- Wiki, general
- Statistics, analysis, deck builders
- Tips
- Tutorials
- Read all Fandom wiki pages on troops / building / spells, and summarizes tips.
- Lava deck: Watch EA Rakan (love) Lava videos, and analyze the game play.
- 2.6 deck: Watch video on that deck, learn gameplay.
- Play rather defensively than aggressively.
- Find the right time to build a counter push.
- Try to estimate the elixir of the opponent (did he play lot of cards, etc).
- Try to estimate the hand of the opponent (what cards does he play, what did he play, etc).
- Don't waste elixir, like putting a single troop at the bridge that will be killed by tower.
- Make sure that when defending, troops are still alive after defending.
- Wait to reach 10 elixir before playing a troop at the bottom of the map.
- Play cards fast, and together, so that they can all attack at the same time.
- Typically, do not play one card, then wait for elixir, then play a second card. Better wait for elixir to play both at the same time.
- Play card at the right spot, like:
- musketeer on the side of towers so that they can shoot but are not shot at.
- Use giant to protect weak but powerful troops (like bomber or musketeer).
- Always play meteor with value, like against an enemy tower + enemy troop.
- Don't play the goblin hut too close to river, but close enough to our tower so that tower can shoot.
- When defending, play card at the right spot to aim at the correct enemy troop (like play gargoyle on baby dragon).
- Against Prince:
- play Knight at the last sec to prevent opponent to play a spell (like meteor or arrows).
- or pl:ay Knight before the Prince is charging.
- Play a Giant in front, then musketeer / bomber behind. If musketeer is alive after a defense, add the Giant at the front for the counter push.
- Can play arrows, fireball, barbarian barrel, skeleton army, baby dragon.
- Defend against Giant skeleton:
- Eg: A Valkyrie at bridge junction (square right below the bridge) when Skeleton Giant passed that line, and a bomber at 5th square from river, and 5 to 6 square away from Valkyrie.
- Eg. against Wizard close to a tower, that we attack with a Lava Hound + Mega-Minion: don't aim the Wizard but slightly above, so that when fireball explodes, the blow pushes the Wizard towards our Mega-minion, killing the Wizard (otherwise, the Wizard would have killed the Mega-minion likely). Because the tower spotted the Lava Hound, our Mega-minion still alive can deal a lot of damage to the tower.
- The Log / eBarb / arrows / zap to remove all skeletons. If played correctly eBarb can also make 2 hits to tower.
- Using tornado, bring opp troop close to castle so that they connect.
- Against firecracker, put a building/troop close to castle so that bullet touches castle (location: leave 2 squares between troop and tower/castle).
* * = cannon cart
- Against electro-spirit, play skeleton between castle and tower so that electro arc touches the castle.
- Witch pulverizes Mega minion.
- Play Graveyard when opp is down on elixir.
- Mega-knight super utility card when opp is over-committing (note: MK does damage on drop).
- Against player with dark knight / prince / hog rider, just keep cycling cheap card so that to have the goblin's hut in hand.
- Play according to starting hand. Eg. if play PEKKA at bridge, make sure you have arrows/zap in 1st 5 cards to counter skel army, etc.
- Opp should not attack on the same lane as where I played Lava Hound bottom of the map. Because if I can counter, and keep defense troop alive, then this build up a powerfull counter push.
- So, if playing against LH, better attack on the opposite lane. Also make sure to defend against LH.
- When playing Lava-Loon, and Lava + loon kills first tower, put Guards top middle to take spot from princess tower, to protect Balloon.
- E-Barbs:
- Play them middle, right in front of castle -> handy when Dark Knight + Prince on both lanes.
General strategy
- Defend for positive elixir trade!
- Make sure to spend less elixir, and ideally all defending units must survive to build a counter push (even better if we can drop a tank in front after successful defense)!
- Don't put one unit at time, build defense or attacks. One unit at a time only make elixir inbalance worse!
- Learn to play blank.
- Don't be too low on elixir, like play fast card after card.
- Having some spare elixir allows for reacting quickier, for better elixir trade thanks to better placement (force ennemy to make long distance).
- Cycle card when no defense in hand.
- Learn card placement, so that to escape:
- Area damage spell that would kill / freeze all troops and/or tower.
- Think of Freeze, Fireball, Marcher, Executioner, Firecracker/Hunter.
- Learn card placement for better defense:
- Put distraction troop far of MELEE attacker (eg. Knight, Valkyrie).
- Put attacker troop on RANGE attacker (eg. Musketeer...). Mega-Knight a bit special, aim mid-range to avoid jump damage.
General advises
- On aggro: how troop are choosing which unit to target.
- Exclamation mark indicates which ennemy troops you aggro.
- X-Bow aggro can be reset with zap.
- Use pull to increase distance an ennemy unit has to do before reaching tower.
- Pull: standard pull, chained pull, u-turn.
- Pull can also split an ennemy push over two tower.
How to start
What to do if other player doesn't play:
- They refer to "investment card". But what are they?
- Miner on tower.
- Lava hound is usually risky. Because reduce possibility of defense.
Deck advises
- Keep deck speed < 4.
- Keep two spells in deck (like arrow and fireball).
Things I learned
- Don't activate King castle (with arrows, fireball). Note that opponent may play cards to trigger his castle (eg. tornado, fisherman that brings our troop close to castle and start attacking it).
- Against furnace + tesla:
- Opp was playing furnace + tesla on one side, couldn't go through with Lava Hound. On second push, played LH bottom left, then after he play furnace + tesla, played Inferno D bottom right, then Miner before P tower spotted the dragon. Opp played skel army, killing miner, but could counter with arrows, hence Inferno D could take the tower.
