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Revision as of 16:57, 7 July 2020 by Mip (talk | contribs) (→‎How-To)
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  • wasavi — vi editor for any web page.
  • cVim — Vim bindings for Google Chrome.
My cvimrc:
set noautofocus

" Mappings - same as Penta.dactyl on Firefox
map <C-u> scrollPageUp
map <C-d> scrollPageDown
imap <C-i> editWithVim

" Mappings - custom
map <C-j> nextTab
map <C-k> previousTab
map <C-o> lastUsedTab
Start on startup:
./ &


Manually install an extension

  • Download the extension source (for instance from GitHub)
  • In Chrome, Go to More tools → extensions, and click the checkbox Developer mode.
  • Click on Load unpacked extension..., and point it to extension source directory (containing manifest.json.

Fix ZScaler authentication - import ZScaler SSO cookie

ZScaler is a corporate filtering proxy. Users must login with Single-Sign-On to get access to internet resources. If authentication fails in Chrome but, say, works in Internet Explorer, one can import the authentication cookie in Chrome/Chromium and hence skip the failing authentication step (from

  • First, go to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files, and locate the zscaler cookie, which is named
  • Open the cookie in WordPad (or copy/paste into WordPad). You should have something like this, where the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX are the actual cookie (secret) value:
  • In Chrome, create a new cookie using extension EditThisCookie, and import both cookies above using the templates below, where the cookie value must be replaced with the one found above:
    "domain": "",
    "hostOnly": false,
    "httpOnly": false,
    "name": "_sm_au_c",
    "path": "/",
    "secure": true,
    "session": true,
    "storeId": "0",
    "id": 1
    "domain": "",
    "hostOnly": false,
    "httpOnly": false,
    "name": "_sm_up_c",
    "path": "/",
    "secure": true,
    "session": true,
    "storeId": "0",
    "value": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "id": 1


chromium: Blank window when used over ssh tunnel

When opening chromium through a ssh tunnel, the application opens but all pages are blank.

The problem is apparently linked to a broken MIT-SHM detection code [1]. Download the fix from this link or File:Fix for chromium with broken MIT-SHM, then compile and load it:

cc -shared -o XlibNoSHM.c
LD_PRELOAD=' ./' chromium