mail

## Pumpkin - guilds - tutorial
help making money
skills [<skill>]    # For instance 'skills fighting'
score stats

## Pumpkin - warriors
equip <weapon>
impale <enemy> with spear
behead <enemy> with sword
crush <enemy> with mace

## Pumpkin - Witches
skewer hat on Sniggle with pin

## Pumpkin -Thieves
shoplift <item>    # In shop

## Pumpkin - Priests
score align
help align
help religion
finger sek         # Get information on god 'sek'
rescue beetle      # to become more good - can be repeated
drown beetle       # To become more evil - can be repeated

From Adventure's guide

gp                  # Guild points

# Communication
newbie ...          # Use channel 'newbie'
one ...             # Use talkers
say ...             # Say to everyone.
sayto ...
shout ... 
lsay ...            # Talk loudly
tell                # Speak privately
emote ...           #
remote ...          # private emote
# soul commands. See 'help soul'
smile severus
# earmuffs - Use to block some messages
earmuffs newbie on  # Silent newbie channel

# Pumpkin tour
examine Sheemay
examine me
look me
60                   # Get character deletion date
locate shops on map
money brief          # Shorter version

# Shops
value sash
value torch
value all

# Score, skills and stats
hskills              # Get recent skills increase
options skills = list
options skills = branched
score align
skills <skill_name>  # Such as covert, crafts, faith, fighting, magic, adventuring, people
                     # Note: Skills name can be abbreviated. Like
                     # 'covert.stealth.underwater' is same as 'co.st.un'
help score
help skills
help stats
skills magic.points
skills magic.points stats  # How bonuses are computed from stats

# Learning and teaching
help teach, learn, taskmaster
teach <x> to <name>  # <x> is eg. adventuring.health, or ad.he. <name> can be your name.
options auto teach = on
# Learn:
# - From others
# - From oneself
# - From guild (advance)  <-- This is 2 third cheaper than learning from oneself

From Wizards guild

# Learn spell from gymnasium tome
open tome
turn tome to page 2
read tome
remember Friddlefrod's Hydratic Extrusion from tome

mindspace             # Enable mindspace plugin (to compute free space in mind)
help mindspace
help nickname         # 'nickname' is useful to shorten spell name
cast <spell> ...      # See 'help cast'

commands              # Get a list of guild commands (like 'remember' and 'forget')

# General
refer faculty         # Lot of information on  The Faculty of the Unseen University

The Faculty of the Unseen University:

Sekiri's Excellent Introduction to the World of Magic. A necessary reference for any Wizard.
The Spellcheck Project, which includes detailed information on all Spells, the methods necessary to cast them, and the amount of 'mindspace' they take up.
Artefacts, enchanting, orders, titles, and other interesting tidbits that are relevant to the Wizarding life. Run by Elanor the Wise.
slightly out of date site, but filled with important information on both the Faculty and Artificing on the Disc. Run by Poncho.
Winswand's Grimoire, which includes detailed descriptions of most spells and magic items in the game.
The Discworld Wiki, which serves as an excellent jumping off point for information on any other part of the game, as well as holding a great deal of raw information on Magical Research.


' <message>           # Same as 'say <message>
: <message>           # Same as 'emote <message...'
r sign                # Read
ex me                 # Examine


Meaning of some events:

  • Squelch — This means we are wet. It's too warm, remove some stuff.

Skills, Stats, Bonuses

See adventure's guide also About rearranging on irreducible.org.

help skills
help stats
help rearrange

Pumpkin Town

Nurse Vicki
  • She tells us how to get healed: tea from witches (heal up quicker), tear clothes into bandages (heal quicker), get curing ritual from priests, use wands from wizards, drink blue water from the gods.
  • Headcrusher says: At first, you might like to concentrate on training with one particular weapon. There are advantages and disadvantages to all weapon types and as you get more experienced with combat you'll be able to find one that suits your fighting style.
  • Headcrusher says: There are three methods of defence: dodging, parrying and blocking. Dodging generally suits those with greater dexterity, while blocking is for those with more strength, especially since you need to hold a shield to block with. Parry is a good in-between defence skill for those with moderate strength and good dexterity.
  • Flying on a broomstick, teas and potions, spells.



Got the following message:


Quow's Cow Bar Notice:
Unable to detect the ASCII map from the MUD... 
If your ASCII map window continues not to work repeatedly, things you can try are:
Your 'term' might need resetting, or 'options output map' settings need changing to 'top'
You should also consider doing 'options output shortinlong=on' and 'prompt off' to help the plugin process game text more easily.
These things and more can be set by typing 'minimap discworldconfig' which changes many Disc-side settings for you.