- React to elixir used by opponent. If opp uses 4 elixir, and we could defend, then put a 4 elixir offensive troop to counter push.
- Witch + balloon is deadly. The skeleton distracts the tower, and balloon makes lot of damage.
- Counterpush: Opponent attack with Hog rider, and then Goblin barrel. I put Skel Army on rider, and Minions on goblin. Then on push back, I add Mini PEKKA in the middle of army for protection (note: this could be arrows / fireball bait). This takes the tower and castle (against low level 7)!
- Playing against a Lavaloon + FB/Log + Edrag/Valkyrie/Minions/EWiz deck. Things started badly, but went better when playing Ebarbs on the other lane, defending them a bit with Zap. Morale: when you cannot do your normal push, go the other one.
Card synergy
- EWiz + Magic Archer: Ewiz in front of tower, Magic Archer middle (even other side) that does horizontal shot.
- Witch (in the back), then balloon at bridge. Witch's skels protect the balloon (they take the shot).
- Ice golem + Hog rider at bridge, at same time!
- (seen on tv royale) Zappies in the back, then at bridge at Royal recruits so that both zappies and recruits are in a same group (so 2 groups).
- Good counter is first ice spirit in the back, then executioner left of tower but close to it (square W2 or E2), so that its axe is well in group axe.
- (tv royale) Balloon at bridge (A14), then 2s later, Skel drag (C14). This kills opp's Minions.
- Reaction was Barbarian on other bridge, then 4s later, Balloon. When Balloon killed tower, send asap a Miner on castle (N3) to take the spot. But Opp. replied with Zap on Balloon.
- Miner + Zap (+Lava Hound): Miner on tower, then zap tower to re-target tower on the miner. Zap can also be used eg. against Witch, put Miner on Witch, zap, this kills the skeletons, Miner then target the Witch, and Witch retarget on LH.
- Lava Hound + Miner: Play Miner in the back of the tower, so that when pups appear, Miner tanks the damage from the tower, but then when King's tower activates, Miner is still tanking the damage as well.
- Lava Hound: Always play with a Skeleton Dragon behind, or Baby dragon behind, or Balloon. Get more value for the tank!
Card advices
means fandom wiki data included.
How to play
How to counter
1 elixir
Electro Spirit
Fire Spirit
Ice Spirit
Heal Spirit
2 elixir
Spear Goblins
Ice Golem
Wall Breakers
3 elixir
Goblin Gang
Skeleton Barrel
Dart Goblin
Elixir Golem
Mega Minion
Skeleton Army
- +1 trade: Zap, The Log (if close enough).
- even trade: Arrows.
Ice Wizard
- +1 trade: The Log or Barbarrel.
- -2 trade, but value: Ram rider.
- -1 trade: Poison or Idrag ok, but with value.
Royal Ghost
4 elixir
Skeleton Dragons
Battle Healer
Battle Ram
Flying Machine
Hog Rider
- +1 trade: Skarmy.
- +1 trade (but 600-800 damage): Minions.
- -2 trade: Hunter + The Log.
Mini P.E.K.K.A.
- -2 trade (but w/ some value): If Mini PEKKA at tower, Battle Ram then Zap to reset Mini PEKKA.
- +2 trade: The Log, or Ice Golem, or Bats (see Rich Slaton).
- Log 2 tile in front tower, when Musk reaches 2nd half of bridge. Ice Golem 7-0 placement (front-inside corner), also when Musk reaches 2nd half of bridge. Bats, wait Musk cross the bridge, and drop there.
Baby Dragon
Dark Prince
- +1 trade: The Log + Ice spirit middle, close to river to distract + Tower
Electro Wizard
Inferno Dragon
- even trade: Ewiz, that reset always Idrag, and also force to retarget (so this can save a tower).
Magic Archer
Mother Witch
Night Witch
5 elixir
Barbarians (w)
- Strong defense against: Prince, Musketeer, Hog Rider, Ram Rider.
- Drop on them, then tank in front or glass-canon behind for counter-push.
- -1 trade: Against Barbarrel, if placed early enough.
- Single push: Can take tower but only if opp. low on elixir.
- Synergy: Rage.
- +2 trade: Skarmy.
- +1 trade: Fireball, charging Dark Prince, Valkyrie.
- -1 trade: Rocket.
- Weak against: jumping Mega-Knight, Poison
- Best defense: distant Wizard or Bomber.
Minion Horde
Royal Hogs
When played on one tower:
- +2 trade: Skarmy.
- even trade: Spear Goblins (tower north edge), and The Log timed right so that still being hit by Goblins.
- -1 trade: Baby dragon (6-1 placement, but why not princess tower corner?), then Zap when Hogs in baby's range.
- From Inside the Play #7, LaPoKaTi vs Egor:
- Hogs + Heal Spirit (6) <=> Fireball + Log (6).
- Hogs (5) <=> Fireball + Ice Spirit (5).
- Hogs + Heal Spirit (6) <=> Fireball + Ice Spirit (earlier) + Skeleton at river (6)
- Hogs (5) <=> Fireball + Skeleton (5)
- Hogs (5) <=> The Log + Skeleton (3) - taking 700 damage.
- Hogs (5) <=> Fireball (4) - taking 200.
When played 2-2 (mid-river):
- +1 trade: Cannon (6-2 placement).
When played 1-3 (offseted mid-river):
- -2 trade: Mega Minion seems to do the business (put also on path).
- -1 trade: IDrag, but put it on the balloon path, middle.
- Fireball, but must aim correctly to move balloon further from tower. Still will probably take one shot.
- Wizard works well.
