Configuration Common Windows

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MSYS2 on corporate PC

  • Use installer msys2-x86_64-20240507.ex.
  • Issue Install is stuck at 50% (see Issue #2580).
  • Looking in task manager with see a bash process, running /usr/bin/pacman-key --refresh-keys.
  • We kill the process and let the install proceed.
  • Setup http_proxy variables in .bashrc, see Proxy.
  • Tell pacman to use our corporate certificates.
  • Collect corporate root certificate by visiting one of the msys2 repository ( (see SO for chrome).
  • Append corporate ROOT and intermediate SSL certificates (in Base64 format, see SSL) into etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt.
  • Edit /etc/pacman.conf, here using curl:
XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl --cacert /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt -L -C - -f -o %o %u
  • Alternatively use option --ca-directory=/usr/ssl/certs with wget.
  • Install a few packages:
pacman -S openssh openssl vim base base-devel gcc procps
  • This assumes that the SSH key shares the same password as the proxy
  • File bin/echo-proxy-pass:
  • File bin/
# Add our ssh keys - eval because ssh-add.list contains '~'
DISPLAY="0:0" SSH_ASKPASS="echo-proxy-pass" SSH_ASKPASS_REQUIRE=force ssh-add  ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_winmail < /dev/null
pgrep -x autossh > /dev/null || autossh -M 0 -f -N -n -q -L 9143:localhost:9143 -L 9025:localhost:9025 ovhi
# Check that ssh is running fine (must keep same PID)
ps faux|grep "bin/ssh$" && sleep 2 && ps faux|grep "bin/ssh$"