HP EliteBook 840

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Installation guides

Reports that all hardware but the fingerprint sensor is working.


Reboot after shutdown

The laptop automatically reboots a few seconds after shutdown.

Possible causes:

  • Wake-On-LAN settings in BIOS [1]
  • BT or mouse USB dongle [2]

Possible solutions:

  1. Disable Wake on USB.
Go to BIOS → Advanced → Device Configurations, and uncheck Wake on USB.
  1. Disable Wake-On-Lan in BIOS.
Go to BIOS → Advanced → Built-in Device Options, and set Wake on LAN to Disable.
  1. In BIOS, uncheck / disable any setting with the word wake in it.
  2. Disable WiFi (press the 'antenna' button next to 'mute' button)