Griffin - Ubuntu: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with '== Introduction == This is the configuration page for the '''Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat''' partition on '''Griffin'''. == Configuration Files == All…')
No edit summary
Line 4: Line 4:
== Configuration Files ==
== Configuration Files ==
All configuration files can be found [[{{PAGENAME}} - Files|here]].
All configuration files can be found [[{{PAGENAME}} - Files|here]].

== Repositories ==
* Added Opera (automatically added when installing Opera)
* Added [[Midnight Commander#Official repository|Midnight Commander official repository]]
* Added [[Ubuntu#Ubuntu Tweak|Ubuntu Tweak]]
* Added [[Ubuntu#Medibuntu|Medibuntu]]

== Installed Applications ==
== Installed Applications ==
Common Essential:
{| class="install_log"
{| class="install_log"
|[YYYY-MM-DD]||'''Application''' (<tt>package</tt>)||<small>[YYYY-MM-DD]</small> Updsate<br/>Additional configuration settings
|[2011-01-15]||'''Gnome DO''' (<tt>gnome-do</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Opera''' (<tt>opera</tt>)||<small>[2011-01-15]</small> {{red|v 11.00.1156}}
|[2011-01-15]||'''Google Chrome''' (<tt>chromium-browser</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Midnight Commander''' (<tt>mc</tt>)||See [[Linux_Commands#mc_.28Midnight_Commander.29|reference page]]. Use '''vi''' as standard viewer/editor. Installed version from mc official repository to fix file highlighting issue.
|[2011-01-15]||'''Vim''' (<tt>vim, exuberant-ctags, vim-gnome</tt>)||including '''GVim''' to enable support of X clipboard
|[2011-01-15]||'''Ruby''' (<tt>ruby</tt>)||... for Vim plug-in <tt>snipMate.vim</tt>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Vim/Cscope''' (<tt>cscope</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Samba''' (<tt>smbclient smbfs</tt>)||
|[2011-01-16]||'''NFS Server''' (<tt>nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap</tt>)||See [[NFS]] for more details; Created entries in <tt>/etc/exports</tt>.
|[2011-01-15]||'''AutoFS''' (<tt>autofs</tt>)||See [[#Network|local config]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''KeePassX''' (<tt>keepassx</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Privoxy''' (<tt>privoxy</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''apt-file''' (<tt>apt-file</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''LAMP''' (<tt>apache2 php5 mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql</tt>)||See [[#LAMP|local config]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''PHPMyAdmin''' (<tt>phpmyadmin</tt>)||Install for ''apache2'' + configure database with <tt>dbconfig-common</tt>. See [[#LAMP|local config]] apache2 only,
|[2011-01-15]||'''SSH''' (<tt>ssh</tt>)||[[#SSH|Local settings]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''AutoSSH''' (<tt>autossh</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Courier IMAP''' (<tt>courier-imap courier-doc courier-imap-ssl</tt>)||[[IMAP#Courier IMAP on Ubuntu|Install instructions]] and [[#Courier IMAP|local settings]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''Courier-POP3''' (<tt>courier-pop courier-pop-ssl</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Courier-MTA''' (<tt>courier-mta courier-mta-ssl</tt>)||so that mails are sent to Courier mailboxes
|[2011-01-15]||'''Evolution plugins''' (<tt>evolution-plugins-experimental</tt>)||For opening <tt>Winmail.dat</tt> attachment in ''Evolution''
|[2011-01-15]||'''Evolution RSS''' (<tt>evolution-rss</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Thunderbird''' (<tt>thunderbird</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''GNU C/C++ compiler''' (<tt>g++</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''C/C++ documentation''' (<tt>manpages-posix-dev stl-manual</tt>)||Make SGI doc available at http://localhost/sgi :<source lang="bash">ln -s /usr/share/doc/stl-manual/html /var/www/sgi</source>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Oracle/Sun Java JDK 1.6''' (<tt>sun-java6-jdk</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Eclipse 3.5.2 Galileo''' (<tt>eclipse</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Meld''' (<tt>meld</tt>)||Diff tool
|[2011-01-15]||'''Color Diff''' (<tt>colordiff</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''p7zip''' (<tt>p7zip-full p7zip-rar</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''dlocate''' (<tt>dlocate</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''XSel''' (<tt>xsel</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Psi''' (<tt>psi</tt>)||See [[#Psi|local config]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''MS Truetype core fonts''' (<tt>ttf-msttcorefonts-installer</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Compiz config settings manager''' (<tt>compizconfig-settings-manager</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Ubuntu restricted extras''' (<tt>ubuntu-restricted-extras</tt>)||shall install automatically '''libdvdread4'''
|[2011-01-15]||'''CUPS PDF''' (<tt>cups-pdf</tt>)||Allow CUPS to access ~/PDF:<source lang="bash" enclose="prevalid">sudo aa-complain cupsd</source>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Qiv''' (<tt>qiv</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''gThumb''' (<tt>gthumb</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''GPG Agent''' (<tt>gnupg-agent</tt>)||Added <code>use-agent</code> at end of <tt>~/.gnupg/gpg.conf</tt>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Rename utils''' (<tt>renameutils</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''LaTeX''' (<tt>texlive texlive-xetex latex2hml</tt>)||Including XeTeX package
|[2011-01-15]||'''TeX Extra packages''' (<tt>texlive-plain-extra texlive-science</tt>)||Soul package requires CTAN color package - see []<br/><small>[2011-01-14]</small> Added texlive-science.
|[2011-01-15]||'''Wine''' (<tt>wine</tt>)||See [[Configuration NXP Dell Latitude_E6500 - Wine|Wine page]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''Gnome Terminator''' (<tt>terminator</tt>)||See [[Linux Software#Gnome Terminator|Gnome Terminator]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''Flash Plugin 10''' (<tt>flashplugin-installer</tt>)||First need to enable Ubuntu partner repository (<tt>deb lucid partner</tt>). Next <source lang="bash">sudo aptitude autoremove "flashplugin-*"
sudo aptitude install flashplugin-installer
|[2011-01-15]||'''Quicktime plugin''' (<tt>gnome-mplayer,gecko-mediaplayer</tt>)||To play Quicktime content in ''Opera'', ''Firefox''
|[2011-01-15]||'''pdftk''' (<tt>pdftk</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Gimp''' (<tt>gimp</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Graphical Disk Map''' (<tt>gdmap</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''KDirStat''' (<tt>kdirstat</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''PCSC Tools''' (<tt>pcsc-tools</tt>)||For <tt>[ ATR_analysis]</tt>.
|[2011-01-15]||'''gparted''' (<tt>gparted</tt>)||
|[2011-01-16]||'''Macbuntu 10.10 theme'''||See [[Gnome#Macbuntu|Macbuntu page]]. Check log + uninstall script in <tt>~/.macbuntu</tt>. no wobbly windows, no hot corners. Don't launch ''docky'' at startup.

