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Image resize
convert input.jpg -resize 500x500 output.jpg # Resize to fit in 500x500 max. Final image is not necessarily 500x500.
convert input.jpg -resize 500x500 -background black -compose Copy \
-gravity center -extent 500x500 output.jpg # Resize, and if necessary center image and pad with black background
convert input.jpg -filter cubic -resize 500x500 output.jpg # Set resize filter. 'convert -list-filter' to get a list
convert input.jpg -filter cubic -resize 500x500^ output.jpg # Resize to fix outside 500x500, preserving aspect ratio.
Get image info
convert -format "%f %w %h" sand.jpg info:
identify -format "%f %w %h" sand.jpg # Same but shorter
identify sand.jpg -format "%f %w %h" # WRONG - format string must come before because params are processed sequentially
read -r file width height <<< $(identify -format "%f %w %h" sand.jpg) # Set values in variables
Crop an image
convert IMG_0001.jpg -gravity Center -crop 1000x1000+0+0 +repage IMG_0001-resized.jpg # Crop a 1000x1000 region around center. The '+0+0' are mandatory.
Convert to JPG
convert IMG_0001.png IMG_0001.jpg # Convert with default quality
convert IMG_0001.png -quality 96 IMG_0001.jpg # Specify JPG quality
Blur an image
convert IMG_0001.jpg -gaussian-blur 5x2 IMG_0001-blur.jpg # Similar to Gimp gaussian blur 5x5 px
convert IMG_0001.jpg -gaussian-blur 5x2 -filter cubic -resize 1000x1000^ -gravity Center -crop 1000x1000+0+0 +repage -quality 96 IMG_0001-resized.jpg