Gryphon - Ubuntu

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Revision as of 22:17, 27 October 2009 by Mip (talk | contribs) (→‎Preferences: Fixed xorg.conf for resolution 1280x1024)
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This is the configuration page for the Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 partition on Gryphon.

Configuration Files

All configuration files can be found here.

Installed Applications

  • [2009-10-27] Gnome DO (gnome-do)
  • [2009-10-27] Synergy 1.3.1 keyboard/mouse sharing (synergy).
  • [2009-10-27] VIM (vim)
  • [2009-10-27] p7zip (p7zip-full p7zip-rar)
  • [2009-10-27] Samba (samba smbfs)
  • [2009-10-27] NFS Client (nfs-common)
  • [2009-10-27] SSH (ssh)
  • [2009-10-27] dlocate and apt-file(dlocate apt-file)
  • [2009-10-27] Wine (wine)
  • [2009-10-27] IMAP Courier (courier-imap courier-doc courier-imap-ssl) ...see below for install settings
  • [2009-10-27] Midnight Commander (mc)

Un-installed applications (by uninstall date):


Simple Settings

  • [2009-10-27] - Enabled proprietary video device driver NVIDIA (version 96).

Detailed System Settings

1st install

  • 1st install on [2009-10-26]
  • Distribution: Ubuntu 9.10 Release Candidate
  • Installation method: Net boot install from Internet using GRUB (see here)
First copy files initrd.gz and linux from here to /boot, then in GRUB command-line (press c in GRUB menu):
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/linux 
initrd /boot/initrd.gz
  • Language: English
  • Location: Europe, Belgium Time
  • Computer name: gryphon
  • Keyboard layout: Belgium, Belgium
  • Name: Bad Dreams
  • Login name: baddreams
  • Update: Install security updates automatically
  • Software to install: Ubuntu desktop
  • Partition: see parent page

File System

  • To be completed


  • To be completed


  • Display
  • Resolution: 1280x1024, refresh rate auto
  • Issue: Can't save the settings - error message Can't parse /etc/X1/xorg.conf
  • Fixed: Create a new /etc/X11/xorg.conf with
sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.original
sudo nvidia-xconfig
sudo nvidia-settings
  • Issue: Windows are blank
  • Fixed: Edit the new /etc/X11/xorg.conf as follows:
     Identifier     "Screen0"
     # This line is necessary otherwise windows are blank!
     Option         "AddARGBGLXVisuals"	"True"
     Device         "Device0"

Update / Package Management

To be completed


To be completed

Detailed Application Settings


  • Install
    • Create directories for web-based administration
    • SSL Certificate: /etc/courier/pop3d.pem, /etc/courier/imapd.pem
    • Postfix configuration: local only
    • System mail name: gryphon.HELL

To Do

  • To be complete


  • nothing