World of tanks

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Fan sites
Some Google queries


Fan sites:


  • XVM - Extended Visualization Mod
    • SimpleVM (official link, old link Nice config for XVM
    • Fix wrong minimap zoom hotkey (see [1]). Edit res_modes/xvm/configs/SimpleVM/hotkeys.xc:
    • See also J1mb0 settings (all hotkeys are in the J1mb0's version of hotkeys.xc)
    "hotkeys": { "minimapZoom": { "enabled": true, "keyCode": 29, "onHold": true } }
  • Color Messages and Session Stats
  • Information panel (more mods available, like hit zones)
  • Config for 1920x1080 (griffinwin):
    		<!-- ARCADE -->
    		<arcade visible="true"> <!-- Sichtbarkeit - true/false - Ja/Nein -->
    			<location x="-480" y="498"/> <!-- x, y - Koordinaten x=seite Y=höhe -->
    			<delay>10</delay> <!-- Anzeigedauer in Sekunden, nachdem das Ziel nicht mehr Anvisiert ist -->
    	<!-- HINTERGRUND -->
    	<background alpha="40"> <!-- visible - 0-100 0=transparent -->
    		<location x="-90" y="-125"/> <!-- x, y - Koordinaten x=seite Y=höhe -->
    		<scale x="150" y="75"/> <!-- x, y - Grösse. 100 - Original -->
    Mid player panel: width 75
  • Crew mods (anime, female ;-) )
  • Gun sight of tank
  • Original website:
  • v9.3 Pogs contour icon mod 3.x Oxmaster (show tank stat instead of contour)
  • Light tank, Medium tank, Heavy tank, Tank destroyer, SPG

Not installed


Not installed


Right-click + move      Look sideways without moving turret


Info on tanks I played, or found information on.

We have (from X to I): Bat.-Châtillon 25 t, T54, ferd/jgpanth, T29, Hellcat, M24 Chaffee, T40, Marder II, Cruiser Mk III, Leichttraktor ([2]).


II - M2-Light
  • Very funny little tank. Fun to drive and play. Got mastership very rapidly. Best gun is the rapid fire gun, which allows to turn around target, and shoot while driving.
IV - M5-Stuart
  • Had to play lots of game with that tank in order to get the M24-Chaffee. Was hard to play at the beginning, but was getting more fun when fully equiped. Not as fun as M2 / M3, but force to learn the basics of WoT. In the end, was a nice experience
V - M24-Chaffee
  • An excellent scout, according to [3] (+also another video on youtube)
  • Very expensive to repair (on purpose, according to [4], see also my post on [5])
  • An excellent tank killer, especially when equipped with the 105mm AT Howitzer M3.
  • With the Groundhog Day mission (+75k credit when killing 4 tanks and surviving), I collect 300k easily with this tank.
  • Reported as best tier IV tank in Winner for J!NX on Random Battles


  • Not played. Very fast light tank, and thin. Can hide easily in rifts, or behind small relief.
  • Probably not so expensive to repair


  • Seems favorite scout from Tazilon, an expert scout player.


Launcher in french, but game in english