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- An Awk Primer (good tutorial on Awk)
- gawk User guide
- GAWK: Effective AWK Programming (gawk.pdf from package gawk-doc)
Awk Program Examples
ps al | awk '{print $2}' # Print second field of ps output
arp -n|awk '/ether/{print $3}' # Print third field of arp output, if line contains 'ether' somewhere
getent hosts | awk '{ print $1 ; exit }' # Print only first line, then exit
find /proc -type l | awk -F"/" '{print $3}' # Print second folder name (i.e. process pid)
Example of parsing an XML file (and comparing with perl
cat FILE
# <configuration buildProperties="" description="" id="some_id.1525790178" name="some_name" parent="some_parent">
awk -F "[= <>\"]+" '/<configuration / { if ($8 == "some_name") print $6 }' FILE
# some_id.1525790178
perl -lne 'print $1 if /<configuration .* id="([^"]*)" name="some_name"/' FILE
# some_id.1525790178
Execute a system command and capture its output
To run a system command, we use system("cmd")
. However to capture its output, we use cmd | getline value
However, we must also close the command, otherwise awk will complain / will not reexecute the command / will produce strange resuts:
Example of program:
/\/\/ test password/ {
cmd = "openssl rand -hex 16";
cmd | getline r;
gsub(/[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]/,"0x&, ",r);
print " { ", r, "}, // test password - DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT";
- Defining environment variable - Using an Awk script and Bash builtin eval
eval $(awk 'BEGIN{printf "MY_VAR=value";}')
echo $MY_VAR
- Hexadecimal conversion - Use
to convert parameter:
print strtonum($1); # decimal, octal or hexa (guessed from prefix)
print strtonum("0"$2); # To force octal
print strtonum("0x"$3); # To force hexadecimal
- Using environment variables - Use
{ print strtonum("0x"ENVIRON["STARTADDR"]); }
- Pass command-line parameters - Awk variables can be defined directly on the invocation line:
awk -v myvar=123 'BEGIN { printf "myvar is %d\n",myvar }' # Use -v (before program text) for var used in BEGIN section
echo foo | awk '{ printf "myvar is %d\n",myvar }' myvar=123 # Otherwise specify var after program text
- Pass command-line parameters - Awk defines the variables
for (i = 0; i < ARGC; i++)
print ARGV[i]
is the whole line
# Concatenate DNS
/^A\?/{print record; record=$0}
/^A /{record=record " " $0;}
END {print record}
- String concatenation — simply line up the string without operator.
print "The result is " result;
- Next line on pattern match — Only match one pattern in a pattern list
/PATTERN1/ {print $1; next}
/PATTERN2/ {print $2; next}
{print $3}