Groovy reference
println s
println "${s}"
def url = ""
final beforeColon = url.substring(0, url.indexOf(':')) //
final afterLastSlash = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, url.length()) // access-server-pd.git
println beforeColon
// Note: def / final optional
String a = "Hello World Hello";
println(a.matches("Hello(.*)")); // true
println(a.replaceAll("^Hello","Bye")); // Bye World Hell
// dirname using find operator
def dirnameslash(path) {
dir=path =~ /(^.*[\\\/])/
return dir ? dir[0][1] : './'
println dirnameslash("Mask\\ta\\gueule\\jenkins\\de\\merde.exe")
println dirnameslash("Mask/ta/gueule/jenkins/de/merde.exe")
println dirnameslash("merde.exe")
println dirnameslash("c:\\merde.exe")
Cancel older builds if new one starting
Using milestone
, we can cancel older builds if a new commit is pushed.
Here an example where all new build cancels the older ones, except on the master branch. This is useful to increase throughput of Jenkins slaves. This policy makes sense since non-master branches typically do not require thorough testing/analysis.
// if not on master and older builds are ongoing, cancel them !
if ( env.BRANCH_NAME != 'master' )
def buildNumber = env.BUILD_NUMBER as int
if (buildNumber > 1) milestone(buildNumber - 1)
// ...
Use 'Pipeline Syntax' to write Groovy script
Jenkins offers a button Pipeline Syntax
to generate Groovy scripts.
Very useful for adding new commands.
Custom git scm checkout with another submodule
The first line was created with the pipeline syntax tool in Jenkins. Then we simply checkout the branch we want in the submodule.
def checkoutUsk() { checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: name: '*/master', doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: $class: 'SubmoduleOption', disableSubmodules: false, parentCredentials: false, recursiveSubmodules: true, reference: '', trackingSubmodules: false, submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: url: 'ssh://']) sh 'cd my_submodule && git checkout origin/master && cd ..' }
Checkout git with submodule, not recursive
Say we have a repo with submodules, also with submodules, but only want to checkout first level.
- Add parent repo
- Select Advanced sub-modules behaviours, but don't click recursively update submodules.
Increase perf on Windows
- Disable anti-virus, or move master/slave workspace in not-scanned directory
- Careful slave: on Windows, the slave uses the launch directory as base directory. Move that, or define
in the slave environment variables (within Jenkins).
- Careful slave: on Windows, the slave uses the launch directory as base directory. Move that, or define
- Disable Windows search
Increase job number
First get a listing all available job in the script console:
Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(AbstractItem.class).each { println it.fullName + " - " + it.class };
Then set the RC for the selected job with:
Git push tag using a SSH key
This is the most difficult ever action.
On Windows in particular.
The solution is to use SSH Agent Plugin.
- Install SSH Agent Plugin.
- This requires that ssh-agent is available on Windows (eg. through Git for Windows).
- Add some SSH private key credentials in Jenkins.
- This is the same credentials that we use for instance to clone a git repo
Then the magic setup:
stage('deliver') {
sshagent(['b123c5ec-fb7c-6601-bd09-2e8d3be0aaf0']) { // Use your credential id here
bat "git push -f origin dev/foo"
// Some alternatives:
// sh "git push -f origin dev/foo" // This may use a different user root
// sh "ssh -v username@server // for debugging
// To force to accept host key
// sh "GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' git push -f origin dev/foo"
Possible issues:
- Wrong user being picked, hence the bad folder
is used. - Environment clashes / wrong PATH in either
Installing plugin offline
- Download the plugin .hpi file.
- Go to Jenkins, Manage Jenkins, Manage plugins, Advanced.
- Use the Upload plugin panel.
igfx_ error
Doing this:
println new ProcessBuilder('sh','-c','ls').redirectErrorStream(true).start().text
we got a igfx_
crash message in Windows. PC not accessible through remote desktop, and had to reboot.
Multibranch failed because of tag/branch name conflict (some local refs could not be updated; try running)
This occurs when for instance a branch named dev/foo
is deleted and a new branch dev/foo/bar
is created afterwards.
error: cannot lock ref 'refs/tags/dev/delivery/FOO': 'refs/tags/dev/delivery' exists; cannot create 'refs/tags/dev/delivery/FOO' ! [new tag] dev/delivery/FOO -> dev/delivery/FOO (unable to update local ref) error: some local refs could not be updated; try running 'git remote prune ssh://' to remove any old, conflicting branches
To fix:
- Go to multibranch log, and check for line like:
Creating git repository in C:\Jenkins\caches\git-1f7143a5b7a29bcbc3c47f31fc7a597c > git init C:\Jenkins\caches\git-1f7143a5b7a29bcbc3c47f31fc7a597c # timeout=10
- Go to the server, and delete that cache directory.
Unable to find project for artifact copy
We get the following error in a multibranch pipeline:
ERROR: Unable to find project for artifact copy: Foo/bar/master This may be due to incorrect project name or permission settings; see help for project name in job configuration.
A FIRST problem is that the Permission to copy artifact
cannot be set from the multibranch configuration, but must be set for each branch separatedly.
In script pipelines, do [1]:
properties([[$class: 'JiraProjectProperty'], copyArtifactPermission('*')])
In declarative pipelines, do:
options {
A SECOND problem is that the full path of the artifact must be given, so better use **/*.tgz
or the like:
copyArtifacts filter: '**/*.wsp, **/*.tgz, **/*.exe', fingerprintArtifacts: true, projectName: '${JOB_NAME}', selector: specific(''+currentBuild.number)