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Casual online games

Eat or being eaten.

The snake game revisited.

Like, but with guns ;-)

  • U+1 to U+8: queue next upgrade.
  • M+1 to M+8: queue maximizing stats.
Order: Regen-Health-Body-Speed-Pen-Damage-Reload-Move
Last played (top latest)
Tank Stats Upgrade queue comment
Spreadshot 2-2-0-6-6-5-6-6 U+66666 888888 1212 754 754 754 754 754 754 Played once.
Spreadshot 0-0-0-7-7-6-6-7 U+66666 8888888 754 754 754 754 754 7654 45 Glass canon. Seems better than Triplet because better bullet penetration?
Annihilator 6-6-7-0-0-0-7-7 U+321 321 8888888 321 321 377 321 321 77777 Fun to play and chase other tank. Best tank to destroy the factory and overlord.
Triplet 0-0-0-7-7-5-7-7 U+666 8888888 754 754 66 754 754 754 754 745 Glass canon. Favor Pen and reload over damage to help using the bullets as a shield, and assume that as long as we hit the ennemy, they'll die anyway even without maxing out the damage.
Booster 0-0-0-7-7-5-7-7 As glass canon. Very though but deadly
Booster 7-7-7-0-0-0-5-7 or


As rammer
Penta shot
  • tried 3-3-0-7-7-7-3-3. Could live in center. Reload a bit low. Does speed really matter?
  • proposed 3-2-0-7-7-7-5-2.
Spread Shot
  • to try: 3-3-0-7-7-7-5-2
  • Another, a bit faster: 1-3-0-7-7-7-5-4
  • My ultimate favorite. Extremelly fun to play but a bit slow to farm.
  • My config: 7-7-7-0-0-0-5-7
Farm: Body damage and regen to 3, then speed to 5, then body damage / max health / regen to 7 (prio damage and regen since it is our weapon), then speed to 7, then reload to 5.
  • Another config on Reddit: 7-7-7-0-0-0-6-6.
  • 3M score from JB Colombia: 0-2-3-0-7-7-7-7
Farm: Bullet damage to 4, then Bullet pen to 4, then damage/pen to 5, then reload to 7, then body dmg / max health, then speed to 7.
  • Let's try 7-5-0-7-7-0-7-0
  • Let's try 7-5-0-6-7-1-7-0
  • Let's try 7-5-0-6-6-2-7-0
Played with
4-4-0-7-6-4-7-1. Quite ok, can survive. A bit though to kill tanks though.

  • proposed 3-2-0-4-7-6-6-5. Bof. rate of fire a bit slow.
  • Builds:
  • Obliterator 6, 6, 0, 7, 7, 7, 0, 0
  • Breakout 6, 6, 0, 4, 3, 4, 3, 7
  • Survivalist 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 7, 2, 4
  • Anti-This 0, 0, 0, 7, 7, 7, 7, 5
  • Killer Tank 2, 2, 0, 7, 7, 7, 3, 5

Board Games


  • Fixing Wanda loophole (2-zone move + noise + noise + 2-zone move)
See [2], see message to willmanx in my boardgamegeek outbox.


Online shops
  • Humble Bundle sells games, ebooks, software, and other digital content, while supporting charity.

Clicker games

wiki, understanding strategic modelling.
Save games in my vimwiki.
Save game in Chromium cache.

Miscellaneous - online

Small logic game


Some links from Claude Debast (NXP):

Nintendo games

See Nintendo games.

PC Games

Discworld MUD

See Discworld page.

Hadean Lands

Hadean Lands is a pure text adventure game, so called Interactive Fiction, similar to Zork.

There was an article in on this game.

  • Issue #118 Font messed up on Debian Buster. This is apparently an electron / atom issue. See similar issue on vscode and [3] (from [4], from Google query electron font messed up). One workaround is to downgrade libfreetype6.
sudo dpkg -i libfreetype6_2.8-0.2_*
sudo dpkg -i libcairo2*
sudo apt-mark hold libfreetype6

Assassin's Creed - Valhalla


FTL - Faster Than Light

  • Guides:
  • Use git to manage the save folder.


