Discworld MUD

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Configure MUSHClient

Set word wrap
  • Press Alt+5, then check option Wrap output at column number, enter 165.

Getting started

  • Played a bit the online client.
  • Now playing with MUSHclient on Wine.

Some commands.

read sign
help here             # Get help. In newbie area, in any room in general but shops in particular
f                     # Next page, or send an empty line
help essentials       # List of basic commands
tutorial              # In newbie area

# Newbie channel (open for 18h)
newbie hello!

# Frequently used commands
quit                  # To log out. Don't just close the client.
look cot              # Look a particular item
say Hello.            # Heard in a room.
sayto gabriella My name is Sheemay
whisper Yes.          # Private, but others can see that something's going on.
tell ...              # Totally private

# Movements
n, s, w, e, se...     # Short for 'north', 'south', 'west'...
enter silly-looking door  # Enter given exit

# Commands learned from the bench
glance                # A shorter version of look
options output map lookcity = off      # Turn off automatic map
options output map lookcity = top      # Turn it back on
options output map                     # More options

# Commands from sign
godmother help        # When lost

# Commands learned from newbie channel
temp                  # Get information on clothes re. temperature

# In Pumpkin town
look guide
look map              # ASCII representation
read map              # Written description
list topics on map
locate <place> on map
locate <topic> on map

## Pumpking - soul command
smile at johnny
look soul            # Get all soul command
help hug
help soul commands



Got the following message:


Quow's Cow Bar Notice:
Unable to detect the ASCII map from the MUD... 
If your ASCII map window continues not to work repeatedly, things you can try are:
Your 'term' might need resetting, or 'options output map' settings need changing to 'top'
You should also consider doing 'options output shortinlong=on' and 'prompt off' to help the plugin process game text more easily.
These things and more can be set by typing 'minimap discworldconfig' which changes many Disc-side settings for you.