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Also look for configuration in:
Download [{{#filelink: .bashrc-excerpt}} this file]. {{#fileanchor: .bashrc-excerpt}}
##### ALIASES #################################################################
# Miscellaneous shell aliases
LS_OPTIONS="$LS_OPTIONS -F --group-directories-first";
alias l='ls -l' # long list
alias la='ls -A' # all but . and ..
alias ll='ls -AlF'
alias ls-l='ls -l'
alias dua="du -sh * .*"
alias dfh="df -h"
alias lla="la -l"
alias dir='ls -format=vertical'
alias vdir='ls --format=long'
alias sed="sed -r"
alias sudo="sudo DISPLAY=:0.0"
alias grep="grep --color" # show differences in color
##### HISTORY #################################################################
# Enable extended pattern matching
shopt -s extglob
# Ignore some controlling instructions
export HISTIGNORE="[ ]*:&:bg:fg:exit:?:??:???:history*( )"
Used by sshag, which starts a new shell in which passphrase is cached. Download [{{#filelink: .basshrc}} this file]. {{#fileanchor: .basshrc}}
# .basshrc: Bash resource file for preloading ssh keys in the ssh-agent
# Use:
# ---
# ssh-agent bash --rcfile ~/.basshrc
#Source primary resource file
source ~/.bashrc
#Add all ssh keys in ~/.ssh
Download [{{#filelink: .inputrc}} this file]. {{#fileanchor: .inputrc}}
## ~/.inputrc
## Control the behaviour of the readline library used e.g.
## by the bash in the interactive mode for line editing.
# Allow 8-bit input/output (for Cygwin)
set meta-flag on
set convert-meta off
set input-meta on
set output-meta on
$if Bash
# Don't ring bell on completion
#set bell-style none
# or, don't beep at me - show me
#set bell-style visible
# If set to on, words which have more than one possible completion without
# any possible partial completion cause the matches to be listed immediately
# instead of ringing the bell.
set show-all-if-unmodified on
# If set to on, words which have more than one possible completion cause the
# matches to be listed immediately instead of ringing the bell.
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
# Expand homedir name
#set expand-tilde on
# Append "/" to all dirnames
#set mark-directories on
#set mark-symlinked-directories on
# Match all files
#set match-hidden-files on
# 'Magic Space'
# Insert a space character then performs
# a history expansion in the line
Space: magic-space
"\eOA":history-search-backward #Up arrow
"\e[A":history-search-backward #Up arrow
"\eOB":history-search-forward #Down arrow
"\e[B":history-search-forward #Down arrow
"\C- ":dynamic-complete-history #Ctrl-space
"\e ":dynamic-complete-history #Esc-space
Note that ~/.dir_colors is parsed by /etc/bash.bashrc on openSUSE. Download [{{#filelink: .dir_colors}} this file]. {{#fileanchor: .dir_colors}}
# Configuration file for the color ls utility
# This file goes in the /etc directory, and must be world readable.
# You can copy this file to .dir_colors in your $HOME directory to override
# the system defaults.
# COLOR needs one of these arguments: 'tty' colorizes output to ttys, but not
# pipes. 'all' adds color characters to all output. 'none' shuts colorization
# off.
# Extra command line options for ls go here.
# Basically these ones are:
# -F = show '/' for dirs, '*' for executables, etc.
# -T 0 = don't trust tab spacing when formatting ls output.
# Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable
TERM linux
TERM linux-c
TERM console
TERM con132x25
TERM con132x30
TERM con132x43
TERM con132x60
TERM con80x25
TERM con80x28
TERM con80x30
TERM con80x43
TERM con80x50
TERM con80x60
TERM gnome
TERM mach-color
TERM rxvt
TERM rxvt-unicode
TERM screen
TERM screen-w
TERM screen-256color
TERM vt100
TERM vt102
TERM xterm
TERM xterm-debian
TERM xterm-256color
TERM iterm
# EIGHTBIT, followed by '1' for on, '0' for off. (8-bit output)
# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
# Attribute codes:
# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
# Text color codes:
# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
# Background color codes:
# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
NORMAL 00 # global default, although everything should be something.
FILE 00 # normal file
DIR 00;34 # directory
LINK 00;36 # symbolic link
FIFO 40;33 # pipe
SOCK 00;35 # socket
DOOR 00;35 # door
BLK 40;33;01 # block device driver
CHR 40;33;01 # character device driver
ORPHAN 41;33;01 # symlink to nonexistent file
# This is for files with execute permission:
EXEC 00;32
# List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls
# to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.
# (and any comments you want to add after a '#')
# executables (bright green)
.cmd 00;32
.exe 00;32
.com 00;32
.bat 00;32
.btm 00;32
.dll 00;32
# archives or compressed
.tar 00;31
.tbz 00;31
.tgz 00;31
.rpm 00;31
.deb 00;31
.arj 00;31
.taz 00;31
.lzh 00;31
.lzma 00;31
.zip 00;31
.zoo 00;31
.z 00;31
.Z 00;31
.gz 00;31
.bz2 00;31
.tb2 00;31
.tz2 00;31
.tbz2 00;31
# image formats
.avi 00;35
.bmp 00;35
.fli 00;35
.gif 00;35
.jpg 00;35
.jpeg 00;35
.mng 00;35
.mov 00;35
.mpg 00;35
.pcx 00;35
.pbm 00;35
.pgm 00;35
.png 00;35
.ppm 00;35
.tga 00;35
.tif 00;35
.xbm 00;35
.xpm 00;35
.dl 00;35
.gl 00;35
.wmv 00;35
# sound formats
.aiff 00;32
.au 00;32
.mid 00;32
.mp3 00;32
.ogg 00;32
.voc 00;32
.wav 00;32
Download [{{#filelink: synergy.conf}} this file]. {{#fileanchor: synergy.conf}}
section: screens gryphon: BEQLEUNXP1NB103: minimoy: end section: links gryphon: left = BEQLEUNXP1NB103 right = minimoy BEQLEUNXP1NB103: right = gryphon minimoy: left = gryphon end section: options screenSaverSync = true keystroke(shift+alt+right) = switchInDirection(right) keystroke(shift+alt+left) = switchInDirection(left) end