Gryphon - Ubuntu: Difference between revisions

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* [<tt>2010-01-31</tt>] '''K3b''' (<tt>k3b</tt>)
* [<tt>2010-01-31</tt>] '''K3b''' (<tt>k3b</tt>)
* [<tt>2010-02-15</tt>] '''iplist''' (<tt>iplist</tt>)
* [<tt>2010-02-15</tt>] '''iplist''' (<tt>iplist</tt>)
* [<tt>2010-02-15</tt>] '''aMule''' (<tt>amule</tt>)

Un-installed applications (by uninstall date):
Un-installed applications (by uninstall date):

Revision as of 00:47, 15 February 2010


This is the configuration page for the Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 partition on Gryphon.

Configuration Files

All configuration files can be found here.

Installed Applications

  • [2009-10-27] Gnome DO (gnome-do)
  • [2009-10-27] Synergy 1.3.1 keyboard/mouse sharing (synergy).
  • [2009-10-27] VIM (vim)
  • [2009-10-27] p7zip (p7zip-full p7zip-rar)
  • [2009-10-27] Samba (samba smbfs)
  • [2009-10-27] NFS Client (nfs-common)
  • [2009-10-27] SSH (ssh)
  • [2009-10-27] dlocate and apt-file(dlocate apt-file)
  • [2009-10-27] Wine (wine)
  • [2009-10-27] IMAP Courier (courier-imap courier-doc courier-imap-ssl) ...see below for install settings
  • [2009-10-27] Midnight Commander (mc)
  • [2009-10-27] Opera 10.00 (need to add apt-key - see below)
  • [2009-10-27] Ubuntu restricted extras (ubuntu-restricted-extras) - shall install automatically libdvdread4 (see also [1])
  • [2009-10-27] msttcorefonts (msttcorefonts)
  • [2009-10-27] gThumb (gthumb)
  • [2009-10-27] QIV (qiv)
  • [2009-10-27] Amarok (amarok)
  • [2009-10-27] VLC (vlc)
  • [2009-10-27] MPlayer (mplayer mplayer-doc mplayer-fonts)
  • [2009-10-27] libdvdcss2 (libdvdcss) (requires Medibuntu repository)
  • [2009-10-28] gvncviewer (gvncviewer) (... for testing purpose ...)
  • [2009-11-01] XSel (xsel)
  • [2009-11-07] Evince (evince)
  • [2009-11-11] TrueCrypt 6.3
  • [2009-11-26] Kwrite (kwrite)
  • [2009-11-29] GNU Go (gnugo)
  • [2009-11-29] Various Go games (qgo uligo)
  • [2009-11-29] Panda glGo 1.4.1 ([2])
    • Also need packages libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-ttf2.0-0
    • sudo ln -s /usr/lib/
    • Start glGo (glGo), and enter /usr/games/gnugo for location of gnugo
  • [2009-11-29] KeePassX (keepassx)
  • [2009-11-29] Igowin (under wine)
  • [2009-12-09] Psi
  • [2009-12-16] UltraEdit
  • [2010-01-31] K3b (k3b)
  • [2010-02-15] iplist (iplist)
  • [2010-02-15] aMule (amule)

Un-installed applications (by uninstall date):

  • [2009-11-29] cgoban games (cgoban)

Simple Settings

  • [2009-10-27] - Enabled proprietary video device driver NVIDIA (version 96).
  • [2009-10-27] gnome-terminal, set default window size (system-wide) to 150x43.
  • [2009-10-28] - Fonts BitStream Vera 1.10 (copied to /usr/share/fonts/truetype/local).
  • [2009-11-26] - /etc/sudoers - Allows shutdown without root password.
  • [2009-12-11] - Install jsMath fonts, Linux variant, darkness 20 (this file, see here, instruction here).
  • [2010-01-03] - /etc/sudoers - Allows /usr/bin/truecrypt without root password.
  • [2010-01-06] - Install all jsMath extra fonts, dark version (from this page).

Detailed System Settings

1st install

  • 1st install on [2009-10-26]
  • Distribution: Ubuntu 9.10 Release Candidate
  • Installation method: Net boot install from Internet using GRUB (see here)
First copy files initrd.gz and linux from here to /boot, then in GRUB command-line (press c in GRUB menu):
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/linux 
initrd /boot/initrd.gz
  • Language: English
  • Location: Europe, Belgium Time
  • Computer name: gryphon
  • Keyboard layout: Belgium, Belgium
  • Name: Bad Dreams
  • Login name: baddreams
  • Update: Install security updates automatically
  • Software to install: Ubuntu desktop
  • Partition: see parent page

File System

  • Fixed: CIFS shares not properly unmounted during shutdown - see bug here
  • Mount /windows/c as read-only (option ro in /etc/fstab)
  • Create share directories (see Samba):
sudo mkdir -p /net/mnemosyne/public /net/mnemosyne/backup /net/mnemosyne/photos /net/mnemosyne/movies /net/mnemosyne/videos /net/mnemosyne/musics
sudo mkdir -p /net/mnemosyne/publicrw /net/mnemosyne/backuprw /net/mnemosyne/photosrw /net/mnemosyne/moviesrw /net/mnemosyne/videosrw /net/mnemosyne/musicsrw
sudo chown baddreams /net/mnemosyne/*
sudo chgrp sambashare /net/mnemosyne/*