Cannon Cart
Electro Dragon
- +2 trade: Tombstone, or Skarmy (but beware Zap / Log).
Ram Rider
6 elixir
Elite Barbarians (w)
- Strong defense against: Musketeer.
- May counter Mega Knight perfectly if dropped on it so that they split.
- Synergy:
- Valkyrie in front, pushed by Barbarians, eliminating swarm.
- Fire spirit, place behind, to remove all swarm units, or deal great damage to crown tower.
- Single push: deadly if opp. is low on elixir. Prepare spell to react to defense!
- Against Tombstone: prepare Zap, hover 1 tile below Tombstone, and trigger when tombstone destroyed.
- +3 trade: Skarmy (but beware of Zap, Log, Arrows).
- +3 trade: Tombstone, but beware of Zap on destruction!
- +1 trade: Barbarians. Time correctly to drop on 5-| so that they surround the one EBarb that was weakened already a lot!
- +1 trade: Ice golem + Minions
- Splash Valkyrie / Dark Prince, Bomber in combination with distracting unit like Skeleton and/or Ice Spirit, or Ice Golem.
- Same with glass cannon Mini PEKKA or Lumberjack.
- even trade: Rocket (or Lightning, to cripple barbarians + 1 supporting troop).
- -1 trade: PEKKA, Mega Knight
- Even trade: E. barbs
Royal Giant
Giant Skeleton
Goblin Giant
- +2 trade: EWiz if timed correctly and dropped on the Sparky (doesn't take any damage because reset)
- Any air unit, in particular Edrag that resets the Sparky.
- Tesla, if targetting the Sparky.
- Zap can reset it. This can prevent damage on the tower.
- +1 trade: Miner, then Zap right before it's shooting.
7 elixir
Royal Recruits
Lava Hound
- +1 trade: Musketeer almost at bridge and Bats. LH made 0 damage to tower.
Against Lava Pups:
- 3 elixir: Royal Delivery.
- 4 elixir: Tornado + Ice spirit.
Mega Knight
- +2 trade: Barbarians are effective counter if jump negated. 3 will survive, for a +2 elixir trade-off [1].
- Tombstone can lure MK to activate King's Tower [2].
- Put Tombstone at I05 / H05 (7-2 placement), or more expensive, at I07 / H07 (5-2 placement), then troop (one that is one-shot by MK) next to King's tower after it's destruction.
- Tombstone at I06 / H06 (6-2 placement) can have MK killed by both towers.
8 elixir
Electro Giant
9 elixir
Three Musketeers
How to play
How to counter
1 elixir
2 elixir
Giant Snowball
Barbarian Barrel
The Log
3 elixir
Royal Delivery
Goblin Barrel
4 elixir
5 elixir
- +2 trade: Skarmy.
- +2 trade: Spear goblins (any damage ?).
6 elixir
How to play
How to counter
3 elixir
- Pro seems to play frequently at (3-2).
4 elixir
Bomb Tower
Goblin Cage
Goblin Drill
5 elixir
Goblin Hut
Inferno Tower
6 elixir
Elixir Collector
7 elixir
Barbarian Hut
King's activation
- Against Firecracker: when Fc at N14, and Baby Dragon at K07/K08 when shooting.
Building placement
- Full coordinate system
- Something I made up.
- For buildings, we use bottom left tile as reference.
- Corners have several equiv coordinates (eg.
same as w1
Around P tower: Around K tower: Full coordinate for the whole map: y-x placement for the whole map:
========###^^^^^###============= river =============###^^^^^###======== ========###^^^^^###============= river =============###^^^^^###========
A14 B14 C14 D14 E14 F14 G14 H14 I14|J14 K14 L14 M14 N14 O14 P14 Q14 R14 0+1 0+0 0+- 0-+ 0-- 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-3|0-3 0-2 0-1 0-0 0-- 0-+ 0+- 0+0 0+1
n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 A13 B13 C13 D13 E13 F13 G13 H13 I13|J13 K13 L13 M13 N13 O13 P13 Q13 R13 1+1 1+0 1+- 1-+ 1-- 1-0 1-1 1-2 1-3|1-3 1-2 1-1 1-0 1-- 1-+ 1+- 1+0 1+1
w2 e2 W2 E2 A12 B12 C12 D12 E12 F12 G12 H12 I12|J12 K12 L12 M12 N12 O12 P12 Q12 R12 2+1 2+0 2+- 2-+ 2-- 2-0 2-1 2-2 2-3|2-3 2-2 2-1 2-0 2-- 2-+ 2+- 2+0 2+1
w3 e3 W3 E3 A11 B11 C11 D11 E11 F11 G11 H11 I11|J11 K11 L11 M11 N11 O11 P11 Q11 R11 3+1 3+0 3+- 3-+ 3-- 3-0 3-1 3-2 3-3|3-3 3-2 3-1 3-0 3-- 3-+ 3+- 3+0 3+1
w4 e4 W4 E4 A10 B10 C10 D10 E10 F10 G10 H10 I10|J10 K10 L10 M10 N10 O10 P10 Q10 R10 4+1 4+0 4+- 4-+ 4-- 4-0 4-1 4-2 4-3|4-3 4-2 4-1 4-0 4-- 4-+ 4+- 4+0 4+1
s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 W5 E5 A09 B09 C09 D09 E09 F09 G09 H09 I09|J09 K09 L09 M09 N09 O09 P09 Q09 R09 5+1 5+0 5+- 5-+ 5-- 5-0 5-1 5-2 5-3|5-3 5-2 5-1 5-0 5-- 5-+ 5+- 5+0 5+1
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 A08 B08 C08 D08 E08 F08 G08 H08 I08|J08 K08 L08 M08 N08 O08 P08 Q08 R08 6+1 6+0 6+- 6-+ 6-- 6-0 6-1 6-2 6-3|6-3 6-2 6-1 6-0 6-- 6-+ 6+- 6+0 6+1
