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== Debug ==
== Debug ==
=== Browser ===
=== Firefox ===
In Firefox, {{kb|Ctrl-Shift-C}} to open up the console and debugger tools.
* In Firefox, {{kb|Ctrl-Shift-C}} to open up the console and debugger tools.\
* To browse an object, go to the console, and type the name of an object to open it up in the object explorer. For instance, to browse from the global context <code>window</code>:
>> windows

Revision as of 00:32, 29 December 2017



JS type

// Strings
var carname = "Volvo XC60";

// Numbers
var x = 3.14;
var y = 34;

JS operators

// Arithmetic operators
x = y + 2;
x = y - 2;
x = y * 2;
x = y / 2;
x = y % 2;       // Modulus (division remainder)
x = ++y;         // Pre-increment
x = y++;         // Post-increment
x = --y;         // Pre-decrement
x = y--;         // Post-decrement

// Assignment operators
x = y;
x += y;
x -= y;
x *= y;
x /= y;
x %= y;

// String operators
text3 = text1 + text2;     // Concatenation
text1 += text2;

// Comparison operators
x == 8;    // equal to
x === 5;   // equal value and equal type
x != 8     // not equal
x !== 5    // not equal value or not equal type
x > 5;
x < 5;
x >= 5;
x <= 5;

// Ternary operator
voteable = (age < 18) ? "Too young" : "Old enough";

// Logical operators
x && y;     // logical and
x || y;     // logical or
!x;         // not

// Bitwise operators
x = 5 & 1;  // bitwise and
x = 5 | 1;  // bitwise or
x = ~5;     // bitwise not
x = 5 ^ 1;  // bitwise xor
x = 5 << 1; // bitwise left shift
x = 5 >> 1; // bitwise right shift

// typeof
typeof "John";            // returns string

// delete
var person = {firstName:"John", lastName:"Doe", age:50, eyeColor:"blue"};
delete person.age;        // or delete person["age"] -- delete property from an object

// in
var cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];
"length" in cars          // true if property is in the specified object
"firstname" in person

// instanceof
cars instanceof Array;    // true if object is instance of specified class

// void
void(0);                  // evaluate expressions and returns undefined

JS statements

// switch
switch(fruits) {
    case "Banana":
        text = "Banana is good!";
        text = "I have never heard of that fruit...";

// while
while (i < 5) {
    // ...

JS functions

var myfct = function(arg1, arg2) {
     return arg1 + ", " + arg2;
myfct("Hello", "World");



  • In Firefox, Ctrl-Shift-C to open up the console and debugger tools.\
  • To browse an object, go to the console, and type the name of an object to open it up in the object explorer. For instance, to browse from the global context window:
>> windows