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  • wasavi — vi editor for any web page.
  • cVim — Vim bindings for Google Chrome.
My cvimrc:
set noautofocus

" Mappings - same as Penta.dactyl on Firefox
map <C-u> scrollPageUp
map <C-d> scrollPageDown
imap <C-i> editWithVim

" Mappings - custom
map <C-j> nextTab
map <C-k> previousTab
map <C-o> lastUsedTab
Start on startup:
./ &
  • Vimium — Vim-like extension for Chrome / Chromium - not tried yet.
  • Session Buddy — A tab management extension for Chrome, recommended by several HN readers. Not tried yet.

Session management

In Use. Support LAZY load of session. Support AUTOSAVE, but NOT to user saved sesssion (so when closing a session we want to keep, existing session must be replaced). DOES NOT save HISTORY.
To try. Seem to provide simple session management feature in addition to suspend tabs.
Lot of user, but apparently no lazy load.
NO LAZY loading.


Manually install an extension

  • Download the extension source (for instance from GitHub)
  • In Chrome, Go to More tools → extensions, and click the checkbox Developer mode.
  • Click on Load unpacked extension..., and point it to extension source directory (containing manifest.json.

Fix ZScaler authentication - import ZScaler SSO cookie

ZScaler is a corporate filtering proxy. Users must login with Single-Sign-On to get access to internet resources. If authentication fails in Chrome but, say, works in Internet Explorer, one can import the authentication cookie in Chrome/Chromium and hence skip the failing authentication step (from

  • First, go to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files, and locate the zscaler cookie, which is named
  • Open the cookie in WordPad (or copy/paste into WordPad). You should have something like this, where the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX are the actual cookie (secret) value:
  • In Chrome, create a new cookie using extension EditThisCookie, and import both cookies above using the templates below, where the cookie value must be replaced with the one found above:
    "domain": "",
    "hostOnly": false,
    "httpOnly": false,
    "name": "_sm_au_c",
    "path": "/",
    "secure": true,
    "session": true,
    "storeId": "0",
    "id": 1
    "domain": "",
    "hostOnly": false,
    "httpOnly": false,
    "name": "_sm_up_c",
    "path": "/",
    "secure": true,
    "session": true,
    "storeId": "0",
    "value": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "id": 1

Enable Chromecast

To enable chromecast support in Chromium [1]:

  • Go to chrome://flags/#load-media-router-component-extension
  • Set to Enabled.
  • Relaunch.


chromium: Blank window when used over ssh tunnel

When opening chromium through a ssh tunnel, the application opens but all pages are blank.

The problem is apparently linked to a broken MIT-SHM detection code [2]. Download the fix from this link or this archive, then compile and load it:

cc -shared -o XlibNoSHM.c
LD_PRELOAD=' ./' chromium