A07 B07 ... ... ... F07 G07 H07 I07|J07 K07 L07 M07 ... ... ... Q07 R07 7+1 7+0 ... ... ... 7-0 7-1 7-2 7-3|7-3 7-2 7-1 7-0 ... ... ... 7+0 7+1
A06 B06 ... ... ... F06 G06 H06 I06|J06 K06 L06 M06 ... ... ... Q06 R06 8+1 8+0 ... ... ... 8-0 8-1 8-2 8-3|8-3 8-2 8-1 8-0 ... ... ... 8+0 8+1
A05 B05 ... ... ... F05 G05 H05 I05|J05 K05 L05 M05 ... ... ... Q05 R05 9+1 9+0 ... ... ... 9-0 9-1 9-2 9-3|9-3 9-2 9-1 9-0 ... ... ... 9+0 9+1
A04 B04 C04 D04 E04 F04 G04 ... ...|... ... L04 M04 N04 O04 P04 Q04 R04 y+1 y+0 y+- y-+ y-- y-0 y-1 ... ...|... ... y-1 y-0 y-- y-+ y+- y+0 y+1
A03 B03 C03 D03 E03 F03 G03 ... ...|... ... L03 M03 N03 O03 P03 Q03 R03 y+1 y+0 y+- y-+ y-- y-0 y-1 ... ...|... ... y-1 y-0 y-- y-+ y+- y+0 y+1
A02 B02 C02 D02 E02 F02 G02 ... ...|... ... L02 M02 N02 O02 P02 Q02 R02 y+1 y+0 y+- y-+ y-- y-0 y-1 ... ...|... ... y-1 y-0 y-- y-+ y+- y+0 y+1
A01 B01 C01 D01 E01 F01 G01 ... ...|... ... L01 M01 N01 O01 P01 Q01 R01 y+1 y+0 y+- y-+ y-- y-0 y-1 ... ...|... ... y-1 y-0 y-- y-+ y+- y+0 y+1
G00 H00 I00|J00 K00 L00 y-1 y-2 y-3|y-3 y-2 y-1
- Fandom "y-x placement"
- Used on Fandom wiki.
- Principle is
(distance from River)-(distance from Princess tower)
- So
for Tombstone would mean I05 or H05, 5-2
would mean I07 or H07.
for a troop would mean next to tower, right behind north edge.
- In case of building, we take the distance between the building edge, not the bottom left corner.
- Extended "y-x placement"
- An extension I'm using for more precision.
has same meaning as above, but for inside placement, ie. zone between both P towers.
works the same, but for outside placement, ie. zone between P tower and map limit.
for tiles in E or N columns, and y++
for tiles in C and P columns.
or y-+
for tiles in D or O lanes (ie. right in front of P towers).
- Terminology
- Some naming I hear here and there.
- Front inside corner: w2 or e2 (ie. 7-0).
- Against DIOS (lvl 8, challenge)
- Opponent play first card badly, 7 elixir, next to king castle. Should play it really bottom of the map, and behind the king castle.
- We play a Zappy, really bottom. They'll meet at bridge on our side. When ennemy at bridge, play dragon to freeze it (to protect Zappy, making sure it takes no damage).
- Opponent plays a sorcerer and some giant, we play a mega pekka like giant, still to protect Zappy. Then a Miner, to kill the sorcerer.
- We have lot of elixir still alive, when opponent has nothing.
- We play a fire archer, to protect against aerial stuff if any.
- Commented game - Against Dinho (lvl 5, arena 4, battle)
- I play Musketeer as first card, ok.
- Opponent play Goblin Barrel, we kill with Arrows, ok (but could we have let the Musketeer do the kill?)
- We play Giant at bridge, not good. Should have let Musketer continue. Now we spent lot of elixir, and are weak against counter push.
- Opp. play Pekka behind giant, and Knight.
- We play Minions, but too far. Should have waited for ennemy to come closer to tower.
- Commented game - Against Aldobaglio (lvl 10)
- Was playing with witch, loon, ewiz, ram rider, bats, goblin gang, snowball, tesla.
- Witch + loon ok, but must play loon as close as possible to bridge (or Opp has more time to react).
- Snowball against MegaK was useless. Lose 2 elixir, and MK only loses 1 hit.
- Use Ewiz damage when it spawns.
- Ram Rider against Princess very good.
TV Royale
- Miscellaneous
- Bomber: Play in front on king castle, in particular when other building in the middle. Very effective to defend.
- Tornada: to break apart some defensive troop (eg. disconnect a inferno dragon), or to concentrate troop when there is bomber that can attack.
- X-Arc:
- how to counter? a ice golem to distract then a barbarian barrel. Hunter can also attack. The Log + Earthquake + eg. bomber.
- 3 musketeer: countered by a tesla in the middle, shot by P tower and 3 skeletons on them to distract.
- P tower finish cycle: royal hogs, earthquake, log, skel, hogs, earthquake, bomber, log,
- Against Mortar: Miner in middle our tower, start moving, and Mortar always miss it.
- Against Canon cart: Guards are good counter (2 stay alive).
- Push with Lava hound: Play miner against tower before hound explodes, so that tower spots the miner and puppies are free to attack.
- Can be played with LH: Flying machine, Baby dragon.
- Nice to attract troop.
- Add defense, like goblin gang close to it, so they can attack troops coming from both side. Princess is also a nice one.