{| class="install_log"
|[2011-01-15]||'''MBR''' (<tt>mbr</tt>)||To create VirtualBox rawdisk
|[2011-01-15]||'''Racoon''' (<tt>racoon</tt>)||For RSA key generation, see [[Crypto]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''HTTrack''' (<tt>httrack</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''NTL''' (<tt>libntl-dev, libntl-5.4.2</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''GMP''' (<tt>libgmp3-dev,libgmp3c2,gmp-ecm</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''GNU Go''' (<tt>gnugo</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||Various '''Go''' games (<tt>qgo uligo</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''Quarry''' (<tt>quarry</tt>)||Board games Go, Amazons, and Reversi
|[2011-01-15]||'''MDF to ISO Converter''' (<tt>mdf2iso</tt>)||CD image conversion utility

Un-installed applications (by uninstall date):
Un-installed applications (by uninstall date):
Line 16: Line 154:
|[YYYY-MM-DD]||'''Application''' (<tt>package</tt>)||<small>[YYYY-MM-DD]</small> uninstalled (reason)
|[YYYY-MM-DD]||'''Application''' (<tt>package</tt>)||<small>[YYYY-MM-DD]</small> uninstalled (reason)

To install:
* Click ''Edit'' and see html comments.

Not installed yet:
{| class="install_log"
|[2011-01-15]||'''VirtualBox 3.2.4''' (<tt>virtualbox-3.2</tt>)||<small>[2010-05-26]</small> [[#VirtualBox|Local settings]]. <font color="red">Updated to 3.2.4!</font> &mdash; See [[VirtualBox]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''SSH Tunnel script''' (<tt></tt>, <tt>libssl-dev</tt>)||Thierry Walrant's Perl script <tt></tt>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Synergy Plus 1.3.4''' (<tt>synergy-plus</tt>)||<small>[2010-06-09]</small> <font color="red">Updated to Synergy-plus 1.3.4!</font><br/> [[X#Synergy|Reference page]]. Added <tt>/usr/bin/synergyc</tt> to <tt>/etc/suoders</tt><br/>Added quick alias to <tt>~/.bashrc</tt>
|[2011-01-15]||'''libdvdcss2'''||Installed via <code>sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/</code> (see also [])
|[2011-01-15]||'''Foxit Reader''' (<tt>qiv</tt>)||Extracted <tt>tar.gz</tt> in <tt>/usr/local/bin</tt><br/>Icons in <tt>/usr/share/pixmaps/foxitreader.png</tt>.<br/>Desktop file in <tt>/usr/share/applications/</tt> + edited mime type in <tt>~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list</tt> to associate with <tt>application/pdf</tt>files
|[2011-01-15]||'''Grub2 Splash Image''' (<tt>ubuntu-splash-image</tt>)||(from <tt>[ lucid-splash-image.deb]</tt>) installed with <code>sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture lucid-splash-image.deb</code>
|[2011-01-15]||'''Google Earth''' (<tt>googleearth googleearth-data</tt>)||Requires [[Ubuntu#Medibuntu|'''Medibuntu''' repository]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''Nautilus Audio Converter''' (<tt>wavpack mppenc libmpcdec3 faac flac vorbis-tools faad lame nautilus-script-audio-convert</tt>)||Enable script <tt>ConvertAudioFile</tt> (Menu ''Preference'' &rarr; ''Nautilus Script<u>s</u> Manager''). See [ Ubuntu Geek - Simplest way to convert audio file(s) on Ubuntu Linux]
|[2011-01-15]||'''Sage 4.2.1'''||Recovered from [[Configuration NXP Dell Latitude D620 - AndLinux|AndLinux]]. Restored old workspaces from <tt>~beq06659/.sage</tt> and <tt>/root/.sage</tt>. See [[Sage]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''tnef''' (<tt>tnef,ytnef</tt>)||Parsing <tt>winmail.dat</tt> attachment
|[2011-01-15]||'''Recoll desktop search''' (<tt>recoll</tt>)||See also [[Linux Software#Recoll|Recoll page]].
|[2011-01-15]||'''Panda glGo 1.4.1''' ([])||Requires <code>libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-ttf2.0-0</code> ({{red|32-bit version! ie. package <tt>ia32-libs</tt>}}). Also:
<source lang="bash" enclose="prevalid">sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/</source>
Start <code>glGo</code>, and enter <code>/usr/games/gnugo</code> for location of gnugo
|[2011-01-15]||'''X File Explorer''' (<tt>xfe</tt>)||
|[2011-01-15]||'''PuddleTag''' (<tt>puddletag python-qt4 python-pyparsing python-mutagen python-configobj python-musicbrainz2</tt>)||<small>[2010-12-23]</small> {{red|v 0.9.11}} [ website]. Heard about it [ here].
|[2011-01-15]||'''4Pane''' (<tt>4pane</tt>)||See [[Linux Software#4Pane]]
|[2011-01-15]||'''Javadoc'''||Installed on http://nxl67002ux/. ''JDK 1.4.2'' in <tt>/data/www/javase/1.4.2/docs</tt>; ''JDK 6u21'' in <tt>/data/www/javase/6/docs</tt>

== Simple Settings ==
== Simple Settings ==
* [<tt>YYYY-MM-DD</tt>] - SETTING
* [<tt>2011-01-16</tt>] - Enabled proprietary '''video device driver NVIDIA'''.

