World of tanks
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- WoT Wiki
- Efficiency Calculators (enter pseudo)
- Fan sites
- Guides
- Some Google queries
- XVM - Extended Visualization Mod
- SimpleVM Nice config for XVM
- Color Messages and Session Stats
- locastans enh. HD minimap Gen 3 (might partially conflict with XVM, see here).
- Mods on WoT-Shot
- Information panel (more mods available, like hit zones)
Config for 1920x1080 (griffinwin):
<!-- ARCADE -->
<arcade visible="true"> <!-- Sichtbarkeit - true/false - Ja/Nein -->
<location x="-480" y="498"/> <!-- x, y - Koordinaten x=seite Y=höhe -->
<delay>10</delay> <!-- Anzeigedauer in Sekunden, nachdem das Ziel nicht mehr Anvisiert ist -->
<background alpha="40"> <!-- visible - 0-100 0=transparent -->
<location x="-90" y="-125"/> <!-- x, y - Koordinaten x=seite Y=höhe -->
<scale x="150" y="75"/> <!-- x, y - Grösse. 100 - Original -->
- Crew mods (anime, female ;-) )
- Gun sight of tank