- Usually a bait for Miner. Miner can be countered with skeleton army, or goblin gang. Be ready to play either one as soon as miner is launched.
- Spam unit very good to distract (eg. Skel army).
- Hog rider at bridge (in fact, one square outside the lane, so that HR jumps).
- Response is Tombstone next to tower, on HR path. HR put one hit, then killed by Skel.
- Push with Lava + I Dragon.
- Counter by Fireball so that to kill LH + almost idrag. Add a Wizard (middle, but so that he moves to other lane) to distract idrag.
- When pups are being killed, add Balloon + Minions behind. This killed the tower.
- Against Princess, Cannon at I14 or J14 (or H14, K14).
- Against G Barrel, The Log.
- Keep troops well separated, to avoid FB bait.
- Against Valkyrie, Ice spirit when she's shot by tower. Skel also good distract but not on her, she must not kill them in one shot.
- Cycle the Hog Rider, use FB to kill defender (prepare for it, this will eat tower too!).
- If I tower, foresee a ice spirit, so that Hog can kill it (this also allows cycling HR faster then).
- If I tower too close of river, use skel to distract her, then Hog Rider.
- (Maybe I tower can be FB too?)
- Change HR push: sometimes with Ice Golem, sometimes with Skel. Sometimes add Musketeer as support.
- Ice Spirit at bridge may hit tower.
- Against I drag, Ice golem on n1-n5 tower side good to distract.
- skully - playing with goblin barrel, tesla, princess, goblin gang, ice spirit, valkyrie, the log, rocket
- Play goblin barrel regularly (eg. as first card) to take damage.
- Against mega knight: play tesla in middle, then Valkyrie at bridge, behing MK to slow it down (it is killed by tower, tesla and valkyrie).
- Against mini PEKKA: goblin gang close to tesla to attract mini pekka.
- Rocket against tower, witch and elixir golem (hitting all three of them).
- iosama - playing fireball, zappies, flying machine, cage, hogs, e-spirit, B barrel, recruits.
- Always play zappies between tower (so they split), or behind castle.
- To defend, drop when ennemy on bridge.
- Play recruits in the back.
- FB against mother witch.
- Cage against hogs. Add zappies if needed, close to castle.
- Note that Goblin Browler hits very hard! (279 @ level 9)
- Play hogs in middle, close to river.
- e-spirit to distract (eg. against mega-knight).
- saed - playing with hound/miner/inferno D, barbarian, skel D, zap, arrows.
- Direct push balloon then hound.
- Push Inferno D in the back, then add barbarian at bridge.
- Skel D to defend.
Battle decks
Deck to try
- From Skully (Bring the W clan): "Lava loon divkk cheese" deck. Lava HOund, Balloon, Inferno dragon, Bandit, Rage, Bats, Fisherman, Arrows.
- Play against: Firecracker, Goblin barrel, Earth quake, Log, Inferno tower, Rocket, Ice spirit, Goblin gang.
- Attack cycle: ideal to start like this: ice spirit at bridge, then same time Goblin Barrel on tower. This makes -1000. Then Firecracker behind tower to defend, and Goblin Gang in bridge corner if needed. Then recycle.
- Rocket again EBarb. Inferno tower against big boss. Earth quake to chip damage at tower.
- From Skully: Goblin Barrel, Tesla, Goblin Gang, Ice Spirit, Log, Valkyrie, Princess, Rocket.
- Start with Goblin Barrel.
- Against Balloon or Ebarbs, Rocket.
- Against Minion horde, Goblin gang and/or Ice spirit. Princess also very good.
- Valkyrie very good to distract, eg. against Mega Knight.
- The Log to chip damage at tower.
- Tesla in middle to attract MK. Placement 3-3.
- From some opponent: Hog Rider, Dark Knight, Mini PEKKA, Zap, IDrag, Wiz, Fireball, Skeleton.
- Typical play: Wiz in the back, then add Mini PEKKA in front at the bridge. Or when defending with Skarmy, add Hog Ridger in the middle for protection.
Ladder deck (2021-10-01 onwards)
- Best lava deck last season played by EA Rakan Lava (#9, L9P08G82U, YouTube). Played this season by FRANK ALICIA (#13, 8U00VQRLC), <c3>Kou<c4>bele (#106, YQJL8PPG)
- Balloon: Played in front of Skdrag, it is pushed forward faster! Balloon can also be used as mini-tank, eg. to protect the puppies, or to protect minions / horde behind.
- Miner: When playing for tank, don't play on tower but play at 5-2 inside placement (front of K) to tank damage of troop first (eg. if opp plays a defending troop low enough in front of K tower)
- Alternative: IDrag <-> Horde, SkDrag <-> Minions.
- Deck with horde is super aggressive: usually go for trade.
- 1st game, opening with Lava, ignore Miner, defend Knight with Barbarians. Use SkelDragAgainst Dark Prince at 3-0 placement and if possible Miner at same spot to tank damage. Otherwise Miner to tank damage for Lava Pups. Arrows to weaken EWiz. Against tank (like Giant), IDrag bottom when Giant leaving tower behind, and if Giant defended by MegaMinion, use Balloon at river to distract it.
- 2nd game, 2 spells, idrag/barbs in hand, so Zap on tower. Against EBarbs + spirit, Barbarians dropped on them then ignore if surviver. On Giant + Sparky, IDrag on Giant, then SkelDrag on Sparky, but was countered by EWiz + Tornado. Later Barbarians on Sparky to remove it. Miner on King's tower to tank damage for puppies and also protect Barbarians coming up. Later opp still very aggressive, Balloon on King's and Zap to reset the Sparky.
- 3rd game: LH, Loon, Zap, Miner in hand, play Lava as 1st card. Opp with Sparky and GobGiant, countered with SkelDrag bottom (when Giant on last tile before bridge), then Zap and Barbarians on Sparky to reset/kill it. Add a Balloon on group, and later Miner between K and P tower to tank damage. 2nd round of EBarbs + Heal Spirit, defended with SkelDrag. Opp defend with EWiz + Rage, Rakan plays Barbarians very high center, then Arrows to weaken EWiz.
- 1st game (Horde): both minions, barbs and miner, Miner on tower to harass. Opp plays EGiant high, opposite lane, so Minions (5-0 placement), then Balloon such that it is pushed by Minions. Drop Barbarians on EGiant, then Horde on Dark Knight, on the left to avoid EGiant attack. When Horde push back, Miner at 5-2 placement to tank damage in prediction of Ice Wizard! 2nd Lava on same lane, although other tower had lower HP (prob. to allow counter attack on that weaker tower, or because opp will play EGiant on same lane again). Opp. builds a mega push, with DKnight, BDrag, Tornado, only defended with Barbarians on Knight. Then Miner on 2nd tower, Minions played high center, and finally Balloon on castle.
- 2nd game (IDrag deck): Lava, IDrag, Zap, Barbarians, play Lava.
- Zap often played on a tower if in starting hand. (I guess to cycle in another card?)

Ladder deck
Ladder deck (2021-10-01 onwards)
- Deck from CLASHwithSHANE, used to reach Legendary arena (arena 15).
- fireball to one-shot some defenders, zap to reset idrag / itower, or to reset targetting some troops (like mini PEKKA, etc) or finish some troop quickly, or also zap + fireball to one-shot lots of troop. zap+fb is expensive, so do it with value (aim several troops, or cover tower). Better zap first, then FB, but sometimes FB can be used to bring closer some troop, then zap them.
- Ebarbs for defense mainly, but also as quick punishment at bridge if opponent over commit (he is at 0 elixir).
- Lava hound as main tank. Use it to build a push, or as a shield to protect princess tower. Make sure enemy troop is stopped after the bridge so that they are shot by our tower (this requires timing). Make sure to add a second troop to get more value (like baby or idrag), or before LH pops, send Miner to tank the damage and get value from puppies.
- Miner to snipe some defending troop, or as a tank for puppies. Also effective against MK, combined with Idrag.
- Skarmy effective against Ewiz, PEKKA and Mini-PEKKA, Knight, Hog rider, Royal hogs, Gobarrel... NOT EFFECTIVE against Dark Knight, Princess if far, Wiz, Witch.
- Challenge: Won 4 times.
Ladder deck (around 2021-09-04)
- Tip 1: Get on Offense Fast. You wanna play offense because there is no much defense in the deck, no high damage spell, no building, but 3 winning conditions, so you wanna play offense the entire game. If you spend your time being more passive, cycling your cards, you have less time to deal damage. Usually play Lava is the right move, except if your opponent play very aggressive too first, then you may want to play Inferno first, or if they play Hog Rider, you play guards, minions (or if you don't have those, Idrag).
- Tip 2: Use Lavahound as a defensive Shield. Beat down deck they try to overwhelm you, and overwhelm your idrag, and kill your Idrag before it kills their tank. So you need Lavahound to block their support units, then Lava Pups can help killing their units. Same or opposite lane? Usually same lane, eg. when opp plays golem, to have idrag kill the Golem, and Lava shield damage from witches, etc. Other deck, like 2.6 they always go opposite lane. Against Xbow, best is to go for tower trade, because it's easier to kill the x-bow by dropping a unit on it.
- Tip 3: Track air counter cycle. In particular to when and how to play balloon.
- Tip 4: Miner is a tool first, win-con second. Use Miner as a precision strike. Use spell to kill swarmy unit. And second use it to serve as tank, so that lava pups, minions or balloons get good value.
- Tip 5: Identify matchup as soon as possible. Eg. because you don't want to play Idrag high to kill a giant, then they pull out a EWiz.
- Guards may do a lot of damage if they reach the tower, even more if tanked by LH.
Ladder deck (current decck since 2021-09-14)
- Very offensive deck (4.1 avg).
- Tombstone against Prince.
- Q?: Can we put tombstone close to castle so that to force activation of castle (eg. if opponent uses fireball or executioner?).
- Miner: Use Miner before LH split in puppies, to get spot from tower, and tank damage for puppies. Miner can be used in a lot of mini-counter push to tank damage before defending troop gets to towers. Can also be used to defend in emergencies.
- Arrows: Ideally to destroy distracting troop in a push / counter push. Better not use it against arrow baits (like Goblin barrel). For these, use dragons or barbarians.
- Skeleton dragon: lot of damage, but very weak. DO NOT USE Skel D AGAINST WIZARD OR EXECUTIONER AND ALIKE.
- Inferno dragon: can be used as first card. Ideal if opp put a big troop on same side. If possible then a lava hound on front to distract all units that could attack Inferno D.
- Answers: let it come to the bridge, use LH as a shield to distract her. Skeleton will be shot by tower (if not too many), or foresee a small defense troop that will then follow LH as support.
Ladder deck
- A variant on the deck below. Was a bit easier to play, but difficult to manage the SkelD, who are very fragile.
Ladder deck (played until 2021-09-12)
- Zap against Inferno D or T. However requires another offensive aerial troop (like Minion).
- Was a bit hard to play.
- Played by CHN | Boris (8PQRQG90C, reached #37 in TV).
Meta deck - 2.6 cycle deck
- A well-known meta deck. Started playing with this deck during 2nd Clan War season. Very difficult to play but would help better understand / master the game.