== Detailed System Settings ==
== Detailed System Settings ==
=== 1st install ===
=== 1st install ===
* 1st install on [<tt>2011-01-15</tt>]
* Distribution: '''Ubuntu 10.10 amd64'''
* Installation method: '''[[Ubuntu#Net boot install from Internet using GRUB|Net boot install from Internet using GRUB]]'''
* Language: '''English'''
* Location: '''Europe, Belgium Time'''
* Computer name: '''griffin'''
* Keyboard layout: '''BE'''
* Name: '''baddreams'''
* Login name: '''baddreams'''
* Update: '''Install security updates automatically'''
* Software to install: '''Ubuntu Desktop'''
* Partition: see [[Configuration Griffin#Partition|main page]]

=== File System ===
=== File System ===
Line 32: Line 225:
=== Preferences ===
=== Preferences ===
* To be completed
* To be completed

=== Update / Package Management ===
To be completed

=== Users ===
=== Users ===
Line 44: Line 234:

== To Do ==
== To Do ==
* To be complete
* '''{{red|Issue}}''' &mdash; No '''Configuration Editor''' link in the menu. Must be added by hand?
* '''{{red|To Do}}''' &mdash; '''NFS Server''', Remove temporary rules from <tt>/etc/exports</tt>
* '''{{red|To Do}}''' &mdash; Get apt-get log for 1st install.

Done & Fixed:
* {{green|Fixed}} — Issue description<br/>Fix description
* nothing
* {{green|Done}} — Description

Revision as of 11:19, 17 January 2011


This is the configuration page for the Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat partition on Griffin.

Configuration Files

All configuration files can be found here.


Installed Applications

Common Essential:

