Mandala: Difference between revisions

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m (moved Configuration Mandela to Configuration Mandala: Rename to 'Mandala')

Revision as of 20:34, 30 December 2011

Installed Operating System

Current OS Log



  • Intel Core 2 Duo T5750 @ 2.00GHz
  • 3GB RAM
  • Mible Intel 965 Express Chipset Family


  • [2011-xx-yy] Info - Original partition:
  • sfdisk -l -uS /dev/sda
    # ...


Before installing Ubuntu (232.88GiB):

Device Label Size Type Mount uid gid permissions Comments
/dev/sda1/ Recovery 6.13GiB (eisa) ? ? ? Basically a copy of install DVD
/dev/sda2/ System 78.13GiB ntfs ? ? ?
/dev/sda3/ Data 148.63GiB ntfs ? ? ?

After installing Ubuntu:

Device Label Size Type Mount uid gid permissions
/dev/sda1/ OS 40.00GB ntfs /windows/c ? 46 umask=007
/dev/sda2/ DATA 20.00GiB ntfs /windows/d ? 46 umask=007
/dev/sda3/ SWAP 4.00GiB linux-swap swap ? ?
/dev/sda5/ BOOT 190MB ext3 /boot ? ?
/dev/sda6/ UBUNTU 11.50GB reiserfs / ? ?
/dev/sda7/ HOME 174.00GB ext4 /home ? ?

1st Install

To be completed