Clash Royale

  • Play rather defensively than aggressively.
  • Find the right time to build a counter push.
  • Try to estimate the elixir of the opponent (did he play lot of cards, etc).
  • Try to estimate the hand of the opponent (what cards does he play, what did he play, etc).
  • Don't waste elixir, like putting a single troop at the bridge that will be killed by tower.
  • Make sure that when defending, troops are still alive after defending.
  • Wait to reach 10 elixir before playing a troop at the bottom of the map.
  • Play cards fast, and together, so that they can all attack at the same time.
  • Typically, do not play one card, then wait for elixir, then play a second card. Better wait for elixir to play both at the same time.
  • Play card at the right spot, like:
  • musketeer on the side of towers so that they can shoot but are not shot at.
  • Use giant to protect weak but powerful troops (like bomber or musketeer).
  • Always play meteor with value, like against an enemy tower + enemy troop.
  • Don't play the goblin hut too close to river, but close enough to our tower so that tower can shoot.
  • When defending, play card at the right spot to aim at the correct enemy troop (like play gargoyle on baby dragon).
  • Against Prince:
  • play Knight at the last sec to prevent opponent to play a spell (like meteor or arrows).
  • or pl:ay Knight before the Prince is charging.
  • Typical counter-push:
  • Play a Giant in front, then musketeer / bomber behind. If musketeer is alive after a defense, add the Giant at the front for the counter push.
  • Against Goblin Barrel:
General advises
  • Request card every day (eg. card from deck), and give also every day (to gain gold).
Deck advises
  • Keep deck speed < 4.
  • Keep two spells in deck (like arrow and meteor).
Commented game - Against DIOS (lvl 8, challenge)
  • Opponent play first card badly, 7 elixir, next to king castle. Should play it really bottom of the map, and behind the king castle.
  • We play a Zappy, really bottom. They'll meet at bridge on our side. When ennemy at bridge, play dragon to freeze it (to protect Zappy, making sure it takes no damage).
  • Opponent plays a sorcerer and some giant, we play a mega pekka like giant, still to protect Zappy. Then a Miner, to kill the sorcerer.
  • We have lot of elixir still alive, when opponent has nothing.
  • We play a fire archer, to protect against aerial stuff if any.
Commented game - Against Dinho (lvl 5, arena 4, battle)
  • I play Musketeer as first card, ok.
  • Opponent play Goblin Barrel, we kill with Arrows, ok (but could we have let the Musketeer do the kill?)
  • We play Giant at bridge, not good. Should have let Musketer continue. Now we spent lot of elixir, and are weak against counter push.
  • Opp. play Pekka behind giant, and Knight.
  • We play Minions, but too far. Should have waited for ennemy to come closer to tower.

Ladder deck (played since 2021-08-21)

Clash royale-deck-battle-20210821.png

Skeleton Army (3) - Baby Dragon (4) - Giant Skeleton (6) - Mega-Minion (3) - Goblin Cage (4) - Fireball (4) - Goblin Barrel (3) - Barbarian Barrel (2)
Armée de squelettes (3) - Bébé dragon (4) - Squelette géant (6) - Méga gargouilles (3) - Cage gobline (4) - Boule de feu (4) - Fût à gobelins (3) - Fût à barbare (2)
  • Play mainly defensively.
  • Goal is to distract ennemy, making sure ennemy towers are aiming at eg. Giant Skeleton, then throw Goblin Barrel on same tower (who will then do lot of damage until giant is killed).
  • Watch what kind of defense any has against Goblin Barrel.
Ladder deck (last played 2021-08-19)

Clash royale-deck-battle-20210819.png

Giant (5) - Minions (3) - Skeleton Army (3) - Bomber (2) - Musketeer (4) - Goblin Cage (4) - Fireball (4) - Arrows (3)
Géants (5) - Gargouilles (3) - Armée de Squelettes (3) - Bombardier (2) - Mousquetaire (4) - Cage gobeline (4) - Boule de feu (4) - Flèches (3)
  • Play mainly defensively.
  • Put a giant at the bottom of the map. Giant may slow down an ennemy attack by taking damage, and/or build a counter-push by putting behind a Musketeer.
  • Against Barbarian Barrel: Bomber, Arrows, Minions, Skeleton Army.
  • Skeleton Army ideal against Knight. But it opponent plays Knight a mass area defender (eg. Valkyrie or Baby dragon), play first Minions to get the spot, then the army on the Knight.
Ladder deck (last played 2021-08-13)

Clash royale-deck-battle-20210813.png

Knight (3) - Archers (3) - Giant (5) - Minions (3) - Musketeer (4) - Mini P.E.K.K.A (4) - Fireball (4) - Arrows (3)
Chevalier (3) - Archers (3) - Géant (5) - Gargouilles (3) - Mousquetaire (4) - Mini P.E.K.K.A (4) - Boule de feu (4) - Flèches (3)
  • First deck.
Mini-challenge deck (2021-08-21)

Clash royale-deck-challenge-20210821.png

Guards (3) - Princess (3) - Miner (3) - Sparky (6) - Mega Knight (7) - Electro Dragon (5) - Tornado (3) - Barbarian Barrel (2)
Guards (3) - Princesse (3) - Mineur (3) - Zappy (6) - Méga Chevalier (7) - Electro-Dragon (5) - Tornado (3) - Fût à barbare (2)
  • Rationale: pick mainly legendary to have at least lvl 9 cards, and have two cards against aerial attacks.
  • Princess: very handy to attack towers from a long distance (tower can't reach her). MUST BE DEFENDED because dies quickly, so play her very far. Also very good against Skeleton Army.
  • Usually start with a Sparky at the bottom of the map, and protect it with a Mega-Knight before it reaches the bridge. Use Tornado to group/attract ennemy troop, and one-shoot them.
  • Play Electro-Dragon by spotting the correct troop. Very useful to slow down an ennemy, making sure it is shot by towers, or to reset a ennemy Inferno Tower.


  • Cosmoteer
  • Faster Than Light