Nxl67063 - Windows XP

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This is the configuration page for the WINDOWS XP partition on NXL67063 - Dell Latitude E6410.

Configuration Files

All configuration files can be found here.

Installed Applications


[2011-07-05] Opera set http://www.google.be as home page.
[2011-07-05] SysInternals Suite Incl. Process Explorer, Autoruns...
[2011-07-05] Launchy v2.5
[2011-07-05] 7zip
[2011-07-05] UltraEdit32 v15.00
[2011-07-05] CCleaner v3.0.8
[2011-07-05] Unlocker v1.8.6, explorer extensions, no check for updates, no Assistant, no eBay shortcuts
[2011-07-05] Cleartype Tuner PowerToy advanced tab, enabled ClearType, RGB, darker (1.0)
[2011-07-07] Firefox v5.0 — Enabled Master Password.
[2011-07-07] Synergy v1.4.3! — See global config — Client & Server — Enable autostart — Set as server, and with Linux 1.3.7 client, copy&paste works both ways!
[2011-07-07] gVim
+ ruby
v7.3. See Windows configuration for Vim (Tab Edit with Vim, Share config with Cygwin, ruby support).
[2011-07-18] TrueCrypt v7.0a
[2011-07-18] PDF XChange Viewer v2.5a

ATOP Development

[2011-07-05] TortoiseSVN Version
  • In SettingsGlobal ignore patterns, add:
.classes _arm9e_rvds22b616 comp.res errors.res map.cmd notfound.res tracer*.res 
*.map _cygwin_nt-5.1 tmp *.tmp jardiff *.stackdump spy_incl.h mkhee_errors.log
[2011-07-06] Kdiff3 ... will integrate automatically in TortoiseSVN.
[2011-07-05] Cygwin Version 1.7.9(1) - See Local settings
[2011-07-05] MS Visual Studio 2010 Keep SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2, because VS needs it for IntelliSense...
[2011-07-06] ARM RVDS 2.2 (ARM Real View Developer Suite 2.2.1 SP1)

For ATOP 2.5G:

  • Installed in C:\Program Files\ARM
  • Defined user environment variables:
  • export MK_TARGET=arm9e_rvds22b616.ptl
    export MK_TARGET_NAME=_arm9e_rvds22b616
    export RVCT22LIB="C:\Program Files\ARM\RVCT\Data\2.2\503\lib"
    export RVCT22INC="C:\Program Files\ARM\RVCT\Data\2.2\503\include\windows"
    export RVCT22BIN="C:\Program Files\ARM\RVCT\Programs\2.2\503\win_32-pentium.616"
  • Define license env variable:
  • export LM_LICENSE_FILE=8224@lichostc;8224@lichostb;8224@lichosta
  • Installed RVCT 2.2 patch 593 in ...\2.2\503\win_32-pentium.593
  • TODO: Could define these variables in Cygwin only
  • If not done already, copy armcc.exe to ttc.exe, tcpp.exe and armcpp.exe in each win_32-pentium.*** directory

For ATOP 3.5G:

  • Copied C:\Program Files\ARM\RVCT to C:\apps\RVDS221\RVCT.
[2011-07-06] Java SE JDK Version: Java SE 6 Update 26 (Development Tools, Demos and Samples, Source Code, Public JRE, Java DB).
  • Define variables (for now, as Windows variables):
export JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre"
[2011-07-06] Eclipse Indigo 3.7
[2011-07-06] Ant version 1.8.2, decompressed into C:\ant-1.8.2. Define variables (for now, as Windows variables):
export ANT_HOME='C:\ant-1.8.2'
export PATH=PATH:$(cygpath $ANT_HOME)/bin
[2011-07-06] FTDI drivers USB COM: serial drivers. Select FTDI folder when plugging in USB devices
[2011-07-08] TortoiseGit Use TortoisePLink (from Putty). Don't install msysgit, I'll try to use cygwin's git first...
[2011-10-17] NXP SCCommUI version 2.50 (to see UID on Pegoda reader)
[2011-10-17] NXP SCRTester version 1.6.20 (TAMA, i.e. PN531x, Test application)
[2011-10-17] JCOP Tools version 3.3.2
[2011-10-18] Tera-Term version 4.71 → Full install except japanese stuff, LogMeTT not started at windows logon
[2011-10-18] NXP MifareWnd version 1.70 (to see UID on Pegoda reader)
[2011-10-20] ATOPLoader version 1.30 (from atop repository, D:\atop\Tools\AtopLoader\AtopLoader_1.3.0.zip)
[2011-10-20] TAT version 7.32 (from atop delivery repository, or also on CollabNet, project ATOP, section File Releases)
[2011-10-20] FlashMagic version 5.93 (from http://www.flashmagictool.com). Remove the lines added in C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT, which create a duplicate of path:
[2011-10-20] CVI DLLs from atop delivery repository. cvirte.dll and cvirte/ copied in C:\WINDOWS\system32
[2011-10-20] SpyTracerV2 version 2.9.0 (from Intermediate Delivery 7.1.1). Checked Up to Date dependencies (not Add application directory to your system path or install MSC Builder 3.1
[2011-10-20] 490x UsbRegDrv got from TLMT Wiki — was needed for old SpyTracer, but not needed anymore

Un-installed applications (by uninstall date):

[YYYY-MM-DD] Application (package) [YYYY-MM-DD] uninstalled (reason)

Simple Settings

[2011-07-05] File Explorer Usual settings...
[2011-07-05] Regional & Language options (Languages): Do not install additional languages; removed pages: 10001-10005, 10008, 10010, 10021, 20000, 20290, 28596, 28598, 38597, 54936, 708, 864
[2011-07-05] Regional & Language options Text services and input languages: (setting) Uninstall all asian keyboards, install my custom BE keyboard, hide language bar / (advanced) Turn off advanced text services

Performance Tuning

  • Disabled:
    • Indexing Service - C: & D: properties - DO NOT Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching
    • JAVA Quick Starter, IQS.exe (from Java Control Panel)
  • Uninstalled:
    • Microsoft Office Language Pack 2007 - Chinese (PRC)
    • Microsoft Office Language Pack 2007 - Chinese (Taiwan)
    • Microsoft Office Language Pack 2007 - Japanese
    • Microsoft Office Language Pack 2007 - Korean
    • Adobe Reader Extended Language Support Font Pack
    • Chinese Simplified Fonts Support For Adobe Reader 9
    • Chinese Traditional Fonts Support For Adobe Reader 9
    • Japanese Fonts Support For Adobe Reader 9
    • Korean Fonts Support For Adobe Reader 9
  • Compressed:
    • C:\MSOCache
    • C:\Windows\Installer
    • C:\Windows\Software Distribution
    • C:\Windows\NXP Wallpapers

To Do:

  • Delete / compress C:\SwDepot?
  • Delete / compress directories above?
  • Delete Adobe Acrobat Reader?
  • Dete C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\IME12
    • remove HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Korean IME Migration (Microsoft Korean IME)
    • remove HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\IMJPMIG12.0 (Microsoft Office IME 2007)
    • remove HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\IMJPMG8.1

Detailed System Settings


  • Background: %USERPROFILE%\Pirate Mac.jpg

Environment Variables

User PATH C:\Program Files\UltraEdit\
System PATH %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\ruby\bin;C:\Progra~1\Vim\vim73;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\Program Files\Windows Imaging\;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit\bin

