Related Pages
This page is about the editor vim itself. The other related pages are
- Vimrc, which is dedicated to vim configuration settings and to the file ~/.vimrc.
External Links
- My links on vim on
- Official vim homepage.
- Vim Tips Wiki
- Vim documentation: help
- Vim documentation: map
- List of all commands for each mode:
:help index
Other General
- Vi Lovers home page
- Good post explaining why vi is superior and defeating common misconception (with examples).
- Vi would not be vi without a bit of fun...
Cheat sheets
- Very good graphical keyboard cheatsheet
- Another compact & complete cheatsheet (as folded reference card).
- Real Short Vim Normal-Mode List of Commands (from Dr Chip's)
Guides & Cheat sheets
- New To Vim
- Quick Tips
- Avoiding the ESC key
- Vim map tutorial
- Dr Chip's Vim Page — A tremendous amount of Vim treasures from an expert user
- Efficient editing with vim
- C editing with VIM HOWTO
- Using vim as an IDE all in one
- Browsing programs with tags
- Using Bash completion with ctags and Vim
- Alternative tab navigation
Plugins (installed)
- snipMate : TextMate-style snippets for Vim
- a.vim : Alternate Files quickly (.c --> .h etc)
- trinity.vim : Build the trinity of srcexpl, taglist, NERD_tree to be a good IDE
- Source Explorer (srcexpl.vim) : A Source code Explorer based on tags works like context window in Source Insight
- taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc)
- The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem
- AutoTag : Updates entries in a tags file automatically when saving
- surround.vim : Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease
- tComment : An extensible & universal comment plugin that also handles embedded filetypes
- mru.vim : Plugin to manage Most Recently Used (MRU) files
Plugins (not yet installed)
- OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database
- c.vim : C/C++ IDE -- Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc.
- CScope with the tutorial here
- winmanager : A windows style IDE for Vim 6.0 (Referenced in TagList plugin help)
- : Buffer Explorer / Browser
- neocomplcache : Ultimate auto completion system for Vim
- FuzzyFinder : buffer/file/command/tag/etc explorer with fuzzy matching
- : extended % matching for HTML, LaTeX, and many other languages
- LustyExplorer : Dynamic filesystem and buffer explore
- project.tar.gz : Organize/Navigate projects of files (like IDE/buffer explorer)
Some videos that illustrates those plugins:
- Top Vim Plugins (YouTube), showing Surround, SnipMate, TComment, MRU, FuzzyFinder, NerdTree, MatchIt
Plugins (uninstalled)
- easytags.vim : Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim
- Replaced by AutoTag — syntax highlighting of tags is limited to c files; moreover AutoTag has a clever way to look for the tags file in project hierarchy.
- minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space
- No real tab support. Seems to interfere with trinity plugin. Interesting key bindings inside though. To reassess...
vi -p file1.txt file2.txt # Open each file in a different tab
vi -t tagname # Open file and move cursor at specified tag (requires ctags)
view file.txt # View file in vim, with syntax highlighting... (read-only)
vimdiff file1.txt file2.txt # View differences in vim
Simple IDE using plugin TagList
Thanks to plugin TagList, it is possible to turn Vim into a simple yet efficient development IDE. The basic idea is to use the TagList window as a simple file explorer. We use a session file to add all files in the project to the TagList window. Also we define 2 mappings to ease navigation between files.
Here an example session file Session.vim:
set tags=/win/d/projects/noekeon64/nk_fasttrails/src/tags
TlistAddFiles *.cpp
TlistAddFiles *.h
nmap <A-Up> <C-W><Left>[[zz<CR>`"
nmap <A-Down> <C-W><Left>]]zz<CR>`"
Start the IDE session with:
gvim -S
Use the mappings A-Up / A-Down to switch the current window to the next/previous file. These mappings simply move and center the cursor in the TagList window to the previous/next file, open the file and put the cursor to its last position.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Custom Cheatsheets
Missing shortcuts in cheatsheet
Custom shortcuts are underlined.
Insert Mode
Marks and motion
Scrolling and multi-windowing
Ex commands (←)
Shortcut | Description | Custom |
C-] MouseL |
Jump to a subject. On azerty keyboard, do Ctrl-AltGr-] (but doesn't work with Synergy). The mouse shortcut requires :set mouse=a
C-O C-T gMouseR C-MouseR |
Back. |
Splitting windows
Shortcut | Description | Custom |
:{height}split [filename] | Split the screen into two windows, optionally opening another file (with the optional specified height) | |
:new | Open a new window on a new empty file | |
:close | Close the current windows | |
:only | Close all other windows | |
Ctrl-W w | Switch between windows | |
Ctrl-W + Ctrl-W - |
Increase / decrease window height | |
{height}Ctrl-W _ | Set window height, or maximize it if no height specified | |
:qa[ll] :wa[ll] |
Quit all windows / Write change for all windows |
Shortcut | Description | Custom |
:tab {command} | Execute the command in a new tab | |
:tabonly | Close all tabs but the current one | |
:tabn[ext] C-PageDown gt |
Go to the next tab page | |
:tabp[ext] C-PageUp gT |
Go to the previous tab page |
! If keys HJKLM have been remapped to MHJKL, shortcut below must be changed accordingly !