- 2.6 elixir tips [8]
- Tip 1: Push smarter but not harder.
- Tip 2: Cycle with purpose.
- Tip 3: Protect your musketeer.
- Played by: Nathan (Bring the W).
Ladder deck (played since 2021-09-01)
- My first LH deck, made by my coach ;-). Was very effective and fun to play.
- Goal is to build a push. Lava hound must be at front, tanking the damage. Behind, a Balloon to deal damage to tower, and/or other troops to defend against Wizard, etc.
- Be able to take damage on our tower to build a counter push (eg. wait the Lava hound to reach our tower before putting a defensive troop, like Mega minion, to defend our tower). The idea is that our defensive troop must stay alive, behind the Lava hound.
- Push / counter-push
- Main push: lava hound and balloon behind.
- Bomber + mega-minion or Bomber + valkyrie may also do lot of damage.
- Lava hound + minions also deadly. Minions could be used to defend then catch up LH for counter-push.
Ladder deck (played since 2021-08-21)
- Play mainly defensively.
- Goal is to distract ennemy, making sure ennemy towers are aiming at eg. Giant Skeleton, then throw Goblin Barrel on same tower (who will then do lot of damage until giant is killed).
- Watch what kind of defense any has against Goblin Barrel.
Ladder deck (last played 2021-08-19)
- Play mainly defensively.
- Put a giant at the bottom of the map. Giant may slow down an ennemy attack by taking damage, and/or build a counter-push by putting behind a Musketeer.
- Against Barbarian Barrel: Bomber, Arrows, Minions, Skeleton Army.
- Skeleton Army ideal against Knight. But it opponent plays Knight a mass area defender (eg. Valkyrie or Baby dragon), play first Minions to get the spot, then the army on the Knight.
Ladder deck (last played 2021-08-13)
Sudden Death deck (around 2021-09-20)
- Deck recommended by Skully (Bring the W).
- Goal: Lumber at bridge, then 1s later, Balloon. When Balloon on tower, Freeze on tower + defending troop.
Mini-challenge (2021-08-21)
- Rationale: pick mainly legendary to have at least lvl 9 cards, and have two cards against aerial attacks.
- Princess: very handy to attack towers from a long distance (tower can't reach her). MUST BE DEFENDED because dies quickly, so play her very far. Also very good against Skeleton Army.
- Usually start with a Sparky at the bottom of the map, and protect it with a Mega-Knight before it reaches the bridge. Use Tornado to group/attract ennemy troop, and one-shoot them.
- Play Electro-Dragon by spotting the correct troop. Very useful to slow down an ennemy, making sure it is shot by towers, or to reset a ennemy Inferno Tower.
Mega-touchdown - deck 1 (2021-09-17)
- Pick fast troop, like Prince, Dark Prince.
- Spam unit also interesting: Skarmy, Minion horde.
- Mother Witch insta-win.
- Barbarrel very interesting, esp. if can be played high.
- Witch good to spam as well.
- Skelbarrel because fast, and not distracted. Drop Skeleton.
- Play on both sides.
- Tanks like EGiant very good to kill small troop and must be stopped.
 2nd deck
 1st deck
Clan Wars - War deck
- Ice Spirit, Goblin Gang, The Log, Valkyrie, Goblin Barrel, Rocket, Princess, Tesla.
- Firecrack, Skeleton, EGiant, Snowball, Heal spirit, Goblin, Tornado, I Tower.
- Skelbarrel, Fire spirit, Bomber, Lumber, RG, Baby, MArcher, EBarbs.
- Firecracker, Royal ghost, Sparky, EWiz, Baby Dragon, Minion Horde, Arrows, Skarmy.
- Bandit, Lumber, Loon, Log, Knight, Wiz, Ebarbs, Executioner.
- Goblin Drill, Firecracker, Icewiz, Freeze, PEKKA, Princess, Hog Rider, Executioner.
- Gobarrel, MK, MArcher, Ewiz, Mother Witch, Clone, The Log, Ram Rider.
Deck 1 |
Deck 2 |
Deck 3 |
Deck 4 |
- Using 2.6 cycle deck as deck 4.
- Updated deck following few tips from Isma.
- Played once.
- Played until 20210918.
- Deck 1 was best deck on ladder.
- Mostly lose.
- In duel, start with 4 (aka "worst"), then 1 then 3. Won twice during training days.
- Lava hound
- Minions
- Mega Minion
- Fireball
- Zap
- Barbarians
- Balloon
- Tombstone
- Skel army
- Ram rider
- Goblin cage
- Poison
- Inferno dragon
- Bats
- Arrows
- Guards
- E dragon
- Witch
- Spear goblins
- Hog rider
- Wall breaker
- Bomb Tower
- Barb barrel
- Skel giant
- Royal hogs
- Baby dragon
- Dart goblin
- Knight
- Skel dragons
- Inferno tower
- Battle ram
- War deck against boat
- A deck I've seen that looked effective: witch - giant - electro dragon - firecracker - tesla - princess - lumberjack - ?. First push with giant front, sorcerer, E dragon, firecracker. Took a full tower down. Tesla on the other side to protect.
Clan wars - boat defense
Clan Wars - Sudden death
- Valkyrie - Skeletons - Freeze - Lumberjack - Balloon - The Log - Musketeer - Tesla (3.5)
- Shared by Natan (Bring the W). Goal: play Lumber at bridge, then Balloon. Hopefully opponent will play a big troop killing Lumber, Balloon will then rush to tower, and we use freeze on tower + any defensive air troop.
