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/mvp sel portal_name # Select portal 'portal_name' as current portal
/mvp sel portal_name # Select portal 'portal_name' as current portal
/mvp remove portal_name # Destroy portal 'portal_name'
/mvp remove portal_name # Destroy portal 'portal_name'

=== WorldEdit ===
<source lang="bash">
# Selection
//wand # Give the user the editing wand (axe)
//sel # Clear selection
//sel cuboid # Default mode, ie. cuboid: L click: 1st point, R click: 2nd point
//sel extend # Enable extend mode: L click: start, R click: extend cuboid
# More //sel mode available. Type //sel ? to see
//chunk # Select the entire chunk

# Basic edit
//set [id] # Fill selection with block 'id' (numeric or block name)
//set 80%stone,20%cobble # Idem, with fill percentage
//set 0 # Fill with air
//replace [idfrom] [idto] # Replace given block id with given block id
//outline [id] # Set outline
//walls [id] # Set walls
//undo # Undo edition
//redo # Redo edition

# Copy / Paste
//copy # Copy selection
//paste # Paste selection
//rotate [angle]
//flip [direction]

# Brush
//brush clipboard [-a] # Paint with the clipboard. -a to append, not pasting air.
# ...

# Shape generation
# ...

# Utility
//fill id [radius] [depth] # Fill an area with block 'id', up to 'radius' and depth 'depth'
//fixlava # Levels out nearby lava pool
//fixwater # Levels out nearby water pool
//thaw # Remove snow
/ex [size]/[size] # Extinguish fire
//drain # Drains all nearby pools of laval or water
//green # Greens the area by adding grass to dirt

# Maintenance
//regen # Revert selected area to original seed blocks

Revision as of 06:31, 6 March 2017

Installation log



java -d64 -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui

Spigot on Raspberry Pi

Cauldron and Forge

  • Cauldron is the new name of MCPC+, ie. basically Spigot + Forge API. Cauldron allows for running servers using both CraftBukkit plugins and Forge mods (like Mo'Creatures).
  • Best way for installing is to run the Cauldron installer (see download page)
  • When launched, it runs like a standard Spigot / Craftbukkit server.

Start / stop init script

Forge mods

Use Cauldron + forge to run a server that accepts both CraftBukkit plugins and Forge mods

Supported mods
  • Mo' creatures v6.2.0 R2
Simply install the mods in minecraft server mod directory (./mods)

CraftBukkit Troubleshoot

Essentials / permissions debug

To debug permission issues easily, set plugins/Essentials/config.yml:

# More output to the console.
debug: true

Cannot start the server

  • I had issue due to jline, which was parsing my /root/.inputrc file!!!
$ java -jar craftbukkit.jar help
229 recipes
27 achievements
Jul 10, 2013 3:00:24 AM net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.MinecraftServer main
SEVERE: Failed to start the minecraft server
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.Operation.DYNAMIC_COMPLETE_HISTORY
	at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Enum.java:236)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.Operation.valueOf(Operation.java:24)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.ConsoleKeys.loadKeys(ConsoleKeys.java:245)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.ConsoleKeys.loadKeys(ConsoleKeys.java:71)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.ConsoleKeys.<init>(ConsoleKeys.java:43)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.ConsoleReader.<init>(ConsoleReader.java:146)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.console.ConsoleReader.<init>(ConsoleReader.java:126)
	at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.MinecraftServer.<init>(MinecraftServer.java:106)
	at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.DedicatedServer.<init>(DedicatedServer.java:34)
	at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.MinecraftServer.main(MinecraftServer.java:653)
	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main.main(Main.java:152)

The solution was simply to remove the binding to dynamic-complete-history in the .inputrc file.

Wrong plugin version

  • The following message indicates a mismatch between server and plugin version:
01:14:18 CONSOLE: [WARNING] WorldEdit: Failed to do NMS safe block set

Frequent disconnect

Getting frequently disconnect from server, with message:

lost connection: Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException 

See https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-34947

Possible causes
  • Java garbage collector on the server taking too much time.
  • Server triggering disconnects on the client side when loading/generating new chunks.
  • Related to a save spike [1]
  • Related to file data/Mineshaft.dat taking too much CPU
  • At the same time, I had lot of connection loss on the wifi (mandala laptop). Could this be related?
Possible fixes
  • Restart the server
  • Install Oracle Java 7 on the server
  • Change the GC settings [2]. Use -XX:+UseG1GC instead of -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200:
java -XX:+UseG1GC -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
  • Tweak connection mtu settings [3]:
netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Local Area Connection" mtu=750 store=persistent
  • rename data/Mineshaft.dat to data/Mineshaft.old
  • upgrade to 1.7.10


CraftBukkit server

  • Clear server log
Use LogManager: /logclear
  • Clear core-protect db.
On the console, /co purge t:7d (only data older than 24h can be purged from the console)
In game, /co purge t:30d (only data older than 30 days can be purged from in-game)

CraftBukkit Plugins

A small plugin to clear the server log from in-game, w/o need to restart the server (/logclear)
This plugin allows for preventing / controling explosion.
# Enable TNT explosion as follows (note that tnt chain are allowed by default)
/acs tnt yield 80              # 80% of exploded blocks will be available back
/acb tnt damage player true    # TNT will damage players...
/acb tnt damage mob true       # ... and mobs
/acb tnt explodeblocks true    # TNT will explode neighbouring blocks
# To protect a zone against TNT (even via TNT cannon)
/rg flag spawn tnt deny
  • DynMap
  • AntiBotUltra
    • Edit plugins/AntiBotUltra/config.yml to change the white list message (use § for colors)
  • AntiCheat
    Problem with these statistical tool is that they only detect after damage is done (all diamonds have been removed), and that they require administration effort.
    Nice analysis of pro and con of other anti-X-ray tools (statistical, obfuscator), and how to detect xraying users.

Basic commands

tphere <PLAYER>
changepw <oldpwd> <newpwd>



To enable kits via signs, give to user the following permissions:


To enable kits via /kit command, give the following permissions to the users:



/manuadd histerical Default plotworld           # Change group of a user in a given world
Set world difficulty
/mvmodify set difficulty PEACEFUL

This setting has precedence over server setting. To change server setting, edit file Server.properties on the server:

Prevent spawning
/mvmodify set monsters false                    # Prevent monsters spawning
/mvmodify set animals false                     # Prevent animals spawning
Set spawn for current world
/mv set spawn
Create a portal

To create a portal, first create a selection containing a portal frame, then create the portal with /mpc.

/mvpc portal_name                 # Create a portal named 'portal_name'
/mvpm dest world_name             # Set the destination of current portal to spawn of world 'world_name'
/mvpm dest p:dest_portal_name     # Set the destination of current portal to portal dest_portal_name
/mvpm dest p:dest_portal_name:n   # Set the destination of current portal to portal dest_portal_name, changing player direction to 'north'
/mvpm dest p:dest_portal_name:s   # Set the destination of current portal to portal dest_portal_name, changing player direction to 'south'
/mvpm dest p:dest_portal_name:e   # Set the destination of current portal to portal dest_portal_name, changing player direction to 'east'
/mvpm dest p:dest_portal_name:w   # Set the destination of current portal to portal dest_portal_name, changing player direction to 'west'
/mvp sel portal_name              # Select portal 'portal_name' as current portal
/mvp remove portal_name           # Destroy portal 'portal_name'


# Selection
//wand                            # Give the user the editing wand (axe)
//sel                             # Clear selection
//sel cuboid                      # Default mode, ie. cuboid: L click: 1st point, R click: 2nd point
//sel extend                      # Enable extend mode: L click: start, R click: extend cuboid
# More //sel mode available. Type //sel ? to see
//chunk                           # Select the entire chunk

# Basic edit
//set [id]                        # Fill selection with block 'id' (numeric or block name)
//set 80%stone,20%cobble          # Idem, with fill percentage
//set 0                           # Fill with air
//replace [idfrom] [idto]         # Replace given block id with given block id
//outline [id]                    # Set outline
//walls [id]                      # Set walls
//undo                            # Undo edition
//redo                            # Redo edition

# Copy / Paste
//copy                            # Copy selection
//paste                           # Paste selection
//rotate [angle]
//flip [direction]

# Brush
//brush clipboard [-a]            # Paint with the clipboard. -a to append, not pasting air.
# ...

# Shape generation
# ...

# Utility
//fill id [radius] [depth]        # Fill an area with block 'id', up to 'radius' and depth 'depth'
//fixlava                         # Levels out nearby lava pool
//fixwater                        # Levels out nearby water pool
//thaw                            # Remove snow
/ex [size]/[size]                 # Extinguish fire
//drain                           # Drains all nearby pools of laval or water
//green                           # Greens the area by adding grass to dirt

# Maintenance
//regen                           # Revert selected area to original seed blocks


Import a single-player world

Import a single player world
  • Copy SP world to say ./world_singleplayer
  • You need to guess the world environment (usually either NORMAL or FLAT) and if needed the generator used (see doc for more information).
To get the list of available environment:
/mv env
  • In the server:
/mv import world_singleplayer NORMAL         # Import with default generator
/mv import world_singleplayer NORMAL FLAG    # Import with FLAT generator

Create PlotMe world

/mv create plotworld normal -g PlotMe           # Must use 'plotworld', or see PlotMe/config.yml
/mangaddp Default creativegates.use             # In the PlotMe world, or user can't use creative gates anymore
/mangaddp Default plotme.use                    # Give user access to plotme commands
/mangaddp Default plotme.limit.1                # Limit to 1 plot / user
/plotme weanywhere                              # To use worldedit anywhere (protection against grief)
/mvm set monsters false                         # To prevent mobs spawning
/mvm set animals false                          # To prevent animals spawning

Edit file plugins/Multiverse-Core/config.yml:

  prefixchat: 'false'

Summon any horses

From [5].

/summon EntityHorse ~0 ~1 ~0
/summon EntityHorse ~0 ~1 ~0 {Tame:1}
/summon EntityHorse ~0 ~1 ~0 {Type:4,Tame:1}                      # Type: 0 to 4
/summon EntityHorse ~0 ~1 ~0 {Type:0,Tame:1,SaddleItem:{id:329}}  # 
/summon EntityHorse ~0 ~1 ~0 {Type:1,Tame:1,SaddleItem:{id:329},ChestedHorse:1}
/summon EntityHorse ~ ~1 ~ {Type:0,Tame:1,SaddleItem:{id:329},ArmorItem:{id:417}}     # ArmorItem: 417 to 419
/summon EntityHorse ~ ~1 ~ {Type:0,Tame:1,Variant:0}              # Variant: 0..6, 256..262, 512..528, 768..774, 1024..1030