Detailed Application Settings


  • Installed DOSHere



  • Cygwin 1.7.9(1), package dir = D:\TEMP\cygwin, manual proxy, using http://ftp.gwdg.de.
  • Update group/passwd:
#Example (actually this was done automatically on 1st install, and command below does not give same results?!?)
mkgroup -l > /etc/group
mkgroup -d -g "Domain Users" >> /etc/group
mkpasswd -l > /etc/passdw
mkgroup -d -u beq06659 >> /etc/group
  • Create launch shortcut Mintty Bash Shell, target: C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe /usr/bin/bash --login -i
  • Add C:\cygwin\bin in PATH (after ...\Wbem).
 ☒  TODO: might create conflicts with tortoisegit & msysgit...
  • Edit /etc/fstab to move cygdrive prefix to / (alternative to mount --change-cydrive-prefix):
vi /etc/fstab
# Add the lines:
#   none / cygdrive binary,posix=0 0 0
mount -a                                  #To mount all
Not! → Again a shortcoming of Cygwin, there is no obvious way for scripts to get the cygdrive prefix. Moreover even if it was possible, there is a big chance that scripts would still hardcode /cygdrive as the default prefix. A better and more portable solution is to leave the default prefix to /cygdrive, and create symbolic links in root dir:
for i in c d h z; do ln -sf /cygdrive/$i /$i; done
  • Add ~/bin/local/nxp/start_nxl67063.sh in windows startup group.
  • Set /HKLM/Software/Cygwin/heap_chunk_in_mb to 1024 1536(solve OoM issue in Git).

Default environment:

[2011-07-05] Misc (unison, gnupg, expect, wget, netcat, socat, vim, git, git-svn, git-completion, make, patch, patchutils, psmisc, connect-proxy, p7zip)
[2011-07-26] SSH (autossh, cygrunsrv, openssh) Client and server. See sshd install instructions. Open port 22 in Windows firewall.
[2011-07-05] psmisc (psmisc) for killall
[2011-07-05] Chere (chere)
chere -i -t mintty
[2011-07-06] MC (mc + dependencies glib, libglib1.2_0)
[2011-07-06] gvim (gvim) Custom build Vim with ruby support
[2011-07-06] Cygwin/X (xorg-server, xinit, xorg-docs, X-start-menu-icons) + some fonts package (like BitStream...)
[2011-07-08] mlcscope (mlcscope) Built from source (got here).
[2011-07-08] cscope Built from source (got here). Requires flex, libncurses-devel (configure; make; make install)
[2011-07-06] Ctags (ctags)
[2011-07-11] Colordiff (colordiff) Add alias diff='colordiff -W ${COLUMNS:-130}' to .bashrc
[2011-07-18] g++ 4 (g++-4)
[2011-07-20] Hex editor (hexedit)
[2011-07-20] wdiff (wdiff)
[2011-07-26] colortail (colortail) build from source ([1]) (configure, make, make install)
[2011-08-03] ack (App::Ack) Install with cpan, with force install App::Ack
[2011-12-01] uncrustify v0.59 — ./configure; make; make install
  • Not installed: gcc4 (might conflict with gcc-core?)

For ATOP Build environment:

[2011-07-05] Basic build env (make, gcc-core, perl, python, mintty, openssh, tcsh, ksh, libintl2, util-linux, subversion, subversion-tools, corkscrew, zip, unzip)
[2011-07-05] For CPAN (wget, curl, unzip, lynx, ncftp, patch, patchutils)

To Do

Cygwin Related Issues

  • SolvedCygwin Git shows lots of modified files when changing directory with cd. For instance:
  • cd ~
    git st               # No modified files
    cd bin
    git st               # Plenty of modified files in bin/ and one in ../.vim (strangely...)


    autocrlf=input               # Global, in ~/.gitconfig
    ignorecase=true              # Local, in .git/config
    # core.filemode unset


    • On cygwin, we must use the following settings (to set in .git/config because these are machine specific):
    Also for projects with Windows CRLF, better use:
  • IssueSynergy interfers with Cygwin/X, AltGr not working. See bug.
  • To Do — Try to install Gnome Terminator (available from a CygwinPort project mirror). Tried, but failed to load (prob. requires a rebase all or something). Moreover the new X windows had worse fonts.