Nxl67002 - AndLinux - Files: Difference between revisions

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Line 564: Line 564:

Host ftp.noekeon.org noekeon
Host ftp.noekeon.org noekeon
User daemenj
User daemenj
HostName ftp.noekeon.org
HostName ftp.noekeon.org
ProxyCommand none

Host noekeonsshtunnel
Host andlinux
User daemenj
User beq06659
HostName ftp.noekeon.org
HostName andlinux
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q -f - - %h %p
ProxyCommand none

Host gryphon
User baddreams
HostName gryphon
ProxyCommand none

Host gryphon gryphon
Host leviathan
User mich
User baddreams
HostName gryphon
HostName leviathan
ProxyCommand none

Host *
Host *
ProxyCommand none
ServerAliveInterval 15
ServerAliveInterval 15
Line 585: Line 593:

Host ftp.noekeon.org noekeon
Host ftp.noekeon.org noekeon
User daemenj
User daemenj
HostName ftp.noekeon.org
HostName ftp.noekeon.org
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q -f - - %h %p
#TEST-To prevent disconnect if network down...
TCPKeepAlive no
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -f - - %h %p
# Proxycommand /bin/bash -c 'exec 3<>/dev/tcp/emea.nics.nxp.com/8080;echo -n -e "CONNECT %h:%p HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" >&3; read -n 39 <&3; echo -n -e "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1\r\n" >&3; head -c 50 <&3; read -n 21; exec /usr/local/bin/multitee 0:3 3:1'
# Proxycommand /bin/bash -c 'exec 3<>/dev/tcp/emea.nics.nxp.com/8080;echo -n -e "CONNECT %h:%p HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" >&3; read -n 39 <&3; cat ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt >&3; head -c 50 <&3; read -n $(stat -c %%s ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt); exec /usr/local/bin/socat - FD:3'

Host noekeonsshtunnel
User daemenj
HostName ftp.noekeon.org
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q -f - - %h %p

Host andlinux
Host andlinux
User beq06659
User beq06659
HostName andlinux
HostName andlinux
ProxyCommand none
ProxyCommand none

Host gryphon
Host gryphon
User baddreams
User baddreams
HostName gryphon
HostName gryphon
ProxyCommand none

Host leviathan
User mich
HostName leviathan
ProxyCommand none

Host *
Host *
# ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl - - %h %p
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q - - %h %p
ServerAliveInterval 15
Proxycommand /bin/bash -c 'exec 3<>/dev/tcp/emea.nics.nxp.com/8080;echo -n -e "CONNECT %h:%p HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" >&3; read -n 39 <&3; echo -n -e "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1\r\n" >&3; head -c 50 <&3; read -n 21; exec /usr/local/bin/socat - FD:3'
ServerAliveInterval 15

{{hiddenSourceFile|~/.ssh/|config-tunnel|<pre class="config-tunnel">
{{hiddenSourceFile|~/.ssh/|proxy.conf-default|<pre class="proxy.conf-default">
# SSH Tunnel configuration file.
# ~/.ssh/config-tunnel

# Section: OPTIONS
Host ftp.noekeon.org noekeon
User daemenj
HostName ftp.noekeon.org
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q -f - - %h %p

# Section: PROXY
Host noekeonsshtunnel
User daemenj
HostName ftp.noekeon.org
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q -f - - %h %p

#=== Philips gateway & proxy ========
Host andlinux
130.145.67/24 proxy.adc-itcl.ce.philips.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt
User beq06659
HostName andlinux
ProxyCommand none

#=== NXP Proxy - on DELL/WinXP ======================
Host gryphon gryphon
#proxy is a synonym - but not portable because it might only work at Leuven...
User baddreams
134.27.180/22 emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt
HostName gryphon

#=== NXP Proxy - Caen - on DELL/WinXP ======================
Host *
134.27.248/21 emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt -u=beq06659 -p=oiuOIUoiuOIUoiu9
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl -q - - %h %p

ServerAliveInterval 15
#=== NXP Proxy - on DELL/AndLinux ======================
#proxy is a synonym - but not portable because it might only work at Leuven... emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt

{{hiddenSourceFile|~/.ssh/|proxy.conf|<pre class="proxy.conf">
{{hiddenSourceFile|~/.ssh/|proxy.conf-nxp_auth|<pre class="proxy.conf-nxp_auth">
# SSH Tunnel configuration file.
# SSH Tunnel configuration file.

Line 662: Line 667:
#=== NXP Proxy - on DELL/WinXP ======================
#=== NXP Proxy - on DELL/WinXP ======================
#proxy is a synonym - but not portable because it might only work at Leuven...
#proxy is a synonym - but not portable because it might only work at Leuven...
#134.27.180/22 proxy:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt
134.27.180/22 emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt
134.27.180/22 emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt

#=== NXP Proxy - Caen - on DELL/WinXP ======================
134.27.248/21 emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt -u=beq06659 -p=****************

#=== NXP Proxy - on DELL/AndLinux ======================
#=== NXP Proxy - on DELL/AndLinux ======================
#proxy is a synonym - but not portable because it might only work at Leuven...
#proxy is a synonym - but not portable because it might only work at Leuven...
# proxy:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt -u=beq06659 -p=**************** emea.nics.nxp.com:8080 -C ~/.ssh/clbanner.txt

Revision as of 22:47, 16 November 2009

These are the configuration files on Configuration NXP Dell Latitude D620 - AndLinux.

Windows Host files


AndLinux files

Directory /etc

Directory /usr/local/bin

be - This script would ideally require to add the following line to /etc/sudoers:

ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/loadkeys

directory ~

.bashrc - Everything before #### CUSTOMIZATION is the original file.

Directory ~/.ssh

Directory ~/etc

crontab - Install this file with

crontab -u beq06659 ~/etc/crontab

Directory ~/bin

backup_noekeon - This file must be chmod +755.