General information
Spell damage
- How to read the table
- Eg. Fireball, level 9, we have
(=) Skeleton Dragons +2 (532)
. This means FB level 9 kills a Skeleton Dragons level 11 (=9+2), which has 532 health points. The equal says the elixir trade is balanced (4 elixir for 4 elixir, this assumes only one unit is hit).
- Units in bold are the one at level 13.
Fireball + Zap (6 elixir)
Level 9
Level 10
Level 11
Level 12
Level 13
Damage |
731 |
801 |
881 |
Tower damage |
220 |
242 |
300 |
- (-2) Skeleton Dragons (642)
- (-2) Zappies (640)
- (-2) Magic Archer (642)
- (-2) Flying Machine +3 (675)
- (-2) Mother Witch +3 (718)
- (-1) Barbarians +2 (670)
- (-2) Ice Wizard +2 (688)
- (-2) Electro-Wizard +2 (713)
- (-2) Musketeer +2 (720)
- (-1) Wizard +2 (720)
- (-1) Witch = (696)
- -
- -
- -
- (-2) Flying Machine (742)
- (-2) Mother Witch +3 (788)
- (-1) Barbarians +2 (736)
- (-2) Ice Wizard +2 (756)
- (-2) Electro-Wizard +2 (784)
- (-2) Musketeer +2 (792)
- (-1) Wizard +2 (792)
- (-1) Witch = (765)
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- (-1) Barbarians (809)
- (-2) Ice Wizard (830)
- (-2) Electro-Wizard (861)
- (-2) Musketeer (870)
- (-1) Wizard (870)
- (-1) Witch = (838)
Fireball (4 elixir)
Level |
Level 9 |
Level 10 |
Level 11 |
Level 12 |
Level 13
Damage |
572 |
627 |
689 |
Tower damage |
172 |
189 |
207 |
- (=) Skeleton Dragons +2 (532)
- (=) Zappies +2 (530)
- (=) Magic Archer +2 (532)
- (=) Flying Machine +1 (572)
- (+1) Barbarians = (555)
- (-1) Ice Wizard = (569)
- (=) Mother Witch = (540)
- -
- (=) Musketeer -1 (544)
- (+1) Wizard -1 (544)
- (=) Skeleton Dragons +2 (584)
- (=) Zappies +2 (582)
- (=) Magic Archer +2 (585)
- (=) Flying Machine +1 (614)
- (+1) Barbarians = (610)
- (-1) Ice Wizard = (625)
- (=) Mother Witch = (594)
- (=) Electro-Wizard -1 (590)
- (=) Musketeer -1 (598)
- (+1) Wizard -1 (598)
- (=) Skeleton Dragons (642)
- (=) Zappies (640)
- (=) Magic Archer (642)
- (=) Flying Machine +1 (675)
- (+1) Barbarians = (670)
- (-1) Ice Wizard = (688)
- (=) Mother Witch = (653)
- (=) Electro-Wizard -1 (649)
- (=) Musketeer -1 (656)
- (+1) Wizard -1 (656)
Arrows (3 elixir)
Level |
Level 9 |
Level 10 |
Level 11 |
Level 12 |
Level 13
Damage |
303 |
333 |
Tower damage |
93 |
102 |
- (=) Guards - Shield (289)
- (=) Dart Goblin +3 (286)
- (=) Princess +3 (287)
- (-1) Wall Breakers +1 (302)
- (-1) Bomber +1 (302)
- (=) Firecracker +1 (279)
- -
- (=) Dart Goblin (314)
- (=) Princess (315)
- (-1) Wall Breakers +1 (331)
- (-1) Bomber +1 (332)
- (=) Firecracker +1 (304)
Zap (2 elixir)
Level |
Level 9 |
Level 10 |
Level 11 |
Level 12 |
Level 13
Damage |
159 |
174 |
192 |
Tower damage |
48 |
53 |
58 |
- (+1) Skeleton Army (98)
- (=) Bats (98)
- (=) Spear Goblins +3 (146)
- (=) Goblins -1 (152)
- (+1) Minions -2 (158)
- -
- -
- (=) Spear Goblins (160)
- (=) Goblins -1 (167)
- (+1) Minions -2 (173)
- -
- -
- -
- (=) Goblins -1 (167)
- (+1) Minions -2 (173)
Card upgrade cost
Card upgrade (# cards / cost / king level)
Type |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Level 5 |
Level 6 |
Level 7 |
Level 8 |
Level 9 |
Level 10 |
Level 11 |
Level 12 |
Level 13
Common |
- |
2 / 5 / +4 |
4 / 20 / +5 |
10 / 50 / +6 |
20 / 150 / +10 |
50 / 400 / +25 |
100 / 1K / +50 |
200 / 2K / +100 |
400 / 4K / +200 |
800 / 8K / +400 |
1K / 20K / +600 |
2K / 50K / ? |
5K / 100K / ?
Rare |
- |
- |
- |
2 / 50 / +6 |
4 / 150 / +10 |
10 / 400 / +25 |
20 / 1K / +50 |
50 / 2K / +100 |
100 / 4K / +200 |
200 / 8K / ? |
400 / 20K / ? |
Epic |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2 / 400 / +25 |
4 / 2K / +100 |
10 / 4K / +200 |
20 / 8K / +400 |
50 / 20K / ? |
Legendary |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2 / 5K / +250 |
4 / 20K / +600 |
10 / 50K / +800 |
20 / 100K / +1.6K
Clan Wars
- Battle medal rewards
Battle |
Victory medals |
Defeat medals
PvP battle |
250 |
Duels (each battle) |
250 |
Boat battle |
125 |
Duels include special events (regular, double elixir, triple elixir...).
- Battle gold reward
- Gold rewards depend on current Clan League (Bronze I, II or III...).