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== References ==
* [ Install Google Fonts]

== Administration ==
== Administration ==
=== Installing Fonts on Ubuntu ===
=== Installing Fonts on Ubuntu ===

Revision as of 06:01, 26 October 2021



Installing Fonts on Ubuntu

  • References

Fonts are kept in different locations, as defined in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf. By default these are:

  • /usr/share/fonts
  • /usr/local/share/fonts
  • /home/username/.fonts

To install a new font, copy the font to the relevant directory (or a sub-directory), and update the cache with

sudo fc-cache -f -v

Alternatively the cache is immediately refreshed after reboot.

For instance to install Arial Unicode MS (ARIALUNI.TTF, can be found on Windows XP for instance):

sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype/windows
sudo cp ARIALUNI.TTF /usr/share/fonts/truetype/windows
sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/fonts/truetype/windows/*
sudo fc-cache -f -v

Querying font

fc-match matches available fonts:

fc-match calibri
calibri.ttf: "Calibri" "Regular"

Use ttfdump to display content of a TTF/OTF font:

ttfdump somefont.ttf

Viewing font

Use display (from ImageMagick):

display somefont.ttf

To compare / browse fonts, use Font Manager (package font-manager).

Other tools:

  • Gnome Font Viewer (gnome-font-viewer), but very slow / bad.
  • FontyPython (fontypython), but strange, not convenient.

Nice Fonts


Fantasque Sans Mono
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
My previous favorite
DejaVu Sans Mono
Based on BitStream Vera (almost identical), but with better Unicode support.
Looks nice but fonts are really small at size 9
Lucida Console
My current favorite for terminal, got from MacBuntu 10.04 theme
Same as Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
Source Code Pro
Ubuntu Mono


Nice Serif fonts, see this site. Download.
Best combined with Roboto.



  • Noto, a font from Google containing all glyphs in Unicode. Quite big...


See Typography.


MS Fonts not rendering correctly

This occurs for instance with font Calibri. At small size, normal character appears aliased, but ligatures are anti-aliased.

Solution is to disable use of embedded bitmaps [1]:

  • Add to file ~/.config/font-manager/local.conf (before Ubuntu 14.04, edit ~/.fonts.conf. Some tips also suggest file ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf):
<!-- disable embedded bitmaps in fonts to fix Calibri, Cambria, etc. -->
<match target="font">
        <edit mode="assign" name="embeddedbitmap"><bool>false</bool></edit>
  • rebuild font cache:
sudo fc-cache -v -f
  • Restart compiz:
compiz --replace&