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How to think

How to Think in Chess 🤔 with GingerGM Simon Williams!!
  • Never drift. Always act with a purpose. Improve your position. Ask yourself what are your good pieces and bad pieces. Have a plan and follow it.
  • Take the bloody pawn. Back up your capture with concrete calcutation, not being afraid of ghosts.
  • If opponent is not doing anything, don't need to rush, but play with a purpose.
  • For every opening move, ask you why you make this move? What does it bring to you, to your position. Also, ask yourself what are the plan of the opponent.
  • In every opening, ask yourself what you want to achieve, and what are the positions you want to avoid.
  • You need to know your pawn breaks, you need to know your middle game ideas.
  • Don't force things unless you double-check your ideas with calculations.