Shortcut | Description | Custom |
C-[ | Same effect as Esc, but a bit faster/easier to type. Works on AZERTY keyboard in Windows, but not on Linux. | |
C-C | Same effect as Esc, but a bit faster/easier to type. Also works on AZERTY keyboard | |
C-Space | Same effect as Esc, but a bit faster/easier to type (see [1]). | Yes |
C-N | Omni and keyword completion. | Yes |
* | Search next occurence of word under cursor (Here more like this...) | |
# | Search previous occurence of word under cursor | |
gd | Search first occurence of current search | |
^dBS | Concatenate current line at the end of previous lines (assuming <BS> does wrap-around. See option whichwrap) | |
J | Concatenate current line with next line | |
/Up | Recall previous search string | |
:Up | Recall previous command | |
. | Redo last command | |
C-O | Switch to normal mode for one command. Use | to execute more commands (see [2]) | |
:C-U | Remove the range that Vi may insert when entering normal mode (handy for defining maps - see :help omap-info
Block Indenting
(ref: [3])
Shortcut | Description | Custom |
>> | Indent current line | |
5>> | Indent 5 lines | |
Vjjjj>> | Indent 5 lines - same as above but using visual mode | |
>% | (while cursor is on a curly brace) Indent a curly-braces block | |
]p | paste & indent block based on surrounding text | |
={ | (C-indenting) Auto-indent the current block (:help = for more info) | |
== | (C-indenting) Auto-indent the current line | |
gg=G | Intends everything! |
Operator & motion
List of available operators:
c change d delete y yank into register (does not change the text) ~ swap case (only if 'tildeop' is set) g~ swap case gu make lowercase gU make uppercase ! filter through an external program = filter through 'equalprg' or C-indenting if empty gq text formatting g? ROT13 encoding > shift right < shift left zf define a fold g@ call function set with the 'operatorfunc' option
List of frequently used operator motion (see :help operator). They are used like diB (delete inner {} block)
iw | inner word | aw | a word | i[ | inner [] block | a[ | a [] block | i" | inner "" string | a" | a "" string |
iW | inner WORD | aW | a WORD | ib i( | inner () block | ab a( | a () block | i' | inner '' string | a' | a '' string |
is | inner sentence | as | a sentence | i< | inner <> block | a< | a <> block | i` | inner `` string | a` | a `` string |
ip | inner paragraph | ap | a paragraph | it | inner tag block | at | a tag block | ||||
iB i{ | inner {} block | aB a{ | a {} block |
Window management
Plugin - taglist window (:help taglist-keys)
Plugin - tComment
Plugin - Surround
Plugin - MRU
:s/search/replace/g Search & replace - current line :%s/search/replace/g Search & replace - global scope :set textwidth=70 Set Vim option (here textwidth) :echo &textwidth Show value of a Vim option
Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks
- Inserting only a single character (
- Macro
- qq to start recording a macro q. End macro with q again.
- @q to replay macro, followed by . to replay it again.
- Visual Block
- Ctrl-v to start VISUAL BLOCK mode.
- Shift-I to insert some text at the start of each line of selected block.
- wrap-around
- Set option whichwrap or ww that allows specified keys that move the cursor left/right to move to the previous/next line when the cursor is on the first/last character in the line.
- In Vim, <space> and <backspace> are set to wrap-around by default.
- Read-only viewer (with syntax highlighting):
$ vi -R sensitive_file
$ view sensitive_file
- Retab
- To convert tabs in current file to current tab settings, use command
[4]. For instance to convert tabs into space
:set expandtab :retab
- View differences in vim
vimdiff file1.txt file2.txt
- Interaction with X Clipboard
- vim can use the X clipboard if it has been compiled with the clipboard feature (run
vim --version
and see if you have +clipboard in the output). In that case, yanking to the+
register, or simply selecting with the mouse, will actually copy in the X clipboard, hence allowing other applications, or even other instances of vim to exchange text snippets. Also, it will ease the copy-paste of indented text, since in that case, vim will first disable autoindentation before pasting the text (see optionpaste
). - On system like Ubuntu, you need to install an instance of gvim (like package vim-gnome or vim-gtk) to have feature
turned on (i.e. installing package vim is not enough). - When
set mouse=a
, use shift-mouse to still use the xterm copy/paste (see mouse-using).
set incsearch
, moves cursor as search pattern is typed. Ctrl-L to type letter under cursor, Ctrl-R Ctrl-W to type current word.- References:
- type
:help ctrl<C-D>
, to get a list of all ctrl sequence. Type <C-D> in command line for auto-completion. - Support 256 colors in gnome-terminal: add
set t_Co=256
in ~/.vimrc ([5]) - Use
instead of:!make
. Then use:cwin
to view the results of either make or grep in a coloured list (from [6]). - (from [7]), The
command is useful to apply a command to all lines matching a search.
" delete all lines matching pattern
" delete all lines *NOT* matching pattern (:v same as :g!)
main main() inc #include <...> Inc #include "..." Def #ifndef ... #define ... #endif def #define ifdef #ifdef ... #endif #if #if ... #endif once #ifndef HEADER_H .... # define HEADER_H ... #endif (Header Include-Guard) if If (...) { ... } el else { ... } t ... ? ... : ... (tertiary conditional) do do ... while ( ... ) wh while (...) { ... } for for (... = 0; ...; ...) { ... } forr for (... = ...; ...; ...) { ... } fun ... function(...) { ... } fund ... function(...;) td typedef st struct tds typedef struct tde typedef enum pr printf fpr fprintf . [ ... ] un unsigned
readfile snippet for reading file map std::map<... , ...> map... vector std::vector<...> v... ns namespace ... { ... } cl class { public: ... private: };
To Do
- Done Find a way to prevent vim to mess up with my register when deleting text.
- Auto-complete, use cursor keys instead of up/down to search in the drop down list.
- Look at Virtual-edit (see
- Other links: