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PGF/TikZ is a powerful drawing package that can be used to produce professional-looking graphics. In particular PGF/TikZ interpreter can be used from LaTeX documents.


  • tkz-euclide An extremely simple and powerful drawing package for drawing geometry figures.


To be completed.


markings decoration not show in curved path

Setting a decoration at position 1 does not work when using curved paths. An easy fix is to use 0.999 instead (see also bug, [1]).

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm,
    decoration={markings, mark=at position 0.999 with {\arrow[scale=2]{stealth}}}]
  \node (c) {C};
  \node [below=5pt of c] (d) {D};
  \draw[postaction={decorate}] (c) to [out=0,in=0,looseness=3] (d);
Trouble in labels

Better enclose label text in curly braces:

% ...
\node[mult]                   (m)   [label=right:{$\rsam$}] {};
% ...
\matrix [matrix of math nodes]
  |(m1) [label=left:{\dagnode_1=1}]| {} \\