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User Defined Functions in VBA

Example of function
Function RectangleArea(Height As Double, Width As Double) As Double
    RectangleArea = Height * Width
End Function
Where to put the code
  • The UDF must be placed in a standard code module (not in one of the Sheet modules and not in the ThisWorkbook module).
  • To create a standard module: go to Insert menu, and choose Module.
  • Rename the module by pressing F4 and display the Properties, and change the Name property.
Calling the UDF from the same workbook
  • Simply use the function name. For instance, type in cell A3:
Testing UDF from VBA
  • Press Ctrl-G to bring Immediate window.
  • Type in the window:

UDF: modinv

The following function computes the modular inverse a-1 such that a.a-1 mod b = 1 (from extended euclidian algorithm in [2]).

Function modinv(a, b)
    Dim result(3)
    bcopy = b
    x = 0: y = 1: result(1) = 1: result(2) = 0: result(3) = a
    Do While b <> 0
        temp = b
        Quotient = Int(result(3) / b)
        b = result(3) Mod b
        result(3) = temp
        temp = x
        x = result(1) - Quotient * x
        result(1) = temp
        temp = y
        y = result(2) - Quotient * y
        result(2) = temp
    If result(1) < 0 Then result(1) = result(1) + bcopy
    modinv = result(1)
End Function