Gryphon - SuSE 10.0: Difference between revisions

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(New page: <pre> 20060217 -------- Architecture (uname): Athlon, i686 - Installed SUSE 10.0, with all patches Installation source:

Latest revision as of 11:35, 26 April 2013

Architecture (uname): Athlon, i686

- Installed SUSE 10.0, with all patches
  Installation source:

Release notes = /usr/share/doc/release-notes/RELEASE-NOTES.en.rtf

- Changed keyboard to belgium
- Changed monitor DELL P790 -> VESA 1280-1024x85Hz, adapted size to have 91khz horiz, 85Hz vert so that monitor recognize the resolution.
- Configure - Desktop - Screen Saver - Slide Show, 10s/img.
- Configure - Background - Isabelle.jpg - Centered auto fit, color 160-160-160
         Style = Thin Keramik
    Icons - Desktop/file mgr - size - 32
- Konqueror - View - Icon Size - Tiny.
- New Installation source:
- New Installation source:
- Yast -> Software Management -> selected all packages with newer version (in blue).
- Yast -> Update System -> seems to do same as above but automatically.
       -> removed Evolution from Gnome 2.12 because of conflicting package
- Konqueror - Settings - Behavior - Ask Confirmation for - Move to trash - no.
- New Update server:
- Yast - Changed installation sources (all refresh=on):
- Yast - TT fonts - added tahoma.ttf and Tahomabd.ttf from windows partition.
- Control Center - Appearance - fonts - Tahoma 8 normal (bold for windows titles)
- Yast - Desktop - Panel - Size tiny
- Clock - no date - clock font = Verdana 8 normal
- Yast - Software management - added acroread, amarok-helix, flash-player, java-1_4_2-sun, java-1_4_2-sun-devel, java-1_4_2-sun-plugin, ...
- Yast - Desktop - Panel - Size tiny
- Yast - Desktop - Multiple Desktops - 2 desktops.
- Yast - Desktop - Window Behavior -
    Traverse Windows on all desktop.
    Focus follow Mouse
    Activate Desktop borders when moving windows
- Yast - Appearance & Themes - Background - for all desktop - Isabelle.jpg - Centered Auto Fit
- Yast - Appearance & Themes - Colors - Desert Red
- Yast - Appearance & Themes - Icons -
    Desktop/File Manager - 32
    Toolbar - 16
    Main Toolbar - 16
- Yast - Appearance & Themes - Splash Screen - ksplashx-suse
- Yast - Appearance & Themes - Style - ThinKeramik
- Yast - Appearance & Themes - Theme Manager -
    theme saved as /home/baddreams/.kde/share/apps/kstyle/themes/Baddreams
- Yast - Window Decorations - Keramik - border size normal - no grab bars - added shade as title bar button
- Yast - Peripherals - Keyboard - 250msec - 32/s
- Yast - Peripherals - Mouse - 2ble click to open files
- Yast - Regional & Accessibility - Input Actions - Global Settings - Enable Gestures - button = 3 secondary
- Yast - Security - KDE Wallet - Created default wallet baddreams
- Yast - Security - Password & User Account - Icon = Ghost, User info = baddreams, Hell-on-Earth
- Yast - Sound & Multimedia - MP3, VBR 160 kbits, Ogg, 128 kbits, Full duplex
- Yast - System Administration - Fonts - added Tahoma & Courier Thin

- Yast - Network device- Host name = gryphon, site= hell-on-earth
- Yast - Network services - NFS Client -
    Added Cerber /home  --> /net/cerber/home
    Added Cerber /windows/C --> /net/cerber/C
    Added Cerber /windows/D --> /net/cerber/D