  • SAMBA - Created the following shares (file /etc/samba/smb.conf):
    • d/windows/d (guest ok)
    • f/windows/f (guest ok)
    • j/windows/j (guest ok)
    • k/windows/k (guest ok)


  • Appearance
  • Background: Isabelle Hires Noir&Blanc crop-despeckle 936x1024.png, scaled, background color = (160,160,160)
  • Fonts: All font size set to 9, except Desktop → 10.
  • Display
  • Resolution: 1280x1024, refresh rate auto
  • Issue: Can't save the settings - error message Can't parse /etc/X1/xorg.conf
  • Fixed: Create a new /etc/X11/xorg.conf with
sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.original
sudo nvidia-xconfig
sudo nvidia-settings
  • Issue: Windows are blank (see info here and here)
  • Fixed: Edit the new /etc/X11/xorg.conf as follows:
     Identifier     "Screen0"
     # This line is necessary otherwise windows are blank!
     Option         "AddARGBGLXVisuals"	"True"
     Device         "Device0"
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
Action Shortcut Remark
Home Folder Win-E (Mod4-E) Hack Super is mapped to Win keys not needed anymore it seems
Expo key Shift-Win-E (Shift-Mod4-E)
Activate the window menu Shift-Alt-Space was conflicting with Gnome DO shortcut
  • Window List Panel (see here)
Window List Content → Show windows from all workspace
Restoring Minimized Windows → Restore to native workspace
  • Screensaver
    • Picture folder + edited settings with gconf-editor

Update / Package Management

Repositories / keys:

  • Added Opera authentication key (see here)
  • Added Medibuntu repository (See here)
  • Added Iplist repository (See here)


To be completed

Detailed Application Settings


  • Install
    • Create directories for web-based administration
    • SSL Certificate: /etc/courier/pop3d.pem, /etc/courier/imapd.pem
    • Postfix configuration: local only
    • System mail name: gryphon.HELL


Gnome DO

  • My reference page
  • Start Gnome DO at login
  • Hide window on first launch (quiet mode)
  • Launch key: <alt>+space.
    • But 1st change shortcut for Activate the window menu (restart Gnome DO afterwards for change to take effect)


  • User baddreams - Default view: List View


  • Current version: Opera 10.00, .deb package for Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10.
  • Use Master Password to protect saved passwords.
  • Set Google as default search engine (toolbar and speed dial).
  • Keyboard configuration in file ~/.opera/keyboard/standard_keyboard_1.ini
    • Note that shortcut can also be defined through Opera, but it does not work for ² alt (! this file is UTF8. See this bug)
Platform Windows-Unix-MCE, PageUp ctrl=Switch to previous page
Platform Windows-Unix-MCE, PageDown ctrl=Switch to next page
Esc=Leave access key mode | Cancel current voice
Esc shift=Leave access key mode | Cancel current voice
² alt=Enter access key mode | Leave access key mode
PageUp ctrl=Page left
PageDown ctrl=Page right
[Hotlist Floating.content]
Button0, -1726668283=Add/Remove Panels
Button1, "Go to page"="Go to page, "", , "Delicious", "Panel Mail""
Button2, "post to"="Go to page, "javascript:loc=location.href;title=document.title;notes=window.getSelection();void(open(';noui=yes;jump=close;url='+encodeURIComponent(loc)+';title='+encodeURIComponent(title)+';notes='+encodeURIComponent(notes),'delicious','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'));", , "post to", "Compose mail""


(recovered previous settings at ~/.psi)

  • Gnome: Added Psi as startup program (Psi, /usr/bin/psi, Communicate over the jabber network).
  • OptionsEventsEnable popup notifications (all notifications)


  • Reference page
  • synergy v1.3.1
  • Install xsel (to circumvent Firefox copy/paste Chinese bug)
  • Configuration file /etc/synergy.conf
  • At the end of /etc/gdm/Init/Default
# Start the synergy server
/usr/bin/killall synergys
sleep 1
/usr/bin/synergys --config /etc/synergy.conf --daemon
  • At the beginning of /etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default
# Kill all running synergy server
/usr/bin/killall synergys
sleep 1
  • At the beginning of /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default
# Start synergy server
/usr/bin/killall synergys
sleep 1
/usr/bin/synergys --config /etc/synergy.conf --daemon


  • Using TrueCrypt 6.3.
  • Personal configuration directory in ~/.tc.
  • Added function tc in ~/.bashrc to mount tc volume in command-line.
    • Requires creating directory /mnt/tc
  • SettingsKeyfiles → add ~/.tc/tckeyfile as default key file + Use keyfiles by default.
  • SettingsPreferencesSystem Integration panel → Open Explorer window for succesfully mounted volume.

To Do

  • Related to blank windows and xorg.conf bug when saving nvidia settings:
    • Try to add the line Option "DisableGLXRootClipping" "True" (although they say here that it must not be done)
    • Try to run the command sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals
  • Opera: Set cookie policy to Accept only cookies from site I visit, and Delete new cookies when exiting Opera.
  • Install
    • aMule, dvd fab, gnupg, password safe, psi, truecrypt, wine.


  • nothing