[2011-01-15] Gnome DO (gnome-do)
[2011-01-15] Opera (opera) [2011-01-15] v 11.00.1156
[2011-01-15] Google Chrome (chromium-browser)
[2011-01-15] Midnight Commander (mc) See reference page. Use vi as standard viewer/editor. Installed version from mc official repository to fix file highlighting issue.
[2011-01-15] Vim (vim, exuberant-ctags, vim-gnome) including GVim to enable support of X clipboard
[2011-01-15] Ruby (ruby) ... for Vim plug-in snipMate.vim
[2011-01-15] Vim/Cscope (cscope)
[2011-01-15] Samba (smbclient smbfs)
[2011-01-16] NFS Server (nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap) See NFS for more details; Created entries in /etc/exports.
[2011-01-15] AutoFS (autofs) See local config
[2011-01-15] KeePassX (keepassx)
[2011-01-15] Privoxy (privoxy)
[2011-01-15] apt-file (apt-file)
[2011-01-15] LAMP (apache2 php5 mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql) See local config
[2011-01-15] PHPMyAdmin (phpmyadmin) Install for apache2 + configure database with dbconfig-common. See local config apache2 only,
[2011-01-15] SSH (ssh) Local settings
[2011-01-15] AutoSSH (autossh)
[2011-01-15] Courier IMAP (courier-imap courier-doc courier-imap-ssl) Install instructions and local settings
[2011-01-15] Courier-POP3 (courier-pop courier-pop-ssl)
[2011-01-15] Courier-MTA (courier-mta courier-mta-ssl) so that mails are sent to Courier mailboxes
[2011-01-15] Evolution plugins (evolution-plugins-experimental) For opening Winmail.dat attachment in Evolution
[2011-01-15] Evolution RSS (evolution-rss)
[2011-01-15] Thunderbird (thunderbird)
[2011-01-15] GNU C/C++ compiler (g++)
[2011-01-15] C/C++ documentation (manpages-posix-dev stl-manual) Make SGI doc available at http://localhost/sgi :
ln -s /usr/share/doc/stl-manual/html /var/www/sgi
[2011-01-15] Oracle/Sun Java JDK 1.6 (sun-java6-jdk)
[2011-01-15] Eclipse 3.5.2 Galileo (eclipse)
[2011-01-15] Meld (meld) Diff tool
[2011-01-15] Color Diff (colordiff)
[2011-01-15] p7zip (p7zip-full p7zip-rar)
[2011-01-15] dlocate (dlocate)
[2011-01-15] XSel (xsel)
[2011-01-15] Psi (psi) See local config
[2011-01-15] MS Truetype core fonts (ttf-msttcorefonts-installer)
[2011-01-15] Compiz config settings manager (compizconfig-settings-manager)
[2011-01-15] Ubuntu restricted extras (ubuntu-restricted-extras) shall install automatically libdvdread4
[2011-01-15] CUPS PDF (cups-pdf) Allow CUPS to access ~/PDF:
sudo aa-complain cupsd
[2011-01-15] Qiv (qiv)
[2011-01-15] gThumb (gthumb)
[2011-01-15] GPG Agent (gnupg-agent) Added use-agent at end of ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
[2011-01-15] Rename utils (renameutils)
[2011-01-15] LaTeX (texlive texlive-xetex latex2hml) Including XeTeX package
[2011-01-15] TeX Extra packages (texlive-plain-extra texlive-science) Soul package requires CTAN color package - see [1]
[2011-01-14] Added texlive-science.
[2011-01-15] Wine (wine) See Wine page
[2011-01-15] Gnome Terminator (terminator) See Gnome Terminator
[2011-01-15] Flash Plugin 10 (flashplugin-installer) First need to enable Ubuntu partner repository (deb lucid partner). Next
sudo aptitude autoremove "flashplugin-*"
sudo aptitude install flashplugin-installer
[2011-01-15] Quicktime plugin (gnome-mplayer,gecko-mediaplayer) To play Quicktime content in Opera, Firefox
[2011-01-15] pdftk (pdftk)
[2011-01-15] Gimp (gimp)
[2011-01-15] Graphical Disk Map (gdmap)
[2011-01-15] KDirStat (kdirstat)
[2011-01-15] PCSC Tools (pcsc-tools) For ATR_analysis.
[2011-01-15] gparted (gparted)
[2011-01-16] Macbuntu 10.10 theme See Macbuntu page. Check log + uninstall script in ~/.macbuntu. no wobbly windows, no hot corners. Don't launch docky at startup.


[2011-01-15] MBR (mbr) To create VirtualBox rawdisk
[2011-01-15] Racoon (racoon) For RSA key generation, see Crypto
[2011-01-15] HTTrack (httrack)
[2011-01-15] NTL (libntl-dev, libntl-5.4.2)
[2011-01-15] GMP (libgmp3-dev,libgmp3c2,gmp-ecm)
[2011-01-15] GNU Go (gnugo)
[2011-01-15] Various Go games (qgo uligo)
[2011-01-15] Quarry (quarry) Board games Go, Amazons, and Reversi
[2011-01-15] MDF to ISO Converter (mdf2iso) CD image conversion utility

Un-installed applications (by uninstall date):

[YYYY-MM-DD] Application (package) [YYYY-MM-DD] uninstalled (reason)

To install:

  • Click Edit and see html comments.

Simple Settings

  • [2011-01-16] - Enabled proprietary video device driver NVIDIA.

Detailed System Settings

1st install

  • 1st install on [2011-01-15]
  • Distribution: Ubuntu 10.10 amd64
  • Installation method: Net boot install from Internet using GRUB
  • Language: English
  • Location: Europe, Belgium Time
  • Computer name: griffin
  • Keyboard layout: BE
  • Name: baddreams
  • Login name: baddreams
  • Update: Install security updates automatically
  • Software to install: Ubuntu Desktop
  • Partition: see main page

File System

  • To be completed


  • To be completed


  • To be completed


To be completed

Detailed Application Settings



To Do


  • Issue — No Configuration Editor link in the menu. Must be added by hand?
  • To DoNFS Server, Remove temporary rules from /etc/exports
  • To Do — Get apt-get log for 1st install.

Done & Fixed:

  • Fixed — Issue description
    Fix description
  • Done — Description