- Settings - Kate - Font - Monospace 8, show line numbers & scrollbar marks, no word wrap, space instead of tab,
            tab size=4, remove trailing space, Indentation mode=normal,
            Indent mode=normal,Indent with space (4 char), tab/backspace indent.
- Installed - Opera 8.52 - Preferences -
    Interface Menus font = Tahoma 13 (seems that fonts are smaller than usual !?!)
    Other interface fonts = Tahoma 12
- Settings - Quit KPowerSave (and don't have it started anymore at start-up)
- Settings - KPanel - Added Opera to panel (done by right clicking on panel)
- Settings - Kate - Backup prefix = . (dot), Backup suffix = ~
- Opera - restored bookmark ~/.opera/opera6.adr
- Settings - Yast - Network devices - network - hostname = gryphon, domain=hell-on-earth (not modified by DHCP).
- Settings - Yast - Network Services - Samba Server -
    Start at boot
    Not a domain controller,
    domain = HELL_ON_EARTH,
    NetBios name = gryphon
    ro share = /windows/C
    ro share = /windows/F
    rw share = /windows/F/Public
    ro share = /windows/J
    ro share = /windows/K
Settings - KDevelop - Editor
    no Dynamic Word Wrap
    Show line numbers
    Show indention lines
    Fonts - Monospace
    PgDn / PgUp moves cursor
    Insert space instead of tabs
    Remove trailing spaces
    Indentation normal
    Use space instead of tab to intend (4 spaces)
    Open / Save - Remove trailing space
    Open / Save - backup prefix / suffix = . / ~
Settings - KDevelop - KDevelop
    Auto reload file if safe

Settings - Control Center - Appearance - Fonts - Anti-Alias - Hinting full

060223 - Install -
                + LibDVDCSS 1.2.8-i386
                + libxine1
                + xine-extra
                + kdemultimedia-mad
                + kdemultimedia-arts
                + kdemultimedia-arts-mad
                + w32-codecs
                - xine-lib (the SUSE stripped version)

                --> DVD playback still not working in Kaffeine
060223 - Settings - Amarok - OSD Arial 16 Bold, 2000ms, upper right corner.
060226 - Settings - KMix - Global shortcuts: +VOL = CTRL-KP_PLUS, -VOL = CTRL-KP_MINUS, MUTE = CTRL-KP_DIVIDE
060226 - Settings - Yast - Network Services - Samba Server
    - Open port on firewall
    - set smbpasswd file to /etc/samba/smbpasswd.
    - added user 'roch' in smbpasswd (same pwd as on W2K).
    - Shares
        - Disabled - RW - homes - - Home Directories
        - Disabled - RO - netlogon - -
        - Disabled - RW - profiles - %H -
        - Enabled  - RO - users - /home - All users
        - Disabled - RW - groups - /home/groups - All groups
        - Enabled - RO - print$ - /var/lib/samba/drivers - Printer Drivers
        - Enabled - RO - printers - /var/tmp - All Printers
        - Enabled - RO - c - /windows/C - Windows C drive
            --> added Public = Yes
        - Enabled - RO - f - /windows/F - Windows F drive
            --> added Public = Yes
        - Enabled - RW - public /windows/F/Public/ -
            --> added Public = Yes
        - Enabled - RO - j - /windows/J - Windows J drive
            --> added Public = Yes
        - Enabled - RO - k - /windows/K - Windows K drive
            --> added Public = Yes
060226 - Settings - Kate / KDevelop - Don't show tabulators, no smart home.
060226 - Install - added package samba-doc-
060301 - Install - autopackage 1.0.8
060301 - Install - ABIWord 2.4.2
060305 - Uninstall - tetex
         (deleting te_ptex, docbook-utils,xmltex, xmlto, docbook-toys, latex-ucs, te_omega, passivetex, dviutils, emacs-auctex,
          jadetex, lyx, musictex, te_ams, te_cont, te_dvilj, te_eplai, te_latex, te_mpost, te_web, latex2html)
060305 - Uninstall - Xen Package (removal of xen-tools-3.0_8259 failed)
060305 - Uninstall - Acrobat Reader
060305 - Install - package kernel-source and kernel-syms (for the latest kernel version, ie. 2.6.13-15.8)
         (symbols allow to reuse compiled modules in newer kernel without need of recompilation)
        	--> su
        	    cd /usr/src/linux
        	    make mrproper
        	    make cloneconfig
        	    make modules_prepare
        	    cp ../linux-obj/i386/default/.config .
        	    cp ../linux-obj/i386/default/Module.symvers .
        	    make prepare

060305 - Install - VMWare Workstation 4.5.1 7568
			--> untargz file, run as root
			--> ... BUT Do not run /usr/bin/
			--> untargz and run vmware-any-any-update98.tar.gz, which will patch file as need
			--> ... run /usr/bin/
				--> compile module (vmmon, etc. should compile fine after the patch)
				--> no host only networking
				--> skip auto install of networking on host client

060305 - Settings - VMWare - Set DVD/CDROM Emulation to legacy (otherwise CDROM not detected by guest OS)
			               - licence = serial: VT5P5-6F6DL-000D7-4K0TN, name:, company name: tiansha

060306 - Settings - VMWare - W2K Professional VM - Added 120GB hd as raw disk (access by partition) (must be done as root)
060306 - Settings - Configure KDE Menu, add link to /usr/bin/vmware in System -> Emulator, run as root
060306 - Settings - Added "xkeymap.language = "be104"" to /root/.vmware/preferences
060309 - Settings - Set new icon in KDE Menu for vmware (~/Documents/Customization/Icons/VMWare 32x32.png)
060613 - Update - After Kernel update 2.6.13-15-10, VMWare installation is broken.
                  To restore (see,

                  1) first restore kernel symbols

                  		cd /usr/src/linux
                  		make cloneconfig
                  		make modules_prepare

                  2) Rebuild vmware

060923 - Install - BitStream Vera Sans fonts (from
				- copied local.font and other files in /etc/fonts, and run fonts-config
070116 - Unintall - Some broken dependencies in package --> mozilla-nss. remove all related package
070116 - Uninstall - removed Mozilla Firefox package
070116 - Install - Downloaded Firefox - copy to /usr/bin/mozillafirefox. Added symlink /usr/bin/firefox -> mozillafirefox/firefox
070116 - Settings - Start menu, added item for Firefox
 	--> run. Now seem that font are messed again in the menu.
070116 - Settings - Installed MathML fonts: tex stuff, mathematica 4.1, symbol.ttf (from windows) See
	--> simply copied them in ~/fonts (nothing more)
	--> missing MT extra fonts. Not yet installed.

070123 - MathML fonts
	TeX fonts --> already available in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype (see latex related readme)
	Mathematica fonts --> downloaded the .exe from, unpacked in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype
	MTExtra,MTSymbol --> from Windows install (MIT font package), copy to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype
	jsMath fonts --> downloaded from jsMath homepage, copy to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype
	Left in ~/fonts: symbol.ttf, fences.ttf (from windows MIT package)

	Note: 	Installing Lucida Sans Unicode (file L_10646.ttf) seems a bad idea because it interfers with other math fonts.
			(now all variable looks like Lucida!!!)

	Pending issue: zoom x 2 on an integral --> bad sizing of the integral, exp, indices badly positioned.
	Pending issue: We aren't supposed to use the Windows symbol.ttf.

AMule requires a specific version of wxGTK (, but which seems not backward compatible with the installed version (2.5).
Since the old version was needed by several packages, the new package was installed in parallel of the old one:
simply do
rpm -ivh wxGTK-2.6.0-1.i686-SuSE_9.2-9.3.rpm
When opening YaST, it seems there was a conflict with freqtweak. This conflict was simply resolved by deleting freqtweak.
Then aMule was installed using YaST.

- Make MathML fonts available to all user (not install them only in ~/fonts).

- What is Yast - Software - UML Installation ?
- What is Yast - Software - Virtual Machine Installation (XEN) ?
- What is Yast - Software - Installation Source - Refresh on or off ?

Font installation:
Put fonts mentioned in #1 and #2 into a directory (say, /usr/local/share/fonts/TTF or ~/fonts/TTF)
and add the directory to fonts.conf or Xftconf. [2]

Installation Sources:

Main installation source (used for network installation):

Additional sources:

Yast Online Update:

Host (HTTP):
Main installation source (used for network installation):

Additional sources:

Yast Online Update:

Host (HTTP):
Additional sources:

List of mirrors:


GURU (optim. i686, x86_64):
