Rubik's cube

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Sell the recommended lube lubix's lube, but oversee, so high shipping and custom cost.
Sell Maru lube (not recommended, see below), Calvin's lube high viscosity and Calvin's lube medium viscosity (seems very good).
Sell Zhanchi's cube, but not black ones.



A rubik's cube game. A bit though to manipulate.
A simple speedcubing timer with scrambler algorithms support. Very nice design, all on one single page. Best out there.
A timer for speed cubing.
A timer for speed cubing. Scramble algorithm. No graph.
A timer for speed cubing. Scrambe algorithm. No graph. Compare cube brands. Too many pages.
A timer for speed cubing. Scramble algorithm. Graph. Design not as good as Rubik's Stopwatch. Additional resources like algo, WCA regulations.
Solvers, Algorithm database
Solver (manual input or via camera). List of solving algorithms.
A big database of all possible sequence for each category (PLL, OLL, F2L...). Support for 'favorite' flag, adding new category and new algorithms.
Simply a big page with all solving algorithms, clear and well-designed. Must have.


We use notations from

  • R, means turn Right face clockwise
  • R' or r, means turn Right face counter-clockwise
  • R2, means turn Right face twice.